Jia took a deep breath and continue.
"Ammy, I won't ask you to tell me what happened between you and your father or Damon. I will always be here if you wish to unburden yourself a little by speaking of it with me."
"Or me!"
Ammy smiled at Allen's bright offer. Jia reached out and laid her hand near Ammy's, not touching but close if needed.
"Forgive me for saying so but Ammy, you will not find work in town and a lone omega outside of town is much more vulnerable. The laws for omegas there are much more restrictive. Your father's reputation has become yours and you need to associate yourself with more respectable families. I know a few omega mothers who will jump at the chance to introduce you to their available alpha sons if I support you this season. The Will name can get you a few suitors and your charming, loving nature will secure you a husband."
Ammy felt numb and overwhelmed by Jia's words. She knew, intellectually, that Jia was right. She would never be able to find work to support herself as a lone omega with no family. And to leave town...it was unthinkable. Omegas were treated as slaves by the surrounding lands. This town still had many problems with omega rights, but it was certainly the better of two evils for Ammy. Allen huffed loudly and crossed her arms.
"I don't know why we can't just adopt her! Then she could live here forever and be happy doing whatever she wished."
Ammy cleared her throat, embarrassed.
"Please, Allen, I already owe your family so much. I don't wish to be a further burden."
The look of pity was back on Jia's face and Ammy wished she could excuse herself, leave and never return. Jia shook her head.
"You aren't a burden, Ammy. The time you spent here with our family are cherished memories. I've never seen the children so happy than when you lived here with us. I can't see you spending the rest of your days in isolation, you have so much to give. Don't you want a family of your own, pups?"
Ammy met Jia's eyes in surprise. How had she seen her secret heart so easily?
"Yes, I want that more than anything. A loving family."
Jia nodded briskly.
"Step one for that is an alpha husband. Certainly, that would suit you better than a beta, you are so fierce when the mood strikes and an alpha would do better to dote on you, you deserve the extra attention. Oh, don't blush so, you know it's true! It just so happens that the biggest party of the season is this week and Alpha Jason is hosting it at his lovely estate. You remember Sebestian mentioned him in town?"
Ammy's smile dimmed a bit at the mention of Sebestian. Speaking of alpha husbands and Sebestian in the same conversation was making her maudlin. Would she ever find an alpha that loved her for just being Ammy? Or would her future husband only see her as an omega and more importantly, want her for her connection to the influential Will's. Ammy nodded as Jia continued.
"Well, Alpha Jason is such a nice young man, generous, kind and charming. Society practically adores him! If they see him welcoming you with open arms, they will surely follow. I will write him directly after lunch. And don't worry about having something appropriate to wear, your room is exactly how you left it, wardrobe and all."
Ammy raised her eyebrows, moved by the thought of her room being untouched, waiting as if for her return.
She was distracted by the arrival of a grinning and running Sam. Despite his mother's admonitions to settle down, Sam clung to her and insisted on sitting in Ammy's lap as they ate lunch. Even with an uncertain future hanging before her, Ammy was determined to enjoy her reunion with the Will's, the soft, warm atmosphere and the excellent menu.
The Wills were reluctant to let Ammy leave after lunch, quite insistent that she stay with them for the season, sleep in her old bed. Ammy wanted nothing more than to accept, to make a nest for herself and feel safe and protected for even just a moment. Then Sebestian's cold face floated into her mind and Ammy couldn't endure the torture of being so close yet so far from the one alpha she wished would court her. To be politely ignored by her oldest friend and listen to him wax poetic about the omega that received those flowers. Jia had mentioned an Omega that was interested in Sebestian. Were they courting?
The Will's carriage stopped, and Ammy exited, giving the driver a nod in thanks and standing on the derelict street that hosted his current lodgings. The neighborhood was firmly in the less reputable part of Idris, home to the poorest and most pitiable. The affronted look on the driver's face as he pulled away assured Ammy that Jia would hear of the sad little omega boarding house that Ammy called home.
Ammy considered herself lucky to have stumbled across the kind elderly beta woman who ran the boarding house being accosted by ruffians. The horrible men had underestimated Ammy, as alphas were known to do of omegas, and Ammy had thoroughly trounced them, sending them scurrying like rats into the alley. She offered to walk the beta, Lillian Patel, to her destination and she had eagerly accepted. She had pried quite skillfully into Ammy's depressing personal history and adamantly offered Ammy a room when she reluctantly admitted she had nowhere to go.
Ammy had been instantly charmed by both Lillian and the little attic room she showed her once they reached their destination. The room was dusty and smelled a bit stale but there was a large window that offered a perfect view of the street and in the mornings, the sun shone brightly onto the small table and two chairs. It was a perfect place to enjoy tea and toast or scones with strawberry jam that Lillian insisted on bringing her three times a day. She had tried to deny her coddling at first, but she had insisted so fiercely that Ammy was afraid of upsetting her too much and she secretly enjoyed the attention. There was a plush chair near the small fireplace where Ammy spent most of her evenings reading and wishing for a nice glass of wine. It was an indulgence that few could afford here.
The bed was small but it fit Ammy well enough, much better than the park benches she had been chased off of before. The quilt was thin, and Lillian had apologized at length for not having appropriate nesting materials. Most of the omegas she took in were unable to pay her and Lillian couldn't afford extra blankets or pillows. The thin quilt didn't keep her scent very well and her one pillow wasn't much comfort on lonely nights. It left her feeling vulnerable and anxious to not have a proper nest to unwind in every night. She often woke up crying and wishing for any comfort, wishing that her life had been different. She had not had to endure a heat here yet and she found herself hoping she never would, that she could charm her way to an alpha husband and spend her heat in comfort and affection.
Lillian's soft voice called out to her as she ascended the noisy stairs to the attic. She paused and turned to her, coming back down and pressing a kiss to her soft, wrinkled cheek.
"Oh, my dear girl! You were gone so long today; I was growing worried. Any luck at the shops?"
"I'm afraid not, Lilly. But I did run into a few old friends and joined them for lunch. The Will's."
Lillian gasped and pressed her hand over her mouth, eyes wide.
"Oh, my! The Wiil's, how lovely to be acquainted with such a family. Now, shoo! Go up to your room and I'll bring a tea tray with extra scones, and you can tell me all about it. This is so exciting!"
Ammy chuckled and made to follow her to the small kitchen.
"Let me carry that for you."
Lillian pursed her lips at her and opened her mouth as if to argue but Ammy breezed past her, not stopping to hear.