Illyla’s POV
Sophie and I spent all our free time together just hanging out at the market. I swear we walked around the whole market and seen every stall twice! You can cover a lot of ground in 8 hours, but of course our fun had to end.
"Come on Sophie we better go to work" I reminded her, and she sighed, and I just chuckled. "Hey, I don't like cleaning rich boys’ toilets either" I replied, and it made her chuckle as we both walked back towards the castle.
I knocked on the door and the guard opened the door, recognizing Sophie and I he let us in with no fuss. We walked side by side to the office where Mindy the nice receptionist sat behind her desk. "Hello again Mindy, where is our next shifts?" I asked and she smiled realizing it was me.
"Sure, thing sweetie, huh you both get to dust the books in the prince's private library" She replied pointing her fingers at the door upstairs. "Thank you" Sophie said as we walked upstairs together, I opened the door and we walked inside.
"Shhh" She whispered, and I frowned in confusion, but then I heard a noise, someone must be in the library. "Come on" I replied signalling for her to follow me further into the library. I gasped when I realized we'd walked in when the room was occupied by the Prince himself.
"Excuse us Prince Mike, is this a bad time to be cleaning?" Sophie spoke up and the prince turned to face us, and he looked like he was startled we were here. "No, no it's fine I'm just reading" He replied, and we nodded starting to dust off the books on the shelves at the back of the room.
Working from the edges into the middle, would give him enough time to finish up what he was doing and leave us to work. Around 5 minutes later he finished what he was doing and left the room, Sophie and I split up, so I was dusting the books in the middle of the room and she was finishing off the ones at the back.
It was hard managing to dust a whole room full of books in under 3 hours, but we managed to pull it off. I was just about done dusting the last books on my shelf I was doing, when I heard Sophie calling my name.
"Illyla come here!" She demanded and I sighed knowing I'm not going to win this fight. I walked through the shelves and found Sophie waiting impatiently in the middle of the room next to a table. "What is it?" I replied wondering why she was so anxious.
"Come and look what the prince was reading about" She told me waving her hands for me to come over to where she was looking. I walked over and spotted an open book, I looked at the cover it was the 'Every Wolf' book that every Alpha and Royals received.
"So, it's a book?" I asked trying to get her to get to the point, "Yeah I know but look what wolf's info he was looking at?" She demanded and I looked back at the page he left open.
Pg. 4586
Illyla brown
Age: 15
Birthday: 17th of June
Family: Mother ( Alisha), Father ( Jacob), Siblings ( James little brother).
I was shocked to see a page with information all about me, was he stalking me? Sophie stared at me and then she smiled. "You didn't tell me your birthdays in 2 days!" She shouted grabbing my wrists and waving them around.
I yanked my wrist out of her grasp, a small pain ached in my arm and Sophie looked worry. "I'm sorry Illyla did I hurt your wrist?" She asked gawking at my bruised wrist. "No, this is an old bruise" I reassured her, and she calmed down and sent me a worried smile.
Luckily, she didn't ask any more questions in the matter, I'm not planning to tell her that my mother used her wolf claws on me and cut the flesh on my wrist, she did 2 months ago, and the scar never fully healed.
"Do you think he's stalking me?" I asked and her eye widened at the question. "No definitely not, he's not that weird I think he's just getting to know his people" She replied, and I nodded, that theory makes more sense, why would he stalk me? I'm a complete nobody, why would he want to know me?
We said our goodbyes before heading in our different directions, I was utterly exhausted from doing my shifts. I walked into the house and my parents were already in be asleep, so I quietly sneaked into my room and changed out of my slave clothes and into my PJ's A.K.A rags sewed into a short loss dress.
I slid into my bed and pulled my covers up to my neck, keeping me warm from head to toe. Exhaustion finally took its toll over my body and I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
I woke up early due to the sun shining right into my eyes, I love you mother nature for waking me up in such harsh ways!- note the sarcasm! I glanced at the small sorry excuse we have for a clock, it was 5:45 I had 15 minutes to spare until I have to go to work.
I got out of bed and changed into my slave clothes, I walked into the kitchen. My dad was gone to work already, but mum was still here, and she was making breakfast. "Oh, hey sweetie, since you're up early you can have breakfast with me" Mum smiled and I nodded sitting down on the bed next to her.
She offered me a pancake from her pancake stack and I gladly accepted one. "Your birthdays today what would you like to do, we can have a party today?" My mother asked and I smiled, considering we're poor she's still offering to give me something, probably to repay me for the cut on the wrist.
"Um not much really, but I'd like to invite a friend over maybe?" I replied and she smiled. "You made a friend who is she?" My mother asked psyched I finally found a friend. "Sophie Crystal, she works at the castle with me" I replied, and she nodded.
"Thank you dear for doing my job" My mother said which shocked me at first, I smiled at her. "No problem mum it’s not that bad, it fills up my day and I get to hang out with my friend" I replied, and she smiled.
"I got to go now mum bye" I announced kissing her forehead and heading out the door. "Bye sweetie" She replied as I walked out of the house. I was walking down the path leading to the castle, I felt Sophie presence as she walked beside me.
