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Chapter 3

Malice arrived at the house in Curzon Street at eight. One of the best addresses in London. How exactly did a man of his non-existent means afford that? By stealing more silver? Another swindle of some wealthy woman? Or by simple pretence? Either way, as she swept from the carriage with her veils firmly in place and took a deep breath of chilled night air, her hackles rose. At least she had her new shoes—silver satin, with blue bows and tiny pearls beading the toes, to sustain her. The Chinese silk fan too. At least she wanted to think she had these things. But the dress? She drew another breath into her tortured lungs. The dress was a midnight blue rag she’d been forced to drag from the very back of her wardrobe. The things she was reduced to because he hadn’t wanted her. While look at him, living here. She wrinkled her nose. Even the stench of dung was less intrusive.

She scanned the tall, elegantly appointed buildings, with their brightly lit entrances. Very well, his was a basement flat and probably rented—probably just lived in anyway, whether it was rented or not, in fact she wouldn’t put it an inch past him to have broken in—she still admired the glowing doorway, the pristine steps, his unspeakable nerve. And her stomach curdled that she admired it.

The gate creaked open beneath her gloved hand. What was going to happen this evening was something she had never done before. Not even with him. Alexa and Chastity thought she had but that was what she led them to believe.

The truth, the sorry truth of the matter was that even her own damned swine of a husband had found her too repulsive to add to his bedpost notches. Then, of course, he had disappeared. What was she meant to do but swallow all curiosity, all desire, stay away from men? In fact, deny she was a woman in every regard? Seek solace with shoes?

Well, so long as Cyril did not recognize her, she was about to find out. How difficult could this be?

She grasped the bell pull dangling down above a neatly clipped rhododendron. The bell jangled and she took a deep breath to mask what rose in her chest. Then, hearing footsteps approach, she took several breaths. Obviously the answer to her question about ’difficult’ was very.

The instructions she gave to the women who would normally do this, were simple. Strictly Business kept it that way—business like. Its employees were not sent to frolic. Thank goodness she had set that rule. Perhaps she knew nothing about what went on behind her back and perhaps her employees did frolic, that rule also meant he would not be looking for anything other than meaningless copulation.

Her lack of experience would pass muster. It was all she required, especially when she wasn’t just here to discover what she had wanted to know all these years ago when she’d knocked on his bedroom door—what it was like to sleep with him. Well, she wasn’t, was she?

The footfalls grew closer. She let go of the bell pull and tried to still the wild beat of her heart, the beat that sounded every bit as loud in her ears, as these footfalls, the ones that stopped suddenly on the other side of the door frame.

The mahogany door creaked open.


She squinted in the dim shaft of light. A small man stood there. Not that she expected Cyril to do anything so lowly as answer his own door, she still smothered the sigh of relief.

“I’m here to meet with Lord Hepworth. Is he in?”

Deliberately she lowered her voice. When Aunt Carter’s will was read she believed she had squeaked. Then she had almost fallen off the chair. There would be no repeat tonight. Tonight she would be all the things she had never been. Then, afterwards, when a few months had passed, she would present herself in society as his wife, his very pregnant wife.

Divorce him? How could she possibly do that when they were obviously so happy together? Divorce her? Why, what kind of man would do that to a pregnant wife? Naturally she knew what she planned might not result in a pregnancy, which was why she needed a foundling. He could pay for that foundling too.

The man’s shadowed eyes surveyed her for a moment. At least she thought they did, she was heavily veiled and the hallway was dark. Couldn’t Cyril afford more than two candles, plus the one clutched by his butler? Or was the scene set for seduction? She put nothing past the dog.

“He is indeed at home. Your name, madam, that I may inform him who is doing him the honor of calling on him?”

Malice fished in her reticule. Whatever card she produced hardly mattered, since none of these women actually existed, the girls always gave false identities. Another of her rules.

“Here. You best keep it. Memorize it, if you are to be the witness.”

A horrible thought. She had never done such a thing and now, not only was she about to, she was about to do in front of a witness. His butler in all probability. Her heart pounded. How could she have set such a clause? Her girls were courtesans, she wanted to think they didn’t mind. For the first time she realized it was a presumption too far. When she returned home she really must rethink that clause. Given the grin pasting the man’s sallow face, she wanted to rethink it now. She smoothed the front of her veil, a simple gesture designed to reassure herself that his leer meant nothing. No doubt he was entertained and that was why his lips curved and he held the candlestick higher as he peered at what was written on the card. Then he peered at her.

“‘Cantrell House. Every lady has a separate bed.’”

