Ashlynn wanted love too,
She's searching for it so badly, but the search didn't end up well for her...
Life had other p...
Ashlynn POV.
It's you and your world and I'm stuck in the middle, I got the edge of the knife and it hurt just a little. It's not like I asked for this, no one would ever ask for this, but I'm lonely, and it's a lonely night, the loneliest night of my life, okay I'm done using song lyrics to describe what's going on with me.
I'm lonely, that's the thing that's killing me on the inside, I'm lonely, there's a big hole in my chest, a feeling of missing something or someone. My soul isn't complete, there's a big piece of me gone, or maybe I haven't found it yet, I feel the need to go out there and search for my lost piece, I can't take this pain, this emptiness. I feel the need to cry, to mourn, to yell and scream, but all of those won't help my broken heart, what I need is someone to love, all wolves would look for their mate, for someone to lay over their shoulder and feel loved.
That's what we are wolves, but we are souls who were broken in half, we're never complete until we find our other half, only then we'd feel the peace.
Maybe you know me, maybe you remember me from my sibling's stories, you know my older brothers, they found their other half, they are now mated and living their happily ever after.
Jacob's mate moved in with us, she was our new stepsister, my brother Jordan, he's my favourite was and would always be, we started so much chaos together, but he's not here anymore, he got mated when he moved for training in another pack, now he lives there.
Jordan and Micah are doing well, thank you for asking, Kiara and Jacob are also well, we've grown up a few years since the last time you saw us and our stories, I'm not sixteen anymore, I graduated high school, and then went to university, I even studied something I really love, I studied Archaeology.
It's the science of studying the ancient and recent human past through material remains, it's going back in time and discovering new treasures, I loved it, but this job requires me to leave the small town I was raised in, I wasn't born here, but it's all I remember, I can't remember the pack where my mother used to be the alpha. My current mother, she's the one I call mom, she's my aunt on my mother's side, she's her sister, the one who raised me, the one who brushed my hair, the one who kissed my injuries. She's the only mother I know, she's also our current alpha, along with my older brother Keiran, he's the next one in charge, and after him comes my other brother and beta Jacob. And the next one in charge of being the most dominant wolves in the pack, I'm the third in command, used to be forth, but with Kitty gone, it's me, kitty is Jordan, it's my nickname to my blond brother with green eyes, they shine like a cat eye.
I'm twenty-five now, yeah I'm getting old, I'm over my teenager years, I'm past my adulting year, the biggest year in our life, the one where we reach the big age of twenty-one, it's really important for all wolves, it's the year where we find our mates, we could feel the pull toward them before, but at the age of twenty-one, you are sure who your mate is, everything in you calls to them, their scent, their look, once you find them, you'd know it's them.
I haven't found that special someone yet, I knew I'm dominant, I would be able to identify them, but they aren't in my pack, they aren't in my brother's new pack either, they aren't anywhere to be found, and here I'm going insane.
"Keiran, I'm going out," I call in the house, I don't need permission anymore, I'm too old to be told no, I didn't move out of my mother's house either, why would I? I can't survive alone, no wolf likes to live alone, we need to stay together, we need to be close and connected, I'm the happiest in my mother's place, I got my siblings with me here.
"Wait up," Jacob yells after me, I stopped and turned to him, he was holding Kiara's hand, his mate, my sister, she had her lilac hair pulled up in two french braids, mom's doing.
Even after all these years she and mom would need some time alone together, she started her journey in our family hating everyone, but now she loves us, and I hope she does, I love having her as my sister.
"You two want to come?" I asked them, I was hoping they'd come too, we'll have more fun together, I won't be as lonely.
"No, Kiki isn't feeling her best," he says, I frowned.
"Are you okay Kiara? What's wrong?" I ask her.
"My tummy ache," she says in a low voice, she's in her little space, when she regresses Kiara is no older than four years old, most days we'd regress together, but I wasn't feeling like it, Kiara got Jacob to take care of her while I had no one.
"You need anything?" I ask my brother again.
"Are you feeling big?" he asks, I rolled my eyes at him, I look big, I'm feeling big, can't he see that, I had one of my evening dresses on, a full face of makeup and high heels.
"What do you think?" I ask him with sass.
"Just be careful please," he says, I smile and nod, I left the house and moved to my car, yes my car, I learned how to drive and got my own car now, no need to steal one of my brother's car anymore.
Although it was fun, I never gave up on borrowing their cars, even after that one-time incident where we ended up in jail, I kept borrowing their cars until mom bought me one of my own. I got inside my orange Hyundai car, it's special, other than my siblings' neutral colour cars, my little side loves that our car is special.
I drove out of the driveway slowly and steadily, making sure not to go too fast, even at this age I still get yelled at for driving too fast, once I left the perimeter of our home, I sped off toward the town, heading to the club. It's not little's night today, but that's fine by me, I could use a night off, and a chance to meet people other than my siblings.