Looking back over the last two months, I could only wonder how I came to be standing over his body holding a can of gasoline and a book of matches.
This wasn’t me, wasn’t the path my life was supposed to go down, and yet here I was—entangled with a man who would never be mine, and staring into the face of what was surely a class-A felony.
Love makes you do crazy, irrational things. And yet, even knowing where we’d end up, I doubted I would have had the strength to stop myself from falling for him. There was just something about him that called to me. Something magnetic and primal.
Looking down at his still form, I yearned for him even now. I sure as hell picked a weird moment to decide I loved him.
The powerful stench of gasoline hit my nostrils, pulling me from my daydream. It was time to move.