Never mind the clause, how could she have given him that card from her days as a respectable woman, running a respectable house for fallen women? Another of her little ideas, one that had taken the last penny of Aunt Carter’s money, reducing her to forming Strictly Business instead. She shot out her hand and snatched it back. “My name is Ivy. Lady Ivy Pilkington Kindly remember it.” She thrust the card back inside the reticule. “Now, if you don’t mind?”


He stepped back and she swept into the candlelit hall, somber as she felt, in fact somber as a tomb, a little musty smelling too. Dark cerise walls punctuated by the odd gold-framed print and heavy oak furniture. Tasteful though—something she had never thought to say of Cyril—although equally, what did she really know of Cyril, or what his tastes were, except perhaps in women?

The butler’s footfalls echoed across the chequered floor. “Lord Hepworth is waiting in the bedroom.”


It wasn’t but it didn’t stop her saying so. The butler had paused by a door at the very end of the hall and it seemed better to say so than appear discomfited, when she knew Cyril was on the other side of it. For the first time in several years she was about to see him. She smoothed her hand over the top of her head, tweaking a curl into place beneath her veil. Actually, her ability to speak when her hands shook was something she quite admired about herself. Not that she planned on speaking to Cyril exactly.

The butler knocked then he pushed the door open slightly in advance of the voice from within saying. “Come.”

A chill swept up her spine. What was it? Four years since she’d last heard that voice? Whatever it was exactly, the chill was something she must smother in order to cross the threshold of Cyril’s room. Something she must push all the way back down her spine again, or turn and walk from here. Give this to one of the girls, Alexa or Marie-Jane. And she couldn’t.

He had a nice voice, rich and cultured, there had never been any denying that. It wasn’t what made her shiver. What made her shiver was the last time she had heard him say that word, come, then she’d stepped into that bedroom, where was it again, that inn in North Yorkshire? A stupid thing to think of now, that she hadn’t been nearly good enough for him, when she had, she absolutely had, and she had a room to enter.

Inclining her head—it was better than gritting her teeth—she tightened her fingers on her reticule, and walked forward across the threshold. Tall, disheveled, his dark hair spilling over the collar of his dressing gown—of course his jacket, his cravat, everything that could be removed had been, except for his boots and of course, his trousers. That was her first impression, the one that slammed into her even as she stood behind her veil, fighting for breath and regretting the sheer folly of coming here.

As if to underline that fact the door clicked shut, mercifully with the damnably leering butler on the other side of it. Although now he was, she must consider what to say to the man lounging against the small oak desk opposite—Cyril never sat on chairs like ordinary men. Had she even thought to coach the women she paid, in such matters, the opening gambit, when they were going to sleep with a man? It came as another shock to her to acknowledge she hadn’t. What kind of employer was she?

What kind of man was he that he didn’t look a day older than the rumpled, spoilt, arrogant—the indescribably sulky but picturesque--brat she had married five years ago. Of course, she’d been meant to reform him and she hadn’t. Maybe that was why.

“It’s all right. I don’t bite, Miss—?”

He, of course, was as damned impertinent as ever. Give with one hand, take with the other. Although if damned impertinence meant he spoke first, she would sooner he was damned impertinent. He gestured at the decanter standing on a silver tray to his left.

“Would you like a drink?”

A drink? Forcing herself to ignore the sudden pounding in her head—he always doused himself in cedarwood and it always played havoc with her sinuses—she raised her chin. She could have that brandy but in addition to all her other regrets, she regretted raising her chin and seeing further confirmation, as if it was needed, that his tall, lazily arrogant frame, lounging a few yards from where she stood, hadn’t changed either. That the short, tousled hair had a grey sheen was down to her veil obscuring her vision only.

How was it, when the man lived to excess, there wasn’t even a wrinkle to mar his extraordinary good looks? At the age of twenty-seven? It wasn’t possible. Did he sup with the devil? Was he one of the undead? He was a little darker under the eyes, shadows to match their smudged, presently indiscernible color perhaps, but that was all.

“No. Thank you.” Somehow she managed to find her voice, to lower it too. “Strictly Business does not allow it, I’m afraid.”

“Christ.” He sloshed the snifter of brandy down his throat. Then he gave a satisfied sigh. “They would get on well with my wife then.”

Get on with his wife? She had never, so far as she could recollect, said a word about his drinking, which would be a matter of some concern for a wife, because she had never been his wife. Not as such anyway.

She bit her tongue, her gaze wavering a little behind the veil’s gauzy constriction. To say even a word on the subject would not only give the game away, it would suggest she had wanted that right.

