"Pardon?" I couldn't help but slur again, a little confused.
I couldn't believe my ears. Who the hell looks for their bride in a club? Is this some new trend I don’t know of? The dimly lit room, filled with the thumping beats of the music, seemed like an unlikely place for such a serious matter.
"You are out of your mind," I mused, looking him up and down before realization dawned upon me.
"Aha! So your bride is here, and you are finding her," I clicked my fingers, bobbing my head up and down, and he looked at me, equally amused.
"You are partially right, mi amore. I am here to find my bride, but I still don't know who that would be," He came a little closer in front of me, and I looked into his deep ocean-blue eyes with wide ones of my own.
"Are you flirting with me? Tsk tsk... It's not going to work. I just got dumped, and technically, it would take me around six months to get over him. I can't be your bride. No," I shook my head, his figure appearing blurry because of the dizziness.
My heart was still raw from the breakup, and the last thing I needed was another man in my life.
A smile stretched on his lips, and he cupped my cheeks.
"That's completely fine, mi amore. I can wait that much," he looked into my eyes with such meaning that I couldn’t help but move closer to him.
"You are such a sweetheart. I know you saw me crying from somewhere and came here to console me. Don’t worry, I am fine," I smiled at him, slapping his chest jokingly.
"Maybe. Or maybe it was because I was surprised why a beautiful woman like you was crying. The only place a woman like you should cry should be -" he looked at my lips for a second before looking back into my eyes with an intensity that scared me a little.
How can a man look at someone with such deep emotion on the first meeting?
He was acting like that typical CEO from fictional books who falls in love with a girl in a club and asks his secretary to find the information on the girl to marry her. I've read about these types of men before, and they never end well. But here I was, living out a scene from a book I never thought I'd experience in real life.
I chuckled at my imagination. Everyone around me was starting to look blurred, and I didn't like the feeling.
Do people get drunk repetitively for this sh*t? Given, it is indeed taking my mind off that scumbag.
"Dance?" The man beside me asked, bringing me back to reality.
"Do I look in any position to dance?" I raised my brows at him.
I am sure I must be looking like a drunk, childish girl to him.
"Do you think I would ask any random stranger about that? A fictional CEO falls in love only once. Besides, won't you be ruining your night and doing injustice to this dress you wear if you don't dance in the club?" His words made me nod before I paused and looked at him, taken aback.
"Hey! How do you know what I was thinking about?" I narrowed my eyes on him.
There is no way I am dancing with a voodoo shaman.
"Because you were verbally thinking about it?" He asked, looking at me with such adoration that made me shy and my cheeks hot.
Did he hear all of it? Then, did he hear when I was complimenting how hot he was, and any girl would open her legs — I shook my head.
No. He could read minds for all I care. There is no way I am embarrassing myself.
"Let's go?" He pulled me out of the seat before I could say yes, and I saw myself walking to the dance floor.
"Can I keep my hand on your waist?" He asked respectfully, and my heart skipped a beat.
There are so many boys/men these days who wouldn't even ask before touching a girl inappropriately.
Where did this gentleman come from? I blinked twice before looking into his eyes as he waited for my answer.
"Allow me," I grabbed his hand, my eyes widening a little, when a sudden shiver ran down them, making me jerk my hand away.
"Is everything alright?" He asked me, concerned, and I nodded.
I grabbed his calloused hand again, intertwining my fingers around his.
My hands were nowhere near small. My fingers were long, and I always loved them. Tyler's hand could never fit me.
Seeing a stranger's hand is a perfect match; I bit my lips before shaking those evil thoughts out of my head that wanted me to do something naughty tonight.
I placed his hand on my waist and stepped forward before touching his shoulders.
Our bodies were almost touching, and even after being drunk, I could feel the palpable tension in the air. Or was it just because of my drunk senses? The romantic tension between us was undeniable, even in my inebriated state.
"You are a good dancer," he commented.
"Thanks," I was dazed. I couldn't say anything else.
The more I looked into his eyes, the more sober and drunk I felt at the same time.
