Morgan found himself nodding as Neal pulled out into the late-morning traffic. He wasn’t too worried. He never had a problem swaying a woman to see his side of things or persuading them to do what he wanted. Charm was one of the tools in his personal toolbox he used with skill, in business as well as the bedroom. Jacqui Karston would see he was the man for the job. He had no doubt. He could appreciate someone having zeal for a cause. It made them eager to see progress. Yet, something usually sparked that fire. Furthermore, it was probably something deeper than just naming something after her daughter. If he could discover that spark, he would have a way past her defenses.
“Are you staying to help set up the new office?” Morgan took in the buildings as they passed casinos, hotels, and small businesses. While it was true there were quite a few vacant lots where buildings once stood and several abandoned buildings that needed demolished, the Biloxi/Gulfport area was still an extremely active community with tourists and locals alike. The white sands of the beach were inviting as, even on a workday, people enjoyed the sun and waves. The homes along Highway 90 still held the southern charm of a period lost to history while newer, flashier buildings crowded in from all sides. Well-kept parks were alive with artists and families, enjoying the day before the afternoon heat reminded them summer was only a month away.
Katrina hit them hard ten years ago, but the residents of Biloxi were quick to bounce back and reclaim their area.
“No,” Neal said. “Once Mrs. Karston accepts our proposal, I’m off to our Savannah office to make sure Edwin keeps his pants up.”
“Now, that wasn’t all on him, and you know it. Cherish Lansky was just as much a willing participant in that affair as Edwin was. I agree he should have been smarter about the whole thing, but they were two consenting adults.” Morgan didn’t doubt Edwin manipulated Cherish into the back of his truck or over the desk or wherever the two of them wound up doing the dirty deed, but Cherish was a grown woman who should have known better. If she had been satisfied at home, she never would have cheated on her husband. Of course, Edwin should have known better than to fuck around with a married woman, especially one looking for a knight on a white steed. Once Edwin found a sweeter piece of ass, he dropped Cherish in a heartbeat and moved on. However, he made two mistakes in his sexual game. First, he chose someone in the same office as Cherish, and second, it just happened to be her married sister, Faith. The difference between the two sisters was that while Cherish wanted to escape her marriage, Faith just wanted to spice hers up. Cherish didn’t take any of it well, and when she blew, the entire Brevard office went with her. She quit and stormed out, Neal transferred Edwin to help him save face as well as, hopefully, avoid a lawsuit, promoted Faith to her sister’s job, and asked Morgan to travel to Biloxi long enough to get the new office running. His wasn’t a punishment, though. At least, he hoped not. Neither was Faith’s promotion, he supposed, depending on whether she enjoyed the job, that is. Still, they could have avoided most of that if adults just behaved like adults.
“I’m not stupid, Morgan. I’ve been around the world of construction enough to know how the birds play with the bees. Hell, I’ve played the game myself. However, when the sexual conduct of my employees has the possibility of causing me to sign a check to settle out of court, it’s no longer a game. It’s bad business. I’m sure Cherish was lashing out like a jilted lover, but it’s not to happen on my dime. Edwin needs to know that, in no uncertain terms. I saved his ass this time. There won’t be a next.”
Morgan knew enough to drop the subject. Edwin Coldwell was not worth pissing off the boss. “So, any advice on how to win Mrs. Karston over?”
Neal pulled into the parking lot of Big Jake’s Steakhouse. Shifting the car into park and turning the ignition off, he glanced over at Morgan. “She’s a proper woman. Don’t be a construction worker.”
How does a construction worker not be a construction worker while trying to sell a construction contract? Morgan stepped out of the car and into the climbing sun. Charm, Morgan. Time to pull out the charm.