Wanted that right? She supposed at the time she had been curious when he wasn’t just handsome, he was experienced. Once the first shock of Aunt Carter’s dictate had passed and she’d looked across the table the inn-keeper had set for supper, there had been a certain woeful stirring in certain woeful parts of herself. After all, she did resemble these other women who fell at regular intervals at his feet, threw themselves down so he could walk on them.

At eighteen she’d been impoverished, a stranger to society, an orphan with one season to make an impact—such mounting pressure, she still woke up at night sweating about these awful potted plants she had spent it standing next to, people laughing behind their hands about her name—Malice? Looked it didn’t she? Her lack of fortune, how fanciful she was, imagine thinking anyone would marry her? As for her father? Did she even have one?

Wasn’t the real truth that her mother had simply taken one look at her and cleared off to hide her moment of degeneracy? So, yes, if she was like these women, was it any wonder, when even a potted plant must consider the man before them? Even when that man had made her childhood a misery, despite Aunt Carter’s remonstrations, that made it all the more remarkable she’d saddled Malice with him? When her mother had flitted in and out of her childhood, appearing and disappearing at will, and Malice’s final, clear memory of her when Malice was ten years old, involved a gardener not the deathbed she’d hauled herself up from? Situation was a funny thing that way when you were placed in it.

Malice’s new husband had looked indescribably handsome with his bottle green waistcoat spilling down his taupe trousers, his shirt open at the neck and his taupe jacket outlining his magnificent shoulders. At that point in the evening too he had not been rude, no doubt because he had the thought of the fortune he had just amassed to console him, not to mention the women waiting upstairs. So the thought of him making her his wife, that they might enjoy something of a marriage, was not unpleasant. It was why she’d found it hard when she raised her head there just now. This would be easier if he had lost some of his picturesque, good looks.

“So, my lord, I take it you don’t like her then?”

“Like her? S’truth if I could find the damned strumpet, I might. But I seem to have misplaced her.” He sloshed another snifter. “It’s a common hazard for a man of my standing with a woman like that.”

A strumpet? Her? Well, that was certainly novel when the most she’d ever had between her legs was a pair of pantaloons, ladies’ ones. Drawers in other words. Still, despite the way the tide went out on her thoughts and her jaw nearly fell on the floor, she endeavored to keep her lips curved. It was important she sounded as if she was smiling, not about to take him by the throat.

“Did you ever . . .”

She bit back the words. Asking him if he’d ever tried to find her was a folly on a par with coming here in the first place. Of course he was going to malign her. Hadn’t all the girls said as much, that men said all sorts of things because of course, they were greatly misunderstood. No doubt it was all her fault he’d gone into hiding for four years with Aunt Carter’s silver teapot and Malice’s twenty guineas. Probably he believed she’d deserted him and not the other way about.

Why betray any kind of interest in herself when it was difficult enough to stand here? She didn’t want him looking too closely and seeing she wasn’t Ivy what’s-her-name—suddenly she couldn’t remember. Her mind was empty as her heart that this was how this man saw her and because she had not been able to divorce him, it was how all men saw her. “I mean, did you never think of divorcing her before that is? If she has been gone so long and is a woman of—”

“Who me?” He huffed out an impatient breath. “Why should I when she took off and left me? On our wedding night no less.”

“But I thought—that is Miss Mallender who runs Strictly Business . . .” Of course Malice never used her own name.

“Miss Mallender—”

“Mallender? Do you know that sounds like the kind of damned name my wife would invent to cover some equally damned misdemeanor? The woman was always an inveterate liar.”

Malice fought down what sparked in her veins. As a child she’d had an imagination. Yes. Who wouldn’t? Reading was about as much as she was allowed to do at Aunt Carter’s. Playing in the woods, playing with the local children were things she’d had to lie about when she was barely let out of Aunt Carter’s sight, as if Aunt Carter wanted to keep her from the whole world for some very strange reason, as if she was going to vanish in a puff of smoke. Like mother, like daughter, when she thought about it, which she didn’t really. But misdemeanor? Invent?

He gave a grunt. “Discusses my business with her workers, does she, this Miss Mallender?”

“Not exactly. Miss Mallender has ethics. But obviously—”

Another snifter of brandy made its way down his throat. “Christ, another one who’d get on with my wife. Yes.”

She did her best not to recoil as he stood, moving away from the table.

“No doubt Miss Mallender told you I did try to find her. And I begged her on bended knees. That was for my betrothed’s benefit. She has a lot of money. I don’t want to lose it.”

Why wasn’t Malice shocked? Perhaps because she knew that Lady Grace was as likely to hold and keep this man as she herself had been. So? He needed money.

