Nica Joy was not surprised to hear that they had been chosen by the company that rejected her. But that was like a hard slap in the face for her because she herself was rejected. Even though she does not want to, she have to attend the company's special event. The new dress design that she has not seen yet because her sister is good at hiding, will be released. She heard that it was her sister's work.
"Where are you going, Ma'am?" Rose asked restlessly.
Nica's forehead furrowed and she stared at her secretary. "Won't you come with me?" she asked. Somehow, she is already used to her presence and she treats her specially.
"I am sorry, Ma'am. I thought that you would not attend the event." Rose replied to Nica.
"I don't need to beautify myself more or to put on a gown just to witness my sister's achievement." She explained to Rose, thinking that was the reason why she supposed that she would not be attending. The event will be held at the department in second floor.
She feels that Rose was having a second thought in coming with her, but she chose to not mind it. She leads the way and she followed her from behind.
Nica looked around. Everything was fine and a lot of notabilities were there. Her father, who is with his wife, quickly greeted her. She secretly smirked when she saw the worry on their faces because of her presence.
"Don't you dare make a scandal here: it is my daughter's day and I won't forgive you if you ruin this event." Margaret warned Nica.
"Margaret, stop being paranoid." Alfonso rebuked his wife, she has been thinking too much forever. She even ordered him to tell his youngest daughter not to attend, but he refused to do so.
"Do I have a reason to make a scene here?" Nica upraised her right eyebrow while looking at her elegant stepmother. She sniggered when she recalled that her father had only dressed her with her mother's wealth.
"Be professional, Nica. We are here to celebrate not only for your sister, but for our company's success, as well." Alfonso calmly reminded her.
Nica just turned her back on her father and looked around. Everyone is talking about their admiration for her half-sister's ability. When her eyes met Janice's, she suddenly averted her sight from her. She suddenly had a bad feeling and her eyes found Rose. Even she, can't look at her squarely. She approached the front seat when the emcee announced that the program would begin.
Chrismith also attend the gathering and Janice immediately greeted him when she saw him. She goes with him on the stage to support him in giving his speech. When it was his turn to speak, he caught a woman watching each and every move of his mouth. He cannot help but halt.
"She's my half-sister," Janice whispered to him when she noticed where he is staring at.
Nica quickly averted her eyes from the man next to her sister when she realized what she was doing. She could not help but stare at his lips, she recalled something, but she could not determine what it was. She focused her attention on the images displayed on the big monitor screen. New designs by their designers were displayed there one by one. But what grabbed her attention even more was the grand finale.
"And… the awaited and magnificent work of our kind, smart and great Head Manager!" a lively introduction by the emcee.
The insulting smile on Nica's lips because of the emcee's compliment on her sister was replaced by anger when she saw the gown her sister claims to be hers.
"Bitch!" She hissed and gritted her teeth. She wanted to explode in anger, but she could not allow herself to be embarrassed in front of other people. She could not help but be teary-eyed because there is nothing she can do apart from being secretly angry.
Chrismith saw how shock registered on the face of the woman he had loathed. But he did not expect the sadness on her face when she looked in the direction of an elderly woman. The woman bowed her head as if overwhelmed by the great sin she had committed.
Nica closed her eyes tightly and tilt her head up slightly to stop the tears from flowing. She is hurt again, but this time, it was not because her half-sister won once again. She is even more hurt because she was betrayed by the first and only person she trusted, her secretary.
She fixed herself before standing when her father called her to be introduced to their company's new ally.
"Finally, we meet!" Chris said as he looks at Don Alfonso's youngest daughter.
"I hope you have had at least one good image of me from others." She replied to the young man sarcastically. She now dislikes everyone on her sister's side.
"I apologize in Nica's place, hijo. That's just really the tone of her voice."
Nica Joy smiled at her stepmother who is acting like a good mother to her.
"Yes, my mother is right." Janice laughed forcefully and clasped her hand on one of the young man's arms to get his attention.
"Well," Nica smiled sweetly at her half-sister. "Today is your day, don't worry because no one else will know the secret of this success of yours." She said meaningfully. She wanted to laugh when Janice turned pale.
Margaret immediately stepped in and handed a goblet with red wine to Chrismith.
"Cheers?" Nica's seductive snatch of Chris's attention. It was her way of revenge on her stepmother and sister.
"Cheers!" The young man politely faced Nica and toasted with the goblet he was holding.
"I am sorry for what happened before, I hope you did not get only bad impressions out of me." Nica intended to get his full attention. She even pulled him away from her half-sister.
Chris gazes at the lady he is talking with, even though it is his first time talking to her, he knew that she is just using him now to irritate her half-sister. Even though she acts like a she-devil, he could still feel the sadness that shrouds her. He admits she is good at flirting, but that is not the reason why she got his full attention.
Nica could feel his extremely intense stare, as if he is sees her soul. She did not like that stare, so she did not last long in flirting with him.
"Oh, sorry, you can go back to your girlfriend." Nica pushes him away.
Chrismith was insulted by what Nica had done. He supposed she sees him as a dog who is easy to tame and would always obey his master. He was about to follow her, but Janice approached him and wrapped her hand around his arm.
"There are people who want to talk to you, Chris." Janice affectionately tried to get back his attention. She saw him watching her sister's back.
Nica feels suffocated because of the people looking at her. She saw Rose approaching her so she quickly changed direction but she still chased after her.
"Ma'am, I'm so sor—"
"Stay away from me!" She cut off the rest of what she had to say, it was low, but with emphasis. With her head bowed, she left the place. She needs to get away from there while she can still control her bad temper.
She went through her office and there, she shed the tears she was suppressing. She did not bother to turn on the light, letting the darkness engulf her world. She feels that everyone around her is untrustworthy. She has no one to lean on and comfort her. Neither does she want to reveal the truth because she knew her father would never believe her.
"Mom? Why did you leave me in this kind of life?" She sobs quietly as she calls for her deceased mother. She remained sitting in a corner for a few more minutes before regaining her courage.
When Nica came out of her office, she found her secretary outside with her head bowed. She quickly put on her eyeglasses even though there was no sunlight. It was seven o'clock in the evening and most of the people, including the employees, were still at the event. She completely ignored her, her respect for her has vanished.
"Ma'am, let me say sorry!" Rose chased after her, but she continued walking as if she did not hear anything. "If you would fire me—"
Nica stopped walking and did not let her secretary finish her words. "Prepare my schedule for tomorrow," she ordered and did not waste time to even glance at her.
She thought that she could use the old lady to anger her half-sister and stepmother. She already found out that Rose was keeping an eye on her for the two. She always ends up losing, so she will change her strategy this time.
"One more thing, I do not want to ever talk about what happened. Let us forget everything." She added and forced herself to look at her secretary in the face to smile at her.