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Subtitle: She's US




Psalm and Peach were walking towards the cafeteria together.

Their long heels were gaining them some sort of attention as they walked sideways.

Soon a notification dropped on their phones respectively.

Psalm was the first to pick up her phone and her eyes quickly paraded on the screen.

" OH M Gee!" She rejoiced and peach also took her phone out as well.

" It's gone viral?!" Her lips twitched excitedly.

" Yeah, b*tch. The fvcking Kelly's video has gotten viral, Omg, this is too sweet!" Psalm said, dancing

around lightly.

" Let's celebrate this mockery achievement in a grand style, babe"

" What are the PP'S better at doing" Psalm said and they both went to the vendor stand to request for


They stood there patiently and understood what the murmurings from different angles were all about.

" Everyone is already talking about the video" Peach smiled as they took their trays back to a table.

" Of course they would. Kitten thinks she can toy around with us for too long but I'll make them suffer

before they graduate" She said arrogantly.

" Yea, but if kitten wins, I won't die with you" Peach laughed and a stinging glare came from psalm. They

found a close table and took their seat respectively.

Kitten began to trip into the cafeteria with her steps hard on the floor and her head was flaming and

pulsing with so much anger.

Her feet stopped halfway when she sighted Psalm and Peach, and then her brows knitted, glaring at

both of them.

" Make sure you've bought nice, comfortable and quality casket for yourself cos you'll be sleeping there

soon!" She spat and walked out of the hall in the same order.

Psalm scoffed and turned to Peach.

" What she needs now is somewhere to hit her head and feel a bit calm"

" A standing electric pole will do" Peach said and they both laughed loudly.

Kitten walked back to the cafeteria and this time, her hands weren't empty.

She was holding a lab plug in her left hand and a high quality pepper spray Can in her other hand.

She had used her lunch money to get those items and she wouldn't spare it on them.

The student began to murmur, as their gaze never left kitten's face.

Ugh, This girl again!!????

Who's she trying to kill this time?????

I hope she doesn't melt the whole school before her time here runs up????

Psalm and peach immediately stood to their feet when they saw her.

" That was fast. I wasn't expecting her to think of bringing such!" Psalm said.

" Should we run?"

" Run and everyone will think we're weak. Let's stand, she can't do anything!" Psalm said and Peach

shivered on her feet.

Kitten walked up to them and a simple kick fell Psalm off her feet to the floor.

She opened the pepper spray Can and fizzled it over her bare white eyes, it turned red immediately.

" Ahhh!!" Psalm screamed, palming her eyes painfully. " My eye paint, my mascara!!!. I'm blind!!" She


" Everyone. I give you permission to film this and spread it over the Internet with an hashtag saying,

D.D's College student on a death quest!!" Kitten said.

Everyone quickly listened to her and started filming the whole shit happening.

She immediately turned to Peach and placed the plug next to her ear.

Her whole body went into a cosy vibration while being seriously electrocuted.

Right then, She immediately fell off her balance and fainted on the floor right away.

Kitten heaved with a heavy pant and glared at Psalm who was still rubbing her eyes.

" This is for you not getting your casket ready" She said and leaned over, taking the spray over her skirt

and fizzled it over her panties.

" Ouch!!. My p*ssy!. How am I gonna f*ck!!!" She screamed, palming her thighs as her body rocked on

the floor.

" This is just a tip of my ice berg. Next time, Fear the word, Kitten CeCe!" She spat and walked out of the

cafeteria quickly.

She bumped into Lucas on the way out and she gave him a straight glare before walking out quickly.

Lucas turned to the other two girls on the floor and his lips twitched interestingly.

" I'm not changing my mind, she can't be my mate, not in real life" He smiled and turned his backs,

leaving there immediately.



Kitten walked in with her face down and her hands behind her back. Mrs Shawn was by her table looking

at her.

" Take a sit, Kitten" Mrs Shawn said.

" I can stand" She said calmly.

" Fine. I can stand too" She said and stood up on her feet before leaning on the table, staring at her

strictly . " It's you... once again, kitten"

" I did so as a payback for what they did to my sister!. How can they pull her hair that way!!" She said,

she was already yelling.

" What you did to those other girls were over the top, they are receiving medical attention all cos of you,


She chuckled and folded her hands.

" It's so much better they are in the hospital cos they deserve it" She said.

" Are you seriously saying that?. Is it because you are not in charge of their bills?" Mrs Shawn raided her


" Why would they hurt my innocent sister in the first place. If it's cos of anything, I was born to protect

my sister and you can't tell me not to defend my sister for that!" She yelled.

" Can you stop yelling at me?"

" If blaming me is what you called me here for, then just let me leave this fvcking school for good!. I'm

tired of being told I'm wrong, I'm tired of feeling guilty for no reason!" She spat and folded her hands on

her chest grumpily.

