« I’m sorry that you understand this pain, » I said, my eyes softening on his. « Alistair. »
His jaw clenched, and both his hands balled into fists like he was trying to hold himself back from doing something, it must be something very stupid because his knuckles were turning white.
« Don’t say my name like that when you’re sitting on my bed. » He said, his voice sounding husky all of sudden.
My throat went dry at his dominance, and my eyes finally managed to touch his tatted chest. I didn’t realize I was saying his name differently, why would he specify me sitting on his bed ?
« I’m sorry, did I not sound sincere ? » I asked, my head tilted slightly in confusion.
He brought his knuckle to his mouth where he gently bit his skin, it looked like he was holding back on something. « That’s not what I meant. » He exhaled deeply.
« I don’t understand, did I offend you ? »
He stood up in a hurry, his hand was now aggressively brushing through his hair. He faced the window with a doubtful smirk, he looked out at the sky with his height hovering over the window.
« I’m used to dealing with innocent people but you, you’re as pure as they come. » He said, my eyes watched as his back extended with every breath he took.
« Then you’re used to people like me. »
He turned around, his hand falling back to his side. We both were staring at each other, my lips were in a shape of a small smile.
« I snuff out innocence but with you, I want to fuck it out of you. » He said, very bluntly with no shame or nervousness.
Heat covered my entire face, especially my cheeks, probably coating them with a red color. My mouth parted at the heat that was rising inside me, especially between my legs. There was just something about him that was so intriguing, yet scary all at the same time.
« It’s getting late. » I cleared my throat, I was hoping he’d get the message but of course, he didn’t.
« I made you nervous, didn’t I ? » He asked with his thumb touching the corner of his lip.
« No. » I said, you could hear the hesitation in my voice.
« Don’t worry, angel. I’m not going to touch you till your begging for it. » He shoved his hands inside his pockets.
« I would never beg for that let alone beg for a man. » I scoffed at his cockiness.
« We’ll see about that. » He said.
« We won’t. »
He smiled lazily, and my eyes looked everywhere else but at him.
« It is getting late though. » I mentioned.
He nodded his head in agreement, he walked over to my door with his hand hovering over the door knob. I brought my blanket back up to my chin, I was exhausted to say the very least.
« I’m having a party tomorrow night, I left some clothes in your closet. » He said, his smile disappearing and being replaced with a serious face.
He’s like a switch that can turn off his emotions easily, and possibly hide what he’s truly feeling. What do you call people like that ? Maybe a sociopath or emotional detachment type of situation.
« Come or don’t, I don’t care. »
Ouch, what did I do ? I didn’t respond because he didn’t give me a chance, he opened the door and practically stormed out before I could even blink. My head turned to face the wall in front of me, I just had a strange case of whiplash and there wasn’t even a roller coaster to enjoy. I laid back down and covered my entire body with my blanket, I exhaled loudly.