Maya stood, watching as the maids in her room made a fuss, hurrying to get her ready for the night with the King. Feeling bombarded by their presence, coupled with the incidents that happened earlier today, It was hard for her to relax and enjoy the royal treatment that she was getting.
"Your highness, it's time for your bath." One of them called to her. She pursed her lips, nodding. Her hands reached for her petticoat and she froze, hesitating.
"Can't I do this alone? I don't need this much people." She asked, feeling a little self conscious.
Almost immediately, they shook their heads. "I'm afraid we can't, Your majesty. The King himself instructed us to get you ready." They replied her.
Maya swallowed then. It's an order from the King. There's no way they could go against it. Reluctantly, she pulled out from the dress she wore, getting into the scented bath they had prepared for her, her heart pounding.
They began to bath her, washing her hair and massaging her body with experienced hands. Although it felt good, Maya was too wired up to enjoy it. Immediately they were through, they oiled her body, trimmed her nails, and made her hair. Making her wear one of the most beautiful but sexy nightclothes she's ever seen, they perfumed her.
Maya stared at herself in the mirror, gasping at the transformation. She'd never looked so beautiful, so regal. The maids caught the reaction and a flush stained their cheeks. They had done a good job.
A knock came on the door and a much older woman walked in. She saw Maya and a satisfied look crossed her face.
"The king requests for you." She announced. Maya's heart skipped a beat. It's time to go and face that man. The memories she had today wouldn't stop replaying in her head. She shut her mind to it.
" I'm coming." She announced softly. One of the maids gave her a robe, bowing. Maya collected it, muttering her thanks. She immediately wore it. Turning to the older woman, she nodded.
"I'm ready." She said, her voice barely a whisper. The older lady nodded, leading her out of the room, Maya followed. They reached the hallway, their footsteps the only sounds she could hear. It was already late in the night, her kingdom was conquered this morning. The thought couldn't help but leave a bitter feeling in her heart. Maya followed the older woman wordlessly, her outward expression.
They finally arrived at a huge door, decorated with gold and so many intricate designs. It must be his chambers, Maya thought to herself. Looking at it made her remember her father's chambers. She bit her lips, squeezing her hands at the side.
The older Lady knocked at the door. " Your highness, she's here." She announced.
"Let her come in." Came the curt reply. She turned to Maya.
" Please, go inside."
" Y-you're not coming?" Maya stuttered, her eyes widening as she glanced back and forth. The woman shook her head, a small smile on her face.
" He only wants you."
Maya's heart began pounding, her palms sweating. She squeezed them tightly. " Okay." The lady bowed, about to leave.
" I'm sorry to ask but, could you tell me your name?" Maya asked, stopping the woman. She turned to her, surprise in her eyes.
" I had wanted to introduce myself tomorrow but I will just tell you now. It's Rosa."
" Rosa. " Maya repeated. " Thanks" She muttered sincerely.
Rosa was taken back at the words of thanks but she hid it. She bowed again before walking away, leaving Maya alone. Her heart racing, she reached for the doorknob, opening the door.
Stepping into his chambers, she was greeted with darkness. Only the dim lighting at the far end of the room and the moonlit night illuminated the room. Cold sweat broke all over her. Her eyes soon adjusted to the dim light in the room and she could find the silhouette of the man at the window.
"You requested for me, your highness." She announced, her voice calm. She was at least grateful for that.
" I did." He replied, his deep voice reverberating throughout the room. He turned towards her and his eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Maya held her breath. He walked forward, then paused.
" Can you see me?" He asked.
" Not really, your highness." Maya answered truthfully, fiddling with her fingers. she watched as he lit other candles adding more light into the room.
"I apologise. I sometimes forget that not everyone enjoys the darkness like I do." He said. Strangely, he sounded apologetic. Why is he sorry about it?
With more light in the room, Maya was able to see the man clearly and his room. She couldn't help the gasp that left her lips. His room was beautiful. It was bathed in silver and the black reflected light, making it such an elegant sight. She forced herself to look back at the king.
Bathed in the candlelight, he looked majestic. He was watching her with amusement in his eyes. "Do you like it?" He asked.
" Yes. I've never seen anything quite like it." She answered honestly, her voice soft.
" I'm glad you do. Come closer." He said, gesturing towards himself. She did as she was told, bowing once she was close enough. She raised her head to look at him but didn't see the look of hostility like she was expecting. Not even hatred. His eyes ran up her and a satisfied look crossed his features.
" Do you remember me?" He asked. The suddeness of the question caused her to jerk. She stared up at him, wondering if she's ever seen this man before. She had heard stories about his kingdom but hadn't really paid much attention to it.
" I'm afraid I don't remember ever seeing you before, your majesty." She replied, her voice sincere.
" You really don't?" He asked, raising a brow. She shook her head. He placed his hands on his forehead, rubbing it. " How the hell am I going to explain barging into your kingdom if you can't remember me?" He muttered to himself but she heard him. Her confusion grew.
Maya picked the hem of the robe, her hands sweating. On the outside, she looked calm and collected. Moving closer to her, he tilted her face upwards.
"Look at me properly and try to remember." He implored her, his silvery eyes boring into hers. Maya raised her nervous eyes to meet his. Searching her head, she tried to remember where she may have met this man before.
As she stared at him, a sense of familiarity began to settle. Those eyes... she'd seen them before. Where has she seen them? One by one, the images came. The pictures from a time she had forgotten. She had helped someone with eyes just like this.
Still in his embrace, a daunting realisation began to set in. She'd met this man before. Long before he even dreamed of being a king...