It's been exactly two months since Petra was married, Bryan was still in a coma, nothing had changed.
Petra's life was still the same as before, however, it was a little more bearable, she forbade Emma and her father to go to her house, and that was one of the best things she did, because now, she didn't have Emma to tease her. Her, and didn't have her father to humiliate her or tell her what she should or shouldn't do. Rebekah sometimes paid her daughter-in-law a visit, and luckily for Petra, it was never long. But when the woman left, she always made Petra feel bad with her nasty comments, which she made no effort to keep to herself.
Rebekah was always badmouthing Petra's body and appearance, she would make comments like, "You're chubby, you need to lose weight" or "You need to diet, or you'll get fat." Sometimes Rebekah would tease Petra about her haircut, or criticize her clothes. These comments drove Petra crazy, but she just took a deep breath and didn't say anything, she didn't want more problems, even more so with her mother-in-law's witch.
Petra was studying at home, she was in her last year, so they hired a private tutor for her. All the invention of her mother-in-law, who said she couldn't go to school or leave the house, except to visit her husband, she was now a woman married to a famous man, and she couldn't appear much, she had to keep off camera and avoid gossip or any other news either about her or the wedding. Petra could also say something about her marriage or even Bryan himself, Rebekah would avoid anything that was related to her son and that could harm him.
So Petra could only go to the hospital, see her husband. And during those two months, she would go to the hospital three times a week and be in the room where Bryan was, just sitting there, doing nothing.
Until today...
Petra was sitting in one of the comfortable armchairs next to the hospital bed where her unknown husband lay in a coma. She held his hand as tears rolled down her face.
She needed to talk to someone, and it felt weird telling her secrets to a man she'd never seen before, but she felt like she needed to vent. Then she took his hand and began to speak:
— I don't know who you are, but I need to talk to someone. My sister is so mean to me. She humiliated me all the time, ever since we were little, and I never understood why, I never hurt her. Emma has always been jealous, she's always set our father up against me, ever since we were kids, but now that we're adults, she's getting worse and worse. I'm at my limit, I feel that at any moment I'm going to do something crazy and end all this, all this suffering.
Petra let a few tears escape and run down her cheeks as she continued to speak.
— And my dad…he's horrible to me too. He always compares me to my sister and makes me feel like I'm not good enough. No matter what I do, it's never enough for him. — She sighed and continued to speak — He blames me for my mother's death, she died in my childbirth, so, since then, he rejected me, and left me around just to have some benefit with me, like this marriage...
She sighed and shook hands with the unknown man.
— I didn't want to get married. I was forced into it by my father, and now I'm stuck in an unhappy marriage, an unhappy life. I feel like my life is completely out of my control. She smiles in denial. — In fact, I never had control of her, I never had a choice. I just had to accept what my father chose for me.
Petra stopped talking and was silent for a moment, looking at the unknown man who remained motionless on the bed.
— I know I can get through all of this. I know I'm strong enough to handle it, but sometimes I don't seem to have the strength. I have no one to talk to about these things, so I talk to you, who are my husband, and yet you are a stranger to me. Hope you can hear me.
Petra kissed the unknown man on the forehead and got up to leave the room. As she left, she felt a little lighter, as if she'd gotten some of her worries off her chest.
. . .
Petra left the service area and walked towards the garden, in her hands, she carried a gardening kit, she was tired of standing still and doing nothing, she sometimes read a book, but she needed to do something different.
So, on a curious look around the house, she finds the gardening kit, and as Petra loves plants, she decided to take care of the garden, plant some roses, bring that house to life. She asked the driver, Joseph, to buy seeds for her to plant since she couldn't go out.
With the help of a rake, Petra starts to prepare the soil, leveling the land and getting everything ready to plant. Now, with the help of a mini shovel, she makes small holes where she places the rose seeds, which are varied, both in species and in color.
After planting, Petra takes a watering can and starts watering everything. Now it was just waiting to be born, but the work wasn't over, she would have to take care of the plants so that they grow beautiful and that they bloom even more beautiful.
From afar, Rebekah, Petra's mother-in-law, watched the girl happily stirring the earth. Petra was already completely covered in dirt and sweat, but she didn't care, the feeling of tending to the plants was relaxing on so many different levels, she felt exhilarated. However, Rebekah didn't like that, she didn't want a dirty daughter-in-law, she wanted an elegant and refined daughter-in-law.
She needed to take drastic measures to get Petra to change her ways, and Rebekah was going to mold Petra the way she wanted, make her a chic, refined woman. So, she left Petra's house without her seeing that she was there, and went directly to the mall, where she was going to buy new clothes for her daughter-in-law.
— Lady Petra won't like that. — Joseph says. — she is a simple girl.
— Employees can't meddle in their bosses' lives, so keep quiet. — Rebekah says, causing Joseph to be quiet and just follow the orders given to him.