" Sure. I'll call your parents right away and tell them you want to leave the school and then you'll see

what your parents has to say" She smiled and picked her phone.

" W..wait!" She quickly stopped her and Mrs Shawn smiled smoothly, keeping back her phone.

" I'll keep this news away from my husband and your parent, I want you to promise me that you'll be a

good girl from now on" She said.

" Good girl?. I don't know how to be a good girl" She pouted, looking away blatantly.

" Staying away from fight and insult will go a long way, kitten"

" But what if someone tries to bully me or my sister, don't I have the right to pick a soccer stick and

break his head or throw him off a pool cliff or even shave off his ass hair!" She shouted.

" Kitten???" She panicked and kitten pulled up her lips stubbornly.

" I was just saying my mind" She pouted.

" I'll have no choice than to become really strict on you, any more disturbance from you at this school

will leave a reduction in your GPA. Do you understand?"

" Yes ma'am" She sighed plainly.

" Leave quickly" She said and kitten left, slamming the door hardly.

She walked out of the school and met Mr Robin, her driver, by her car. She opened the door quickly

stepped into the car.

" Kitten. Are you okay?" Kelly quickly turned to her. Kitten pouted cutely as her lids turned wet.

" Everyone is just being so unfair to me everytime" She pouted, and Kelly wiped her cheeks.

" It's okay. You can't fit everyone's standard even the most smartest person has flaws. All I know is that

you're my favourite and nothing can make me think unfairly about you" Kelly smiled.

Kitten sniffed and looked at her.

" Do you still feel headache?" She blinked.

" A lot. Maybe going back home to take a rest will do"

" Okay. I love you okay?" Kitten sniffed again.

" Love you too sis" Kelly chuckled and made her lay her face on her shoulder.



Frankie was laying on his couch, holding a book and pen as he practiced his upcoming solo in his head.

Blue was on the bed, busy on his laptop hurriedly. He was wearing a earphone.

Soon, Jinked walked in.

" Have you heard the news?" He asked.

" What news?" Frankie quickly sat up, his hair looking messy, as part of them covered a part of his sexy


" About that psycho we met this morning?. She was caught in the cafeteria beating up psalm and Peach"

" Wait, really?"

" It's posted all over the Internet, dude. Do you even have a phone" Jinx laughed.

Frankie quickly brought out his phone and he didn't have to search the whole Internet before he found


After watching the video, he smirked lousily.

" That girl is really insane"

" Funny thing is, she's just new here and she's already making memories!."

" At least Blue have seen his fellow psycho's, He should go marry and fvck her" He laughed and blue

threw him a pillow.

" I'd rather hang myself till death than to date such a beast. I'd get into a coma before two days of

getting to know eachother" He said and they all laughed.

Frankie looked at her pics again.

" But she's kinda pretty and thick" He smiled.

" She lacks in height" Jinx scoffed.

" Ugh, Whatever. I have a solo to practise" He said and laid back on the sofa.

" Do we have any entry into the audition?"

" Yea, sixteen girls has applied and I declined them all. The interview with them was rotten" He shook his


" Pst...stupid" Jinx spat and quickly closed up the door.



Leopard had left his room and now he was walking around the audition room effortlessly.

He saw a pretty short girl in a short dress running out in tears and she immediately stopped and looked

at him, panting heavily.

" Hey, why are you crying?" He squinted his brows at the little creature.

" I got...disqualified!" She pouted. " I tried so hard to dance, I did all the styles, I sang at high pitch but I

got disqualified!" She pouted as tears ran down her cheeks heavily.

" Oh shit!, sorry little" He said rubbing her hair. " Are you free?"

" Anytime!" She quickly replied.

" And Available?" He stared at her thick b**bs and she blinked.

" Yea, Always"

" Good, Come with me" He grabbed her hands quickly. He saw another taller girl coming out as well and

he quickly took her hand.

" Come with me" He said, pulling her together with the short girl.

" Where are we going?" They both asked.

" Since you can't rehearse for the audition, We can go rehearse on how to tame a sexy cucumber" He

said and the girls eyes widened.



Kitten finished up her homework and she turned to her sister who was fast asleep.

" She's asleep already" She pouted. " Such a cute sis that deserves the whole world. Hell Fvck those

bitches who treated her unfairly. Fvck Mrs Shawn too!" She said and laid flat on her bed.

Her eyes went to the clock. The short hand was still at seven.

" It's still a bit to early to sleep" She said and picked her phone. She went through the Internet and

discovered an audition application.

" I hate anything music or dance" She spat and scrolled up quickly.

After scrolling through her phone for a while, she sat up and decided to go outside.

She put in her fluffy slippers and walked out of the room quickly.

She was wearing a silk purple strapless nightwear and the breeze immediately swoosh on her pale

flawless skin.

" Mmm" She smiled, closing her brows dreamily while rubbing her arm.

She felt a presence behind her and her leg immediately froze.

" K..Kelly?" She stuttered, her heart running and hitting her chest rapidly.

The person walked forward and was now standing on the same line with her.

" What are you doing outside, instead of sleeping?" He asked as he spoke with some sort of authority.

Kitten slowly looked up at him.

'He's so tall. No, I'm not tall' Her mind panicked.

" Mn?" He looked at her.

" I came to receive some....fresh air" She said, looking away before she'd get hypnotised by his fine gaze.

" Your room air conditioner got damaged?" He asked and she bit her lower lip, glaring at him.

" Why are you outside as well?" She quickly asked.

" You still didn't answer my question, so I refuse to answer yours too" He said and her cheeks puffed.

" Well truthfully, I love darkness, that's why I came outside to see more of it"

" You could literally turn off your room light and feel the darkness yourself" He said and her shoulders

squeezed up crazily.

" Just tell me that you want me to go in and stop rattling up Savage replies!" She spat.

" Who cares. But if you really don't want to freeze up here, you'd better go inside"

" I'm very strong. I wouldn't try to freeze, Even my skin obeys me!" She spat childishly, sticking her

tongue out.

" I'm warning you early enough cos I don't wanna gather a cold little body and return to the room"

" Pst...I'd rather fall into hell than into your arms" She said and he sighed, pocketing his hands.

His eyes suddenly beamed blue and he turned to look at her neck.

Kitten didn't notice it cos she was busy rubbing her cold arms, parading her eyes around.

He left his spot, walking up to her carefully, his fangs letting down quickly.

Immediately he reached her, Kitten fell on his arms and he quickly caught her.

" I'm cold, so cold!" She pouted and his eyes returned back to normal.

He squinted his gaze and carried her up quickly.

" Fvck I knew it, my best decision would have been throwing you off this balcony" He spat and turned

around, heading to her room.

He stopped at the front of her door and opened it quickly, getting inside in the same order.

His eyes fell on the sleeping girl on the bed but he took his gaze away and kept kitten on the couch

before leaving.

When the door closed, kitten peeked her eyes open excitedly.

" Haha, I just tricked a fool!. He carried me like his queen. Oh geez, he fell for me!!" She laughed widely,

throwing her legs up crazily.

The door opened and Lucas was standing there handsomely with a smirk.

" You should have waited for the door to be fully closed before ranting. So who's the fool?" He grinned

and her teeth bit her lower lip grumpily.



Kelly and Kitten had arrived at school the next day and they were about coming out when a car ran pass


It was a small car tho, no one used such old fashioned cars around.

Kitten matched out and stared at her stylish rose dress that showed off her curves.

" That imbecile just splashed water on me" Kitten spat and Kelly closed up the door.

They both watched as a tall, sexy girl came out of the other car and student just stood, marveling at her.

She's Wearing a thick black jumpsuits and big sunglasses. She looks so classic like those young

undercover serial killer.

Psalm and peach walked out of the school corridor and their feet stopped halfway when they saw her.

" Who's this again?" Peach grunted.

" Another brat to come take our places. We haven't even finished with kitten yet!" Psalm spat.

The tall girl walked over to them and gave Peach her handbag.

" Help me hold this" She said and Peach found herself holding it.

She picked up her red lip balm and rubbed it over her full sexy lip before placing it back into her bag.

" Thanks for the little help. Use this to update your makeup set" She said and threw filthy dollars at their


Peach quickly picked the money hurriedly.

" Money, Money!!" She rejoiced and psalm spanked her arm, making all the cash fall off her hand.

" Are you seriously taking things from that fool?. She's using that to ride us, she want us to worship her"

Psalm said.

" Oh..So all this money will go a waste?" She asked. " I haven't updated my make up set" She scoffed

" I'll hold them myself for a while" Psalm said, picking them up.

" Hey, I took them first!" Peach snatched it from her hands.

" She threw it at my face, not yours!" Psalm shouted.

" I helped her to hold her bag!" Peach yelled and they started exchanging fist at that spot.

Kitten and Kelly both walked into the corridor together and they met the new girl, making a phone call.

Kitten quickly remembered her dress and she strided to her quickly. Afterall, it was a new dress she

bought anyways.

" Hey, you splashed water on my dress when you're driving" She said at her face.

" Take, buy a new dress" She said dropping dollars on her hand, continuing with her long calls.

" Pst, I want an apology. I don't need your money!!. This dress worth your important phone calls" She


" Hey, Don't dare yell at me. If the money couldn't do it then get your little bony ass away" She spat.

" And what's that pumped thing behind you?. if You think it's real ass then turn around and waggle it till

nothing falls off!" She spat and the girl's eyes widened in turn.



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