Jaxson's POV
I fix the water for Lilly, knowing how thirsty she is. I also fix pancakes, eggs, and bacon for her so she can gain some weight. My guess is the reason she can barely stand is because of how malnourished she is.
I notice she hasn't taken a sip of her water yet, which is strange because she was begging me for water earlier. I question her, "Why haven't you taken a drink yet? Do you want something else?"
Quickly shaking her head, she takes a sip and excitedly gives me a thumbs up. Still confused, I brush it off and get to fixing her food.
Lilly just sits there quietly while I fix the food, looking around at the house. You can see the living room from where she sits, and she looks questionably at the TV.
Hesitantly, she asks, "W - what that? It b - big."
I look up from my cooking to reassure that she can ask any question she wants. "Don't worry, you can always ask questions. I don't know the life you have had, but I know it wasn't a good one. I'm here for you no matter what. And that is a television. It plays videos and pictures on it. It is for entertainment. "
" Ohhhhh, s - sounds ... ent - entertaining.
"That was such a big word! I'm very proud of you Lilly! "I exclaim excitedly. She's learning! I'm proud of how far she has come in the short time she has known me.
Blushing, she reaches her hands up to her cheeks. She hides them, probably embarrassed." Why t - this h - happen? "
" It's called blushing, sweetheart. It happens when you are embarrassed. Don't worry little one, it is normal, "I explain.
She giggles unexpectedly." I - I want s - see you b - blush! "I chuckle at her sentence, happy she is getting more confident around me.
"Little mate, I've never blushed before, so it would be hard to get me to blush," I admit. I never blush! I'm too manly
"New game! T - time to play! I - I will get y - you blush," she states, fully confident in herself that she can make me blush. She has a determined look on her face, her brain probably working hard to come up with a way.
Laughing at her determination, then going back to cooking, I finish it up and serve it to her.
Without even waiting for utensils, she eats the pancakes with her hands. I just stare, dumbfounded. I wasn't expecting that. She eats as fast as she can until she says, "No m - more. T - tummy hurts."
Looking at her plate, I see not even half of it gone. Knowing she needs to eat more to gain weight, I pick up a piece of bacon and hold it to her mouth. "Please eat one more piece. I want you to get better."
Sighing, she opens her mouth and I feed her the piece of bacon. Satisfied that she ate some protein, I pick Lilly up. She giggles, getting more comfortable with me.
I bring her up to my room, setting her down in the bathroom. "Time to get ready for bed! Let's brush our teeth and then we can go to sleep, I'm sure you're tired."
She looks at me with the most adorable confused face. I walk over to the counter and pull out a toothbrush. I put toothpaste on it and go to hand it back to her. I look up at her, only to see her staring in the mirror.
Lilly's POV
After eating quickly so he wouldn't take away my food like Mom and Dad used to, we go back to his room to "get ready for bed."
We are in his bathroom and I turn to watch him pull out what looks like a stick with hair, only to see something that blows my mind. I see what looks like a reflection of me. I have never seen myself before, never having the luxury. I lift my hand to my tangled locks and stare into my bright blue eyes. They are full of life, something I would never have expected to see in myself.
My guess is that they were dull before meeting Jaxson. He is what brought color into my life, making me happy. It's only been a short time that I've been with him, but it feels much longer. I still can't get over what I see in the mirror. The small nose and plump lips. I smile, truly for the first time. I see straight white teeth, even after never taking care of them.
Turning to Jaxson, he hands me the weird stick and shows what to do with it. I try to copy his movements. Reaching over to the sink and getting the stick wet, then lifting it to my teeth. Brushing it around, I concentrate so heavily on him I don't notice that I get the foamy substance all over my mouth.
He chuckles at me, grabbing a towel and wiping my mouth. After we rinse our mouths, we head back into the room. I run and jump onto the bed, excited to be on such a soft surface again. He laughs again, which is music to my ears. He asks shyly, "Is it okay if I lay in the bed with you? I want to be close to you little mate." He was blushing!
"You b - blush! You blush!" I jump around excitedly on the bed! I won the game! It embarrassed him to ask me to sleep in the same bed as him, which is so cute! He really cares how I feel, or he wouldn't have asked.
Finally nodding my head, we both climb into the bed. At first I'm tense, not used to having someone so close, but slowly I start to relax. When he sees that I'm comfortable, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his chest. He kisses my forehead, and whispers, "Goodnight, my little mate."