Avery P.O.V.
I turned back around and kept walking with my friends with my cheeks red.
I am sitting down at my desk when our teacher Miss Weber comes inside the classroom, and she starts off the bat writing on the board and doing the math problems. So, she is looking around for someone to do the problem. That is when she picks me. Oh, man I can't go up there. My nerves are going crazy today. By the way, Elijah Woods embarrassed me outside this morning in the school field where the flagpole was there.
When he put me on the flagpole, but something happened my skirt fall off because the hook on the pole rips a hole in the skirt I was wearing. Thank God Ashely had an extra skirt for me to wear. It's a little short for me. I don't wear these kinds of clothes. Don't get me wrong Ashely clothes are great. But I am not brave enough to dress like this. Also having the biggest and meanest guy in school I had to run into and get lifted by my shirt in front of everybody again.
Why not I am used to it being humorized by the guys.
"Avery!" will you come up here please? "I heard the teacher say my name. I try to hide my face with my hair from the knowing eyes staring at me. I didn't want to look at anyone, so I stare straight and did not think about what Elijah Woods did to me today, one minute he was angry at me, and the next he's ignoring me?
He is giving me, neck spasming every time he pulls me from side to side. I can't handle this going back in forth with him and his mood swings.
"Avery? I am not trying to listen to her say my name again. Oh, no I sneaked down in my seat, so the teacher can't see me. Maybe she will call on someone else- that was when I heard his voice. It sounds amused in his voice. I get out my phone, I got a text from Ashely.
Hey girl. How is the miss dragon breath teaching?" She wrote me a text.
"Hey, don't write that!" I said with a smile on my face.
"Well, anyway! We on for the shopping trip and pizza later after school?"
Yeah, that's sounds great." I text her back.
"Oh, great! I hope Natalie, comes and she is acting strange, you know. So, I hope she, okay?" She writes back.
Yeah, that she said what I was thinking. So, I wrote her back.
"I can't wait to shop and all the pizza I want." I licked my dry lips thinking about eating a whole pizza myself.
I thought about that. I stop thinking about my stomach and I thought about Natalie. I hope she is doing okay. I was in my thoughts when I heard Elijah Woods speak to her.
"Hey! Nerd!" You're going to do my homework."
I shook my head no!" You have to listen to what I said." I must obey him.
"You're coming over at the packhouse." You are cleaning my room tonight; I got a date coming over" he said with amused in his voice with a smirk on his face. I didn't say anything. I kept quiet in my seat being a good student.
When he said something rude.
"I bet, your never been kissed huh?" I said nothing stand quiet staring straight ahead.
"You been touch, wallflower?" He asked me with his mouth close to my ear. I started feeling my heart beating so fast. I thought it would beat out of my chest. But I kept my cool and calm breathing waiting for Miss Weber to do the questions on the board.
" You don't even know how it feels like anyway huh?".
"Don't pay attention to him,” Angelstar told me in my mind.
"He trying to get a reaction out of you!" She told me.
"Hey, wallflowerrrrr" I am holding my tongue. Don't say anything to him.
"Hey, nope! I am not listening to him. I told myself.
"Hey," I am now humming in my head.
That was when I felt him grab my side. I yelled out.
Finally, you're paying attention to me?" He spoke.
"Ouch! Cut it out!" Leave me be." I told him by turning my head at him giving him a bitch face.
I looked at his cocky smirk on his face. Then I turned back around. That when he opens his mouth and told Miss Weber I am was texting a guy. I knew my face was red and I started to sneak down in my seat.
"Hey, Miss Weber! I think Avery got her phone out, ma'am." I hear him say, which made me blush. The next question he said.
"I think she is texting her lover boy,'' I sit up and didn't want to look around the room. My face turned hot red, and everyone's eyes are on me now. I don't want to be noticed; I want to go back in time. When we were in seven grade. We went to the zoo on our school trip... I did something out of character. I didn't think I had the guts to do it. I was proud of myself. But now I look back I wished I never did it. Just maybe he would go back ignoring me... But I had to be stupid. Now, I am never going to live it down.
When I stand my ground that day. I sighed and looked at him. I saw him send me a smirking expression on his face. He is giving winks and showing me his amused eyes. I gasp and my face turned so red. I mean really. I hide my red face from Elijah Woods, I heard him laughing at me with my beat red cheeks.
Oh, God, he is teasing me now. I can't handle him right now. So, I hold up my book to hide my face away from me. Why is he being like this with me? He told me just a few years back. I. Was ugly and too weak to be his Luna. I remember it was like yesterday. Because that was the day, he broke my spirit and heart.
Thinking back...
Six years ago...
"It's Alpha Woods!" You remember that pet.'' He is in my face. I am trying to turn my blushing red face away from him. That is when he starts to smirk. He sees how he is affecting me right now. My face is all flush and I have butterflies in my stomach when he near me.
"You! Got be kidding me?" He starts laughing at me. I wanted to hide it and lie to him with my eyes, but he already seems it. My crush on him.
"Did, you really think you got a chance with him?" Camilla Wright said told me. I didn't say anything but had tears running down my face. I am looking at her. I am staring at Elijah's expression on his face. I thought I have seen the shock and care in his face. But then it was gone. His hard expression came back on his face. I sigh and It was hopeful thinking? Who am I kidding? He doesn't see me any more than a punching bag and someone to hurt and put me down. He stops laughing and got a serious and anger to look in his eyes. He told me something awful and it rips my heart out and tore it into little pieces.
"I wouldn't love you if you're the last person on earth Avery Williams!"
"I wouldn't want someone who is so ugly!"
"I need a beautiful and strong Luna as my queen."
"Besides! Your weak nobody with no boobs!" He said with a cocky expression on his face. He was standing there staring at me with a blank face. All I heard was him over and over in my head telling me I will never want you. I started breathing fast and hard.
I can't breathe. I am holding my chest. I don't understand why this hurts so much. It's just a crush, right? I question myself. I looked around me, I saw his friends and Lauran laughing at me.
I looked at my friends they were staring at me with anger and hate in their eyes. But when I turn my eyes back on Elijah Woods, he had a smile on his cocky handsome face. Even though he is a teenager, but he has grown into his body.
With his muscle bulging out of his shirt and his height. He is over six feet tall. I am not even tall. I am five foot flat-chested and skinny waist and average butt. He is staring at me like I am a disgusting ugly dog! I knew when my heart broke for the second time in my lifetime. I am not been this way since my grandparents were killed. When my heart broke that day and my crush on him did too.
I want to die! I wanted to get out of there before they hurt me more. I had my head down when I try to turn away. But Elijah he was faster and grabbed me. He made me stand there for I don't know why.
"Please Elijah let me leave?" I asked him with hurt in my voice. I didn't want him to see me crying and hurt in my eyes. That was when I felt him lift my face. But my eyes were looking at something else. I didn't want to look at him. If I did, he would see how much he hurt me.
"Look at me?" I didn't obey him. I kept my eyes somewhere else I didn't look at him.
That was when I felt him grip my chin hard in his hand.