It would be her pleasure to see he didn’t get it. Why should he? If he had come to her, once in these five years and asked her, she would have agreed to a divorce, for all they were so hard to obtain. That little flutter of uncertainty a second ago, was what it was—the stab of recognition anyone would experience seeing someone who had cast a giant shadow over their life. And he had certainly darkened hers.

It didn’t matter how many times she looked in the mirror and told herself she was pleasing, her complexion fair—it wasn’t—her eyes bright, her figure slender; her figure, eyes and hair, hadn’t been anywhere pleasing enough to make him want her . . . when he wanted anything.

“Well, I am heartened to know you are prepared to go to such trouble.”

“Hmm. I wouldn’t call it that. As for my wife, if I tell you her damned name was Malice, will that be enough to convince you of just how badly I need that divorce?”

What a pig. It made her even more determined not to grant it. “You know, you remind me of someone, Miss—?”

“Pilmer—ing—ton. Pilkington.”

He frowned. “Which is it?”

“Any.” It was, wasn’t it? After all she ran Strictly Business. She would see the court testimony was perfect, although running Strictly Business was furthest from her thoughts right now when rage made the midnight blue dress feel like a cage. “Who I am is not important.”

“Well, I’m glad we’re agreed on that. But you’re not displeasing, so I will forgive your forward ways.”

How magnanimous. If she threw the veil back, if she showed her face, the glint in his eyes would certainly vanish, but then she’d never accomplish what she came here to do.

“So?” he cocked an eyebrow. “Where do you want to do this?”

Just look at him edging back onto the desk too, his legs slightly parted and his dressing gown deliberately open, so as to make her aware of everything these trousers outlined and leave her in no doubt she aroused him. And he was meant to be doing this for his betrothed? A pity she was not here to see this.

Those straight brows, the sensuous mouth, the tousled curls, the ones that had escaped from the tied tail at the back of his neck, not to mention his unwavering gaze, were all a deliberate invitation. The most deliberate sexual invitation she had ever had—that wasn’t saying very much—and all of it designed to see exactly what she would do next.

“Shall you? Shall I—” Deliberately he left the question unfinished.

Thank goodness she had at least chosen a veil Aunt Carter wouldn’t recognize her in, one she wouldn’t recognize herself in. Despite that, despite the fact that she was only able to take in the cool, candlelit darkness of the room, she could still discern what flickered in the tawny depths of his gaze. That was a good deal more interest than previously.

“No. Wait. I’ll need to tell Philips to come in.”

Philips? She smothered the tiny start. The butler obviously. Could this get any worse? “Yes. Yes of course.”

“The bed’s already rumpled.”

Her throat tightened. She was not, so far as she knew, going to seduce him. She was going to have sex with him. She stared at him, and more importantly, he stared at her in the lengthening silence. Was it possible in her state of heightened anxiety that she’d misjudged him? It didn’t seem possible he would call Philips in to witness the whole thing with the sheets already rumpled.

What if this flaunting behavior was a deliberate tease? One that left it up to her to decide what to do next? What if he did mean to be faithful to his betrothed? His wife, alas, didn’t enter the equation. He had never been faithful to her.

Having tightened, her throat now dried so her breath jammed in her chest. All she could see in the guttering candles was his face, his eyes seeming to burn through her, his body tilted slightly towards her, somehow awaiting a response.

If only she could turn and go. Rumpled sheets might satisfy a court of law, it wouldn’t satisfy him when she presented herself in society in a few months’ time with a swelling stomach though. She must be able to look him in the eye when she said, ‘You were with me’. She must act now, before he called Philips in here. What was wrong with her that she hesitated?

Swiftly she stepped forward. “So be it. We don’t have to use the bed.”

“You mean you actually—”

What she meant was lost as she slammed her mouth against his. Of course Strictly neither advocated nor upheld such a policy but that business of him propped there against the desk edge, clutching it as if terror coursed through his veins, meant Strictly could go to hell. Anyway, wasn’t she boss of Strictly? As such there should be perks. Did she really give a toss about all these, the tenth article of the contract states, and how ever so forth by the eleventh article, things she herself had invented?

Not when her tongue was tangled round a lump of gauze. She hadn’t considered the practicality of the veil. While she hadn’t, it didn’t mean she should stop though. Why should she when there had never been a kiss and her lips ached with hungry longing? Hadn’t she longed all these years to know this great secret?

And not just that. He clasped her thigh. Her breath caught. His actual grip was one of iron but the way his thumb caressed her stocking top, sent lightning bolts sizzling through her flesh, straight to the juncture of her thighs. Her reticule hit the floor as she grabbed hold of the sides of his face to drag him even closer, so that all that separated them was their clothes.