It was a mixed feeling, something I never felt before. Then again, I never got drunk, and I am sure I haven't met a sexy hunk like this before, either.
"It's almost my time to go," I whispered when he stepped closer, and I saw him smiling and nodding.
"It's nighttime. A pretty lady like you shouldn't be wandering around too much. Do you have someone with you?" He asked, and I was amazed at the genuineness in his voice.
"I have a friend somewhere here," I smiled, and he twirled me around, making my back almost touch his chest.
My breathing was ragged. I won't lie about this. I wasn't some kind of wh*re who would fall for any random man out there, but the tension he was oozing, even when he was the politest stranger I have heard of in a club, was no joke.
"What happened to your search for your bride?" I suddenly remembered, feeling amused for no reason, wanting to distract myself from his subtle touch.
It's a good thing he can't see my face—or can he? He is way taller than me, even though I am 5'9". I found myself contemplating his intentions, my mind racing with questions.
Or can he? He is way taller than me, even though I am 5'9"
"Uhuh, it's on," he said vaguely before turning me around. I noticed how intense his gaze was.
He twirled me again, making me face away as if he wanted me to look into his eyes earlier.
"We will meet soon, I hope?" His whisper sent a shiver down my spine. His breath fanned the left side of my neck, and I was almost tempted to see how his lips would feel there.
I think that was too much alcohol for the first time.
"I hope not. Let's keep it that way. Mysterious and memorable," I turned around, smiling at him, and he smirked.
"I am sorry, but here I have to defy you," He bent to my eye level, making me hitch my breath.
"We will meet soon. Just keep your calm and concentrate on healing. No one deserves your tears. You are not made for that kind of stuff." He smiled, and I don't know if it was the drug's intoxication or his scent and eyes that made me want to be bold.
"And what kind of thing am I made for?" I quirked my brows, feeling a confidence I never felt before.
"That you will find out soon," He grinned before removing his hands from around me.
"I think you should leave now. Get home safely, okay?" He talked like he had known me for years and was one of my best friends.
"Thank you for taking my mind off things. I am amazed that gentlemen like you still exist," I was honest with my words.
"Mi amore, I am anything but a gentleman," he sighed, and I could hear the seriousness in his voice.
However, I didn't care. For all I cared, he could be an Italian or Russian mafia boss. The way he treated me was different, and I liked it. That was enough to earn him this compliment.
"Thanks for being soft for me," I chuckled at his dangerous man vibe before I stood on my tippy toes, bringing my face closer to his.
I could feel him inhale deeply as he bent his face toward my neck, and my heart started drumming in my chest. The sound of it reached my ear in the nervousness of what I would do now, but there was no turning back.
"Have a good journey ahead," I said before I looked into his eyes from the corner of my eyes.
"Will you mind if I give you a goodbye kiss?" I asked.
He was gentlemanly enough to ask me earlier. How can I do something so atrocious brazenly?
"Do I look like a fool to you?" He turned his head, and my gaze flickered to his full lips, which looked inviting and tempting and made my heart beat even louder. I licked my lips at the sight of them.
The carefree girl inside me wanted to kiss him crazy and spend a night with him. However, the sensible girl knew to keep her dignity intact.
"Great," I grabbed his chin before tilting his face so I wouldn't end up doing something I regret later.
"Thanks for keeping me company tonight," I breathed into his ear before kissing his cheeks and stepping back.
"Adios," I smiled before turning around. I was about to move when he grabbed my hand.
"I never caught your name," he asked me, and I grinned.
"The opposite of the devil with devil qualities," I said before turning around and walking.
I saw Victoria walking in my direction with a confused look and smiled back at her.
"Angel," I heard the man whisper distantly, making a soft smile stretch on my lips.
"Girl, you are wasted. Let's get you home. Who was that guy you were dancing with?" Victoria asked as she led me out of the club.
"Don't know. Just a good gentleman," I slurred, and she hummed before pushing me into her car.
"Hey! That was mean!" I grumbled as my head hit the back seat.
“Well, who asked you to get so drunk?” She chuckled, making me close my eyes as they wandered to the same blue-eyed man whose hands were rough but gentle.