"If you want to be remembered forever, then we have to make something memorable. Now tell me, what must I do to impress you?"
Shakira's cheeks flushed red with shame, without saying anything else, she put Daniel's shirt right on, which was actually quite large attached to her tiny body.
Shakira's bad luck seems to continue, and she hopes that this day will end quickly because Shakira can't stand it anymore if after this there are still embarrassing things that will happen to her.
Daniel understood the girl's situation, Shakira must be embarrassed. He scratched his nape, which was not itchy, confused about what to do because Daniel himself was actually embarrassed because of the rope of heaven that he had witnessed earlier.
"Okay, let's just go to the cafeteria," said Daniel as if forgetting the embarrassing thing just now. The man casually embraced Shakira's shoulder, