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Chapter Two: Line Of Work

I wake up shocked to be laying in a hospital bed, there was an annoying beeping sound coming from somewhere in this place. I sit up slightly to see I was connected to a machine, actually multiple different ones. I look around the room to also discover that I was alone, I put my hand to my head trying my best to remember what happened. I had a vague idea, I know something happened with my dad, headlights were involved and my mum. I'm pretty sure I saw mum, she must have taken me here, but where the heck is she now?! It's great to wake up alone in a hospital room with no idea what happened, I hope you all can hear the sarcasm in that sentence!

The door opens and in walks a guy in a suit, he didn't look much older than me. His outfit was neatly put together, while his hair was running wild. He held a coffee in one hand, while the other held a phone. He looks up from it for a second, where his face holds surprise to see me awake.

"Ally, how are you feeling?" He asks walking over to stand right next to me, I still didn't know who this guy was, so I don't answer. "Oh, sorry I'm Jackson Taylor, I work with your mum, she sent me here to check on as she's working." He explains with a smile, well that doesn't surprise me to find out she's working.

I guess me being in the hospital and dad being missing is less important than whatever the heck she has to do for work, wait I just remembered, my dad is missing!

"I'm feeling okay thank you, have they found my dad yet?" I ask that was literally the only thing I needed to know at this point, I felt fine, but I knew I'd feel so much better if my dad was.

"Not yet no, but people are trying their best" he says rubbing my shoulder sending me a sympathetic smile, I look down totally at a loss for words.

Who would want to hurt my dad? The man has nothing huge going on which would make him a target, my dad would totally agree with me on that. He's a computer nerd with a close group of a few friends and no enemies that I can think of everyone loves him.

"Let's just focus on you getting out of here okay." Jackson smiles rubbing my shoulder once again, I just nod looking down, but I knew the only thing that's going to be on my mind is my dad until we find him.

The next day I was released from hospital, where my mum hadn't shown up the whole time, it's great to see where her priorities lie. Jackson didn't leave my side though; he's actually been really nice. I walk out the hospital with a few cuts and bruises which meant I can now focus on finding dad. Jackson quickly leads me to a black car with dark tinted windows, I slowly climb in to discover the driver was already in the front, this is a really scratchy Uber. Jackson gets in beside me, but before he could fully close his door, we were driving down the road away from the hospital.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking over at him while he texts on his phone and putting a finger on his ear, did he have an earache?

"To see your mum." He says acknowledging me for a second before turning his attention back to his phone, it's nice to know I'm so incredibly interesting to others.

I look out of the window as we drive very fast down the road, this was when I saw 2 black Range Rovers, one in front and one behind like they were guarding us or something.

"Eta 2 minutes." Jackson speaks up randomly holding his ear, wait is he wearing an earpiece or something?! This makes me very confused, more confused than I've been this whole time.

I take a look at the driver, he was wearing a black suit but on his waist was a handgun, I look down at Jackson's side to see he was also carrying, okay this just got ten times scarier!

We soon pull up at a gate where two guards spoke to the people in the Range Rover in front of us, the bar goes up where the car in front pulls in first, our car behind him entering what looks like an underground car park. Once all the cars were in, a steel shutter door goes down blocking us from leaving the car park. We park up Jackson getting out the car first holding his hand out to help, once I'm out I have a chance to look around the dark car park.

"This way." Jackson ushers me over to a door which one of the men from the other cars types a code, the door opens making light pour in the dark car park but also blinds me.

Jackson continues to guide me through the door where I see a bunch of people sitting at desks, some were running up and down the stairs, while others were shouting random numbers, it looked like a really busy office.

I'm not in there long as I'm led into another room which looked like a weird salon place, two people a man and a woman stood talking to each other but stopped when we walked in.

"Ally, this is Rachel and Ryan who are going to be doing your makeover." Jackson smiles but I just stare at him confused, I didn't know I was getting a makeover. "Oh, sorry I must have forgotten to tell you, your mother wants you to have a complete makeover, she'll explain when you see her in a short while." He smiles pushing me over to Rachel and Ryan before he walks out the room, okay what is happening?

"How do you feel about going brunette?" Rachel asks smiling, I just stand there speechless.

What's going on?

After a few hours they say I'm ready walking me over to look in the mirror, I looked totally different. They'd coloured my hair, so I was no longer a blonde but brown, they cut it to about shoulder length and changed my clothes completely. Ryan walks to a cupboard pulling something out coming back over.

"I love the colours of your eyes but with your hair now being brown they'll stand out more, you don't have to wear these all the time just when you're out in public." He explains handing me two boxes of brown contacts, why is it a bad thing if my eyes stand out?

Before I could question it, Jackson walks back in looking me up and down with a smile. Why are people so happy with changing the way I look, that doesn't give me great self-esteem! He thanks the twins before taking my arm pulling me out the room, this dude is always on the move, doesn't he sit down for even a second?

I'm taken into a room where he leans down the machine scanning his eye, okay where the heck am I?! The door unlocks where he guides me into a kind of dark room with a huge screen, standing in front of the screen was an outline of a person but they weren't facing us. Jackson makes me stop just behind the woman, this was when she realised, we were there and turns, where I come face to face with my mother.

"Hello Ally, I see the guy's downstairs did a good job on your makeover." She smiles looking over at me, but I don't go to speak, I was way to shocked at the everything that just occurred. "Well done, Jackson, can you excuse us for a moment?" She asks turning to Jackson, he nods squeezing my shoulder a little before walking out the room leaving only me and my mother alone.

I just stand there staring at her for a while, this is the first time I'm seeing her in nearly two years. She hasn't changed much, the same haircut, the same style, I don't know what the heck to make of this situation.

"So, how's everything been going, do you still work at that restaurant?" She asks making conversation, I just nod not going to speak. "That's good, how are things with your friend what's his name Jacob, Parker?" She asks trying to think of his name but getting it wrong each time, it just shows how interested she is about my life.

"Do you mean Peter?" I ask helping her, she nods pointing at me waiting until I answered her question. "He's fine, can you stop trying to distract me from what's really going on, where the heck am I? Why am I here? And where the heck is dad?!" I ask loudly, now I was faced to face with her I could finally start getting answers for the questions I've been asking, which haven't been answered!

She sighs turning around back to the screen walking away a little but stops turning to look at me.

"I can only answer two of those questions but first, I'm going to have to explain something to you." She sighs slowly walking back over to me, I just stand still staring at her getting rather worried. "I haven't been truthful to you about my line of work, I'm not a lawyer that helps rich people get away with things they shouldn't, I'm a spy." She bluntly says looking at me, I stare at her confused not believing her.

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