I woke up and stretched. Today I will be accompanying the princess to the training grounds. She will be watching some knights train and give her father information about who has the most potential.
The King gives the princess a couple of responsibilities to give her an idea of when she starts ruling.
I started getting ready. I wore a replica of what I wore when I first came here. I guess this is my uniform.
I went to fetch the Princess from her room and when I arrived I stood from the other side of the door, don't want to hit my head again thank you very much.
The Princess opened the door and walked out wearing a long gold dress complementing her hair. I smiled slightly.
She sighed "I hate this" is the first thing she said to me. We started walking when I asked, "Hate what?"
"I hate that my father gives me these kinds of responsibilities that don't even matter," She said with a huff.
I turned to her while walking "Choosing a potential knight is a big deal you know" I said.
"I know, but I also know that that's your father's job as the commander and my father won't even care who I choose later. I want to do something that actually matters" She said.
We arrived at the arena. "Someday you'll be the Queen and everything you do from there will matter more than anything else," I said.
She looked at me and then smiled.
We walked to the elevated podium to see all the knights in training clearly. The Princess sat on a chair while I stood beside her guarding.
The trainees walked inside the arena. There were like twenty of them, some of them I recognized.
The one that stood out more to me was Charles Westbrook.
That idiot is still in training, how was he able to fight in the arena last time.
The Princess chuckled at what I said, I didn't even know I said it out loud "His father has connections, that's also why his opponent was a novice even though he already fought a couple of times" She said.
We went back as the trainer started pairing them for a fight. There are also some girls, that's new. I guess some things are already changing.
"I don't think I ever saw you being one of these trainees" The Princess turned to me.
"That's because I was never one of them. See that trainer?" I pointed to him. "He trained me privately because I was really young and not to mention a girl and that wasn't allowed before, He was always in our house back then, he's really close to father. At first, he only trained me for fun because I was always pestering him to train me but then it became consistent until I grew up" I said.
The princess was still looking at me then she smirked "You know I could tell my father about that secret training and you'll lose this position" she teased.
"I doubt you'll tell on me, You'll miss me too much" I teased and chuckled.
The princess rolled her eyes but smiled slightly.
We heard the clangs of swords when the training started. When every fight was done the winners will fight the other winners but before that ...
"We'll have a short break!" Fendrel (Trainer) said.
Some trainees sat down and some drank water and some started chatting.
Fendrel walked towards us "Your highness" He kissed the princess' hand then he turned to me smiling "Finally you have something to do with all that talent, protector of the princess. Who would've thought" He smiled at me proudly then squeezed my shoulder then bowed at the princess and walked back inside the arena.
"He's like a father to you" The princess concluded.
I smiled "Yes he is, especially when my mother died, he was always there"
"If you don't mind me asking, how did your mother die?" she asked carefully.
Flashes of the event started pouring. Fire. Blood, lots of blood. Screaming. Crying. Men fighting. Sounds of swords clanking. Horses running in panic.
The princess studied my face and said "You don't have to tell me" she smiled and held my hand and squeezed then she let go.
"Maybe some other time" I forced a smile.
When the training finished the princess stood up gracefully and we started to walk but someone stopped us by calling the princess.
The princess looked back slightly and I did as well. We saw Charles running towards us holding some flowers. I rolled my eyes.
"My Princess, I just wanted to give this to you" Charles smiled confidently.
The princess smiled politely "Thank you" I saw that she is used to this and knows very well how to handle suitors.
The princess started to turn when Charles grabbed her arm to turn her back to him. I pulled my sword slightly just for him to hear the metal, and he did. He dropped his hand and glared at me.
"Is this your new protector Princess?" He chuckled then turned his attention to me "Shouldn't you be cooking or something?" He smirked at me.
I just looked at him bored, still holding the handle of my sword.
"That's enough Charles" The princess glared at him, still maintaining being professional.
"Are you sure about this knight, Princess, I'm worried that your safety is not well handled" He turns to me again "I bet I could even beat her without a sword" He smirks.
Oh please, I already saw him fight, and the only way he could win was if they assigned an amateur to be his opponent.
"We're done here" The princess pulled my arm and we started walking but I looked back at Charles and smirked. That made him angry, he glared at me until we were out of sight.
I'm sure that's not the last time I'll encounter him in a similar situation.