(Book 1 of the Lotus Heart series) Aivi North has always felt different. An orphan her whole life, she finally gets her ...
Chapter 1
I always felt like I didn't belong. No matter where I was, or what I did, I never really fit into anywhere. Growing up, I was an orphan the entire time. I grew up in group homes until I turned 18 years old, then I was just left to fend for myself. Finally finding a good paying job as a barista at the popular coffee shop was my life achievement. At 23 years old, the only interesting thing about me is the flower shaped red birthmark placed over my shoulder blade on my back. I graduated high school as a mediocre student, I didn't get to go to college, and I could count the number of friends I had on one hand. Everything about me was simple. I didn't have any special hobbies or interests, and my life was like clockwork. So suddenly catching the attention of a rich man's son threw me off kilter.
It started a few weeks before everything finally climaxed. I was taking orders like I would any other day, when Lucas Pratt walked into my coffee shop of all places. I took his order as I normally would, but he didn't leave the counter despite the line.
"I'm Lucas Pratt, and you are?" He asked as he leaned against the counter. I knew about Lucas Pratt. He was the son of a millionaire. His dad apparently made a killing in stocks and used the money to start his own company, but why did he care who I was?
"Your drink will be ready soon," I said politely before I went to make the drink.
"What's with that guy?" My coworker, Harper asked. I shrugged before making the drink and returning to the checkout counter. That was only the first day. He came back everyday he could for the next few weeks, demanding to know my name. I wasn't stuck up or anything, but the arrogant manner in which he seemed to think no one could say no to him pissed me off.
Everything climaxed a few weeks later. Lucas was back and he was demanding the same thing he did every day, only this time it was during rush hour. The held up line was getting irritated with Lucas' tantrum as well, but the blame was being put in me.
"All you have to do is give me your name and number, and all of these lovely people can get their coffee and get back to their day," he smirked at me.
"Mr. Pratt, you're disturbing the other customers," I said nervously as I looked at the growing line. While I was distracted, Lucas grabbed my arm and brought me closer to him.
"Or I could just grab your phone and get your information that way," he smirked.
"Let me go!" I struggled against him. I was pulled forward and then released as someone pushed Lucas away. The motion made a sickening pop come from my shoulder. I bit down on my lip from the pain.
"Are you crazy?! Do you know who I am?" Lucas yelled at the culprit. I couldn't see much, just the back of a man in a suit.
"I don't really care who you are. Frankly, who I am is much scarier, but that's besides the point. You're harassing this lady so publicly. I could have you arrested. Sure, your father could set the bail for you... if he was okay with being completely humiliated by his own son. Think about your next move very carefully," the stranger said to Lucas. Lucas hesitated before glaring at the stranger. I held my arm in place as I waited for the result.
"Just you wait," Lucas said before leaving. Harper tugged my shirt sleeve gently.
"Go take a break. I've got the counter and Sarah will be clocking in soon. Go," Harper said. I held my shoulder gently as I came from behind the counter. I froze as my rescuer turned to face me. He seemed familiar, but I could swear that I'd never met him before. His styled dark hair, warm brown eyes and chiseled featured stopped me in my tracks and made me forget the pain in my shoulder briefly. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. I turned away quickly as my cheeks heated. The move made my shoulder hurt as I winced.
"Are you okay?" The stranger asked me. I couldn't move my arm. He stood in front of me and glanced at my arm briefly.
"It's dislocated," he said.
"Are you a doctor?" I asked. He smiled lightly before looking around.
"I am actually, and your shoulder needs to be reset. Is there someplace quiet we could go? It may hurt a bit to reset it," he said. I nodded and led him back to the employee changing room. He sat me down before touching my shoulder gently.
"I'm Yong, by the way. Like Yang but with an -o," he said as he held my arm gently and propped a foot on the bench.
"I'm Aivi. Like Ivy but spelled A-I-V-ah!"I yelled as Yong pulled my arm, making an audible pop.
"I," Yong finished for me as he rotated my arm. It was still sore but at least I could move it now.
"It's meaning is 'always the one; forever'. I actually prefer that spelling," he said. He reached for my shoulder before hesitating.
"Most people have never even heard of my name before. You seem familiar," I said.
"I've known a lot of people," he said vaguely. "I need to inspect for bruising, but..." he started. I hesitated before I faced away from him and unbuttoned my shirt. Almost as soon as I finished with the buttons and slipped the shirt over my shoulder, a suit jacket was placed over my chest from behind. Even though the lights were dim already, I appreciated the gesture. Yong touched the area gently before sighing.
"I should send you to the hospital to get it braced. Even though I set it back, it still needs a recovery period," he said. His hand hesitated on my shoulder blade.
"Your birthmark..." he muttered. I felt myself blush as I pulled my shirt back up.
"The lotus," I sighed. "When I was younger, I was teased a lot for it by other kids. An old lady who often helped out at the home would often tell me that it's a curse. She said I'll lose my life at age 24, but I never took her seriously," I explained as I buttoned my shirt back. I stood and handed the suit jacket back to Yong.
"Sorry, I've talked too much," I said. Yong stood and shook his head with a small smile.
"It's okay. In fact, it's been a while since anyone has talked to me this long. Most people get intimidated and run off," he admitted.
"Alright, let's send you to the hospital for X-rays," he said as he draped his jacket over my shoulders. I clocked out before following Yong out of the coffee shop.