My God, this was what the fuss was about? No wonder. Shoes were no substitute for this. Give me, give me, her startled mind reeled. She was so drunk on the intoxication of the moment, the first one ever, she didn’t just feel his thumb, the rock hard press of his body, she sank against them, it and him, moaning as the veil slipped sideways and she tasted his mouth properly. And not just that, he gave her his mouth properly, taking her to places that were beyond madness.

Places she never dreamed she’d inhabit. Was this what had happened between her mother and whoever her father was, if she was to believe the whispers that her mother had disappeared for months and came back pregnant and unhinged? A moment of madness that overrode every thought, every clanging, warning bell? Was it why all Malice’s memories of her were of her yo-yoing back and forth to Aunt Carter’s?

A flying visit here, a flying visit there? Things that had upset Malice at the time—having no father, she wanted to be with her mother and she really couldn’t bear it when she vanished for months on end, not even leaving a forwarding address? Just the impassioned insistence that she loved Malice. Things that had made no sense?

How could Malice have brothers and sisters, her mother needed to go home to, for example, when she’d never met them? Were they in hiding, or something? But things she finally understood, even down to all these distressing times she’d actually witnessed her mother grabbing the gardener, grabbing the handyman and kissing them, prior to leaving abruptly? If someone were to pry her loose now, she’d die, absolutely . . . unequivocally . . .


Dear Lord. Had she?

That jolt, that blinding flash of lightning, were these things meant to happen when one kissed a man for the first time? Her knees sagging too? As for the ground seeming to open up? Well, she had heard of such things of course. The girls talked about it often. She had just never thought to experience it for herself. Quite so extremely too. But perhaps she was special in some strange way? What was it Aunt Carter had said she was when Malice had rebelled about playing with the local children and still been told she couldn’t. Yes.


Malice was less certain about what pinched her nose and choked her throat. Not so much the experiencing—Agnes, her scullery maid was incapable of boiling a kettle without burning it—but the acrid smell of burning timber was not something any of the girls had mentioned. She really thought they would have because she could hardly stop coughing and it was so distracting, her eyes watered. And why did so much screeching cut into her senses like a knife? Were there other women here? And was Cyril kissing them with his hungry lips? Somewhere, in the distance waves lapped.

She staggered, unable to see a thing for the tears blinding her vision.

“Hurry,” a voice said. A female voice. Cyril did have a woman in here with her. And, as if that was not bad enough, she was telling Malice to get on with things? When she was doing her level best? Well she was not having it. If he was not satisfied with Strictly’s services, he should have gone elsewhere. She forced one eye open and straightened, difficult when a flaming ball whizzed over her head.

“Quickly. Hurry . . . hurry! This way.”

She froze. Not just one woman. Several women. Every one of them ducking, striving to keep their footing in an unholy crimson glow that was as bright, as it was unexpected, except for the woman who had wrapped bony talons around Malice’s wrist. Every one of them dressed strangely, in baggy robes she marvelled they were able to run in. And not just run. What was that animal thing one held clutched to her enormous bosom? A sheep? What were all these women and a sheep doing in Cyril’s flat? Why, these women were even less his type than she was. He had never gone for nuns. And that was what they were, wasn’t it? Why wear sackcloth, these awful looking veils if they weren’t?

“The infirmary. Run, Sister! Are you so dazed you cannot hear? They are coming.”

Sister? Malice coughed, wiping her hand across her mouth. Just because she was also wearing a veil it did not make her a sister. She closed her fingers around the woman’s in a bid to remove them from her arm. Run? In these shoes? They would be ruined on this hard ground.

And if they were coming—whoever they were—weren’t they the lucky ones? She wasn’t anything . . . except . . . just possibly . . . . Oh God, wait a minute, she hadn’t just collapsed, hadn’t just died in Cyril’s arms. She’d just possibly gone straight to hell. Hell, where Aunt Carter always said she’d end up given all these lies she told. Malice’s throat dried, her breath retreating into the furthest corners of her lungs. And not just the lies. Look at all these marriages she’d wrecked.

Not just gone to hell either. Arrived in a puff of smoke, a lightning flash. It couldn’t be. Cyril couldn’t be gone. No. He’d done something. Hit her on the head or drugged her or something, because he knew she ran Strictly and wasn’t going to give him that divorce. Or she’d fainted, swooned with desire. Yes. That was it. Hell was just somewhere Aunt Carter liked to frighten her with. If she waited for a moment, she’d come to herself.

“Do not make me leave you here. Mother Bede will kill me, sister. Hurry!” Had Aunt Carter lied though, when her companion screeched like this in her throbbing ears? When acrid smoke reached hands down her throat and into her lungs, threatening to strangle the life from them? When she couldn’t see for the heat that stung her eyes like a thousand bees? Had she kissed Cyril and died? He wasn’t here, was he? Not in so far as she could tell. If he’d died he’d be sure to be. And he wasn’t. Was he weeping copious buckets over her corpse? Or, having ripped that veil off that same corpse’s face, dancing with joy that he didn’t need a divorce?

“Where?” The cough wracking her lungs almost ripped them apart. She tried peering through the thick grey cloud of smoke. “Where do you want me to go?”

“The infirmary. Quickly. Mother Bede says. She says we must all gather there to do what needs to be done. Our only choice now this day is here.”

What day? They had Judgement Day in hell? Aunt Carter had never said. Trying to mentally unclasp what fisted her lungs so she could stop coughing, Malice grasped her skirts. Maybe this was hell and maybe there was no choice, she didn’t want her dress drenched in this quagmire. As for the shoes, the lovely silver shoes with their pearl beading that had cost all these guineas? Tears stung her eyes.

“For the love of our Lord now. Hurry . . .”

What did the woman think she was doing? Standing like a statue for the good of her health? She tossed back her veil, not caring it flew off her head, landing in the mud. Why should she care about that when her shoes were not made for tramping fields and ditches. If she did not remove them they’d be ruined. The devil might be a gentleman. He might like these shoes for one of his . . . well, he was sure to have lady friends, wasn’t he? Maybe even for that matter, a marriage that needed wrecking? A pity her reticule had fallen on Cyril’s floor. She could have offered him a Strictly card.

“I am hurrying.” She tried hopping on one foot. How on earth had she managed to get her feet in these shoes when they wouldn’t come off? “Would you mind telling me what’s going on?”

Obviously not although it was a valid question with fireballs whizzing about her ears, scorching the grass beside her toes.

Did the devil attack his own? Play games where they had to hide? Then, when he caught them he roasted them in a fiery pit? Or was this just a nightmare? A ghastly one she would wake up from in a moment to find herself on Cyril’s floor?

Malice peered down the grassy slope. At the foot a huddle of crude stone buildings nestled like fledglings around their mother, in this case, a squat construction with tufts of grass sprouting from the roof.

She could keep tugging the shoe but it might be better to forget about removing them and run. Any monster wreaking this kind of hell on his subjects was hardly likely to be interested in a pair of shoes.

“In here.” The woman waved her towards the open door. “Mother Bede has something to say to us all.”

“That’s good, because I have something to say to her.”

She did, didn’t she? And she would once she’d staggered down this slope through these giant, smoldering, grass clumps. Look at her shoes. Even as she grasped her skirt and lurched beneath the wooden lintel, she did. And what she saw brought tears to her eyes. Oh, this was a nightmare, wasn’t it? Her shoe, her beautiful silk shoe had lost its heel. How else could she be walking on the curve of the sole like this? And what was that filthy mess engulfing the toe? She wrinkled her nose. My God. Cow dung. On Madam Faro’s shoes.

And this place offered no solace. A musty smelling room, lit only by the most deficient fire hissing and spitting in the stone hearth, as if someone had already flung water on it to try and douse it. The tiny windows, not just shuttered but barred by wooden bolts. And crammed into every space around her, women all as badly dressed as the one who had waved her in here.

These details she gathered in a few seconds while looking round intently for a place to sit down and not just regain her breath, examine her shoes. They had cost her all of ten guineas. Suppose Lady Grace wanted that money back because Malice hadn’t kept her end of the bargain? And she was out of pocket for something that was ruined? The main detail she gathered had nothing to do with that though. The main detail was the scent that snaked beneath the low beamed roof, crept like a spider across the floor rushes. Fear.

Her throat constricted. This really wasn’t a dream, was it? And Cyril wouldn’t go to all this trouble to get rid of her either, would he? Unless he had forked out a veritable fortune. No. really. This was hell. It had to be. And any minute now the devil was going to burst through the door there, the one the sisters were going to such a trouble to bolt and bar.

“Sisters, sisters, listen. We must all be brave. No, no, Sister Aegathe, crying like that won’t help. Wailing neither, Sister Hildelith. There is only one thing we can do.”

Malice’s heart sunk lower. Aegathe? Hildelith? The names confirmed it. This was hell. Still, her own name should do very well here. At least she wouldn’t need to change it. Maybe it would even take a trick. Maybe the devil would make her a demoness.