"Hey birthday girl" She said, and I chuckled. "My birthdays tomorrow, but you should come over for my party today?" I asked and she smiled. "Of course, I'm coming, try keeping me away!" She shouted and I cracked up laughing.
We arrived at the castle and the guard let us in and basically it was like my first day here, Sophie went to clean the quest bedrooms and I cleaned the prince's room again. I walked up the stairs and I walked into the room and the prince was sitting at his desk.
Ops I forgot to wait for him to leave, I slowly and quietly turned around and walked back out the door. "Who's there?" He asked and I turned around and took a deep calm breath. "I'm sorry, I forgot to wait outside before I came and cleaned your room" I apologized and he looked me up and down, head to toe.
Mike's POV
I was sitting at my desk looking at the girls on the list and searching them up in the book, I continued doing this for a while, wanting to memorize everything I knew about my possible mates. I haven’t eaten in days because I'm so worked up and it's not like my wolf was helping, he is urging me to find every single piece of information I have.
I heard soft footsteps enter my room and I spun around noticing a small girl walk in, once she saw me, she tried to leave but I refused to let her. "Who's there?" I asked as I watched the girl walk back into my room. "I'm sorry, I forgot to wait outside before I came and cleaned your room" She apologized looking nervous.
"It's fine, what's your name?" I asked wondering who was cleaning my room today. "Illyla sir" She replied, and my heart melted, she's one of my top 5! I smiled at her and admired her beauty, "Illyla? Where you the one that cleaned my bathroom on Monday?" I asked and she looked nervous by my question.
"Yes sir, I cleaned your room" She replied with a small smile and I nodded. "You did a good job; I'm surprised my usual cleaner does a crap job" I congratulated her, and she frowned. "Your usual cleaner is my mother" She snapped at me but in a quiet enough tone I barely noticed.
Well I feel like a jerk now! "I'm sorry, here take this as my thank you for doing such a good job" I asked holding out a 20 dollar bill, she widened her eyes in surprise as she walked over to me and accepted the tip. "Thank you sir" She replied with a smile as she carefully put the bill in her pocket.
"I'm going to leave now, you can make my bed and clean my room, but don't bother with my bathroom that's a once a week job" I asked her, and she nodded her head as she headed towards my bed. I picked up the book and my list and I walked out of my room leaving her to clean.
Illyla’s POV
I made his bed fairly quickly and I did a good clean up of his room, but it was already so tidy it only took me a one hour to do. So, I decided to help Sophie with the quest rooms, I enjoyed helping her and we had a huge gossip session.
Let's just say we definitely used up the 3 hours we get paid for, and she came to my house after work, I still had a party. I showed her my house and she said it was similar to hers, I walked her into the kitchen.
"Hey mum this is my friend Sophie, Sophie this is my mum Alisha" I introduced them, and Sophie offered her hand to shake, but my mum pulled her into a hug instead. My mother finally released my friend and Sophie blushed bright red.
"Oh yeah here mum I got a tip today at work" I explained handing her the bill, she smiled at me and shock her head. "No dear you earned it you keep it; it's your birthday buy something nice" My mother replied, and I smiled.
Sophie and I went shopping at the town market, after like 4 hours of checking out every stall we decided on what I should buy. We walked over to the Jewellery store owned by Mrs Wesley; she had this gorgeous friendship necklace that was a heart broken in half to make 2 pieces.
I paid the 10 dollars for the necklace and I decided to keep the change for some other time I need it, I handed Sophie her necklace and she smiled. "Illyla I should be giving you presents not the other way around!" She scowled me and I laughed. "Well tough there's no one else I would give it to" I replied, and she smiled as we walked back to my shack.
We didn't have the night shift today we used our time hanging out with my adorable little brother James. Sophie and James sort of clicked and their like best friends now which is so adorable, but eventually Sophie had to go home when it became dark.
"OK bye Sophie thanks for coming" She smiled. "No problem my pleasure and I almost forgot" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a dark blue jacket which had buttons in the middle and a hoodie. "Oh my gosh, are you sure?" I asked knowing it wouldn't be cheap.
"Don't freak out, it was my mother’s, but it doesn’t fit me, and I thought it would look adorable on you" She replied handing me the jacket, I slipped it on, and it fit perfectly! I absolutely loved it and I gave Sophie a big bone crushing hug. "Thanks Sophie I'll see you tomorrow maybe?" I replied and she smiled, and she waved goodbye before walking off.
I walked inside and got ready for my shift that will happen at mid night, I took off all my clothes and only wore my cheap pyjama dress, not wanting to shift and rip anything nice. Tonight, I will finally shift and see myself in my wolf and I'll must likely find my mate!
My mother told me that as soon as a she-wolf shifts she goes into heat, which is like a tracking device for my mate to track down my smell. Luckily, I don't have work tomorrow, my mum's planning to work tomorrow.
She's still sick but she'll just have to keep her emotions under control, and she'll be fine. I hopped into bed deciding to get as much sleep and energy before midnight...