“Good job, now try approaching from the other side.” I was leading the first years through some basic stalk and drop techniques. They varied in ages but were all in their initial year of training to become warriors, and as is true with any sort of new task – some take longer than others to catch on, and unfortunately, some will never succeed. It was the harder part of my job – to ween out the weakest ones – but it was best to do it now than have them die in the middle of battle, or even cause the death of another family member, because they couldn’t hold their own. I already knew a few here weren’t going to be making it past this round and was preparing myself for what was coming next.
I sat down to watch them continue practice, when I sensed him approached. I stood immediately, turned around, and bowed my head down onto my forelegs, my rear in the air. It was a sign of submission and respect – Markus was our Alpha and had earned it. Moreover, he was like a father to me and I loved him as such. With such a strong presence, it was soon felt by everyone, and they all fell still and into a bow like I was. Markus stayed standing, surveying us all, before looking down to me, and saying, for only me to hear “Follow.”
To the rest he told to resume, which they did immediately. When an Alpha issues a command, you follow. It is not in us to refuse – even if you wanted to. Through thousands of generations our society has worked successfully in such a way, and we all worked hard to see that it continued to do so. I was Markus’ Beta, meaning I was set to assume his mantle as Alpha when the time came – but this was not a thought I gave any time to. Markus was a strong, resolute wolf with the respect, love and strength of a pack more than 400 strong – he wasn’t going anywhere and our perfect world was going to remain as it should.
I padded along behind Markus which caused him to snort loudly. “Seriously Sebastian? How long have we known each other? Walk beside me friend.” Normally against the rules and a sign of the worst disrespect – a spot normally reserved only for an Alpha’s Luna – his female counterpart. Sadly, Markus’ Luna, Jayne, had died in childbirth years before. That day he lost not only the sole love of his existence, but his pups as well. But he was still my Alpha and he knew that, so I would not be able to ignore his request. I sped up to get alongside him, and chuffed lightly, “You’re a dick, you know?” and in my head I can hear him laughing, so I join along as well.
“I need your help in the office – meet me there in 15?” He asks.
“Sounds good.” I reply, and take off at a quick jog towards my cabin at the back of the grounds. I love times like this – the heat of the setting sun on my back, the damp dirt beneath the pads of my paws, the wind blowing through my fur as I run. I can see animals running in fear from me, smell their terror and it excites the beast in me but I rein it in, knowing I don’t have time for a hunt as my Alpha has requested my presence.
Once back at my cabin, I transition back into my human form and enter. I take a quick shower to wash off the mud from the forest floor, dress and start the short walk towards the main lodge via the shortcut through the thickest part of the forest. Anyone who doesn’t know the area would get easily lost, but for us Wolves, it is as easy as walking into an empty room. I nearly exit out onto the clearing near two whelps going hot and heavy – I can smell their passion and while not unpleasant, I do find it overwhelming and I look forward to some distance. I am just about to take a step into the clearing from the shelter of the trees when I see her. She’s just exiting a vehicle in front of the lodge, and she has to be, by far, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen before. She’s tiny – not much taller than 5 feet or so, dark hair – almost black yet in the sun, there is almost – blue? Red? I shake my head – I can see different colours popping into sight as the sunshine caresses her head. With my improved eyesight I can tell her eyes are not green – not blue – somewhere in between. I find myself wondering if they darken one way or another when she climaxes… and feel that I’m becoming aroused so give my head a shake – “Get a grip man!”
I notice she’s looking around, taking in her surroundings. I take a step back, so I remain unnoticed. Why? She observes the large family to one side – I can see on her face that she’s surprised by how many children there are but tries to hide it so not to appear rude or judgmental – little does she know that’s common in a wolf family… she sees the elder couple and appears to be… tender about them? Mmmmmm. Then she sees the kids going at it by me and I can not only see the heat rising from her core, I can feel it, I can fucking smell it… I stumbled backwards – I had to put distance between us because the wolf in me wanted to run to her, throw her to the ground and plunge myself so deep into her over and over until she screams my name. I have never had such visceral feelings for another person before in my life – let alone someone who was human! What. The. Actual. Fuck. My dick is throbbing painfully at this point I had no choice but to turn from the lodge and slip back into wolf form. Sending a private message to Markus, saying something along the lines of something came up, please forgive me, I’d explain later, I turned my mind inward and just ran. I ran and ran and ran until there was nothing but me and the forest.