“But Mother Bede, how will the good Lord recognize us on Judgement Day if we do this?” The cry, like the fear, wound a serpent’s path around the dank, dark walls.

“By our deeds and our chastity, good sister. Be assured. He will know each and every one.”

Malice fidgeted uncomfortably, feeling heat prickle along the nape of her neck. Deeds? And chastity? What a contradiction in terms. After all, Cyril had found out. Well? If this was hell, why would Mother Bede be talking in this way? No. Cyril knew all about the dirty operation she had run for years. And probably, because she wouldn’t cut him in on it, he wanted his revenge. Wanted his divorce too, that thing she had sworn not to give him. Ever. Well, she wouldn’t give him that divorce. As for chastity no-one was more chaste.

“But Mother Bede. Please—” Other voices cut in. A babble of them all squawking like parrots so Malice could barely determine a single word.

“Hush! The Vikings are upon us. Would you bring them here before we can do this? Ruin our only chance of salvation?”

The what?

“As it is they will fall upon us. Rape us good sisters, forever destroying our chastity. Making us unfit in the eyes of our Lord, so when Judgement Day is upon us, we will be cast down forever into the fiery pits of hell.”

Malice fought not to edge her gaze sideways but it went anyway. Vikings? She had heard of Vikings. Who hadn’t heard of Vikings? Just not in nineteenth century London. What were they doing here? Unless this wasn’t nineteenth century London?

A muffled sound escaped her, a disbelieving huff designed purely to reassure herself. That wasn’t possible. For a start if this was something like 897 AD, whatever AD, how on earth would she understand these women as well as she had? Wouldn’t they be speaking some kind of gibberish?

She would have to possess special powers for that. To be in another era at all, come to that. And if Cyril wasn’t here, well, that would mean she’d disappeared . . . a little like her mother had. She gulped—not the best idea when her blue diamante dress didn’t remotely resemble her companions and now those on either side fastened their gazes on her. The pores of her skin tightened. Feeling various pulses flicker in her throat, she dutifully fixed her eyes on Mother Bede in the hope of avoiding their sharp eyes. Tried to anyway.

Vikings though? Didn’t they do things like raping and pillaging? She was not about to be pillaged, was she?

Again her throat made a muffled sound. How interesting.

“So, we will do this.” Fortunately the determination that laced Mother Bede’s voice, meant everyone stared transfixed at her and allowed Malice to smooth her skirt and hair. “Take the knife as once we took the cloth. I will go first good sisters. One cut for my nose. One cut for my lips. I do it now. Willingly. Knowing I will be preserved in my purity for our dear Lord on Judgement Day.”

What? One cut for a nose? One cut for a mouth? Malice smothered another gulp. Did the woman have a very sad life or something? No, plainly not because the air wasn’t just brittle enough to snap, it squelched sufficiently to send Malice's gorge spinning up her ribcage as that life was made sadder still. Only with the greatest of difficulties did she hold onto the contents of her stomach.

“Sister.” The woman whose fault it was she was here, turned her dark eyes on her.

Quite why she persisted in calling Malice a sister when she wasn’t was beyond her, unless she was charitable that way. “We can do this. Let us do this together. I will not be afraid. Here. Take the knife.”

Malice stared at the blade glinting beneath her nose. What? Hack off her mouth and nose? What a horrible proposition. Of course she appreciated the Vikings were coming—they must be, for the women at the front of the crowd to gouge at their faces like that—but she would sooner swallow a crocodile, its Aunt Sally and its aged grandmother, plus its aged grandmother’s reticule. And all its contents.

An image drifted into her mind from an engraving she had seen in one of Aunt Carter’s library of books. A spot of pillage wouldn’t go amiss, would it, with a man as nicely formed as that—taut biceps, fair hair blowing about his chiseled face. If she did something silly, like hacking off her own face, he wouldn’t exactly find her very attractive. As it was she struggled to get men. Why make it harder? She shook her head.

“No. If you don’t mind . . .”

“Mind?” The woman nearly nicked the tip of Malice’s nose. “Take it. Sister, I cannot do this alone.”

Really? Well Malice couldn’t do it at all. A step backwards was in order, only her heel rested against something. Something . . . hard. Something . . . large. Someone’s toes. Her sole trod on them too.

“Viking!” The ragged shriek assaulted her ears. A Viking, like the one in the picture would be nice, only she had a horrible prescience there wasn’t one in here. That people somehow thought she was a Viking. Why hadn’t she at least paid lip-service to taking the knife? It was an awful lot better than being murdered.

“No.” She tried to squirm sideways. “I’m not. I’m a woman, just like you are.”

“Well, you don’t look like no woman I’ve ever seen.”

A beast of a woman, a woman who should have no fear whatsoever of any Viking touching her unless he was a blind Viking, breathed such rancid ale fumes over her, Malice thought she would collapse. Weren’t nuns from good families? This ox was rougher looking than an Irish navvy. As for her cheek in asserting Malice didn’t look like any woman she’d ever seen, how could she? What this behemoth must mainly have seen in mirrors was herself?

“Look at her dress, your Holy Mothership,” she cried, grabbing a handful of the sleeve.

Malice tried tweaking her bodice back into place. “That’s because I am not from here.” My God, these lies she’d learned to tell years ago stood her in good stead now. “Because I came here to escape the Vikings. Because I, like you—”

“She’s one of them!” “No, no, no.” Her lies even allowed her to smile—sort of anyway—as she tried edging away.

“A Viking.”

“Not at all. Just because I wear these clothes, it doesn’t make me one of them. Gracious, no, Mothership, I have come all the way from London. From the court of the king himself.” It seemed wise not to mention what king this was. “Yes, he has sent you a—”

“My arse!”

Blessing was what she’d been about to say, but now, at the centre of this jostling, shrieking mob, the blessing was she stood upright, with the hair still intact on her head.

“Gentle . . . Gentle . . .”

It was a waste of an exhortation. At least Mother Bede waded into the melee. At least she didn’t just stand there letting Malice be torn to shreds by this savage pack of wolves, baying and howling in her ears, dragging at her clothes, clogging her nostrils with their damp, peaty smell. Nuns? She had seen tamer pit bull terriers.

“Let her go, Gentle. I am ashamed of you. We cannot harm the king’s servant.”

“Oh. And how’s he going to know? Look around you. He ain’t here, is he? Hang her I say.”

“Gentle . . .” Malice’s heart skidded across several beats. Gentle? The woman bawling in Mother Bede’s face, fine spraying it with spittle too, was called Gentle? Amazing. Aunt Carter had assured her that people in olden times were named for their virtues. A practice Malice had thanked God had stopped. At least she’d hoped it had stopped. Very well, her own name probably was indicative of her. She just . . . didn’t want to admit it. How could anyone have saddled her with a name like that? And worse than that, now Gentle’s finger stabbed into her collarbone sending her staggering backwards, she’d given this rhinoceros the advantage by thinking about it.

“No, Mothership. If she’s who she says, then she’ll do the same as the rest of us. Won’t she, ladies?” Not content with almost killing her with her fingertip, Gentle won a chorus of ayes by bellowing. “That’s chop off her nose. Now. If she won’t, I’ll do it for her.”

Oh God, what was she going to do here? Bolt for the door and throw her lot in with the Vikings? Why hadn’t she at least made pretence of taking the knife? Covering her nose with her gown or something? It wasn’t as if any of this could be real.

“But, it may be she isn’t a sister, Gentle.” Mother Bede’s voice washed over her. “Would you have her disfigure herself to remain chaste?”

Malice shook her head fervently. “I have a husband.” It was true, wasn’t it? Even if that husband was Cyril and he wasn’t up to much.

Vikings? If indeed they were about, couldn’t they hurry up and save her from this?

“Then where is he?”

“Well—” A good question. One she hadn’t considered. She was the first to admit Cyril and the Vikings wouldn’t be a good idea. He’d be sure to offer them a drink and her knowledge of them was it was the worst thing to offer a Viking—short of offering them a woman anyway. But just suppose he was about? Was she meant to believe she was the only one blighted by the intensity of that kiss? That he wasn’t about somewhere? Again, her mother crept into her head. It had been very strange behaviour for someone on their death bed. And now, she came to think of it, there hadn’t actually been a funeral, more a sort of memory planted by Aunt Carter eventually. Suppose—oh God—it was a family thing?

“See! She don’t have no husband because she’s one of them. Liar! Liar!”

Malice’s throat constricted. Once again she was the object of ridicule, the unloved child, the freak other children called names, pointed at because she was that tiny bit different and the world she inhabited was one they didn’t understand.

She would rather face the Vikings than this. Only that wasn’t an option. As for Cyril, he wasn’t an option either, whether he was here, or not. Nor could he very well raise any alarm about her disappearance when he didn’t even know it was her in that bedroom? There was only one thing she could do with her back against the wall like this even if she’d sooner swallow a crocodile, its Aunt Sally, its aged grandmother and the aged grandmother’s Uncle Herbert. It would be a hideous disfigurement. What other choice did she have? If she didn’t they would kill her.

“Very well.” She extended her hand. “Give me that knife.”

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