As their training drew to a close, the twins were finally ready for their first mission. Adrien explained to them that they were going to accompany Nathan and Lena on reconnaissance in an area where suspicious activities had been reported.
“Be careful,” he advised them. “This mission is critical. We need to know what the corrupt are up to. »
Nathan, always full of enthusiasm, reassured them. " Don't worry. We've done this dozens of times. Follow my instructions and everything will be fine. »
Léna, more reserved, nodded. “Stay on your guard. The corrupt are cunning. »
The mission passed without major incident, but the twins could sense the growing tension. They saw signs of recent gatherings, footprints and marks in the trees indicating recent corrupt activity. What they discovered reinforced the pack's belief that something big was afoot.
When they returned, the twins were greeted with admiring looks. Their first mission had been a success, and they had proven that they could hold their place within the pack.
“Lena told me you did an excellent job,” Adrien said, visibly satisfied. “Keep it up, and you will become exceptional warriors. »
Léna, although still reserved, seemed to have softened her attitude. “You have shown courage and skill. Keep working hard. »
Éléa and Léonie finally felt accepted, not only as members of the pack, but also as leaders in the making. They knew that the road would still be long and strewn with pitfalls, but they were ready to take on any challenge.
#### 10. Preparations for the coming battle
With the threat of the Corrupted becoming more and more imminent, the pack prepared for a battle that seemed inevitable. Adrien, Marcus, and the other leaders of the pack worked day and night to strategize and fortify their defenses.
The twins, now fully integrated, actively participated in these preparations. They trained tirelessly, perfecting their skills and developing new combat techniques.
One evening, after a long day of training, Adrien gathered the pack around the campfire. “We all have a role to play in the battle ahead,” he said. “But remember, our strength lies in our unity. Together we are invincible.
Éléa and Léonie looked at each other, determined. They knew that their destiny was linked to that of the pack, and they were ready to do anything to protect their new family.
As the moon rose in the sky, bathing the clearing in its silvery light, the twins felt more ready than ever to face the challenges ahead. The battle for the future of the Lycans had only just begun, and they were determined to emerge victorious.
The chapter ends on this note of anticipation and preparation, with the twins fully integrated into the pack and ready to face the dangers ahead. The logical progression of the plot, detailed interactions between characters, and increasing tension create complete immersion for the reader, maintaining interest and engagement throughout the story.
#### 1. The twins discover a prophecy about Lycans twins
The days passed, punctuated by intense training and reconnaissance missions. The twins, Éléa and Léonie, were getting closer and closer to the members of the pack, but a shadow of mystery still hung over their true nature. One afternoon, while exploring the pack's ancient library, they made a discovery that would turn their world upside down.
The library was a sacred place, filled with old tomes and ancient scrolls recounting the history of Lycans and corrupted Lycans . It was a place where few pack members ventured, preferring to let knowledge keepers like Thalia tend to these mysterious records. But the twins, curious and eager for knowledge, often went there after their training.
That day, while they were leafing through dusty volumes, Léonie came across a parchment yellowed by time. The letters were written in an ancient language, but thanks to Thalia's teachings, they could decipher much of it.
“Look at that, Éléa ,” Léonie said, her eyes shining with excitement. “It’s about twins Lycans . »
Éléa approached, intrigued. “What does that say? »
Léonie began to read aloud. “The prophecy of the twins Lycans announces the arrival of two souls linked by blood, destined to restore the balance between light and dark. Their union will bring peace, but only after immense trials and sacrifices. »
The two sisters looked at each other, their hearts beating. “Do you think this is about us? » asked Éléa , her voice trembling slightly.
“I don’t know,” Leonie replied. “But that would explain a lot. Our powers, our abilities, and why we were attacked. »
As they continued to explore the library, a strange energy seemed to emanate from Leonie. As if the discovery of the prophecy had awakened something in her. Later that day, during a training session, this energy manifested itself dramatically.
Today's training focused on channeling powers and controlling internal energy. Marcus had prepared a difficult exercise, requiring intense concentration and perfect mastery of their abilities.
" Éléa , Leonie, I want you to try projecting your energy to create a shield," Marcus explained. “It’s an advanced technique, but I’m sure you’re ready. »
Éléa and Léonie stood face to face, hands outstretched towards each other. They closed their eyes, focusing on the feeling of the energy flowing through them. Slowly, a soft light began to emanate from their palms, forming a shimmering force field.
Suddenly, the light around Léonie became more intense, almost blinding. A shockwave spread, causing Marcus and the other pack members who were watching to stagger.
“Leonie, stop! » shouted Éléa , but her sister seemed unable to control this new power.
Nathan, who had been watching from the edge of the clearing, came running. “Leonie, concentrate! You can do it! »
Léonie, her eyes still closed, struggled to regain control. Little by little, the light stabilized, then dissipated, leaving Léonie panting but unharmed.
“What was that? » she asked, out of breath.
Marcus, impressed but worried, shook his head. “I’ve never seen that before. You displayed an energy that even the oldest Lycans would struggle to control. »
Thalia, who had joined the group, whispered in a deep voice. “The prophecy. It is starting to come true. »
After this incident, Éléa couldn't help but feel a certain distrust towards certain members of the pack. The increased attention paid to Léonie, and the whispers she sometimes heard, made her uncomfortable. She knew the pack had to stay together, but she couldn't ignore this growing feeling of discomfort.
One evening, while walking alone in the forest to calm her mind, she overheard a conversation between Lena and another member of the pack, Gabriel.
“Don’t you think it’s strange that these twins appear just when the corrupted are getting more aggressive? » asked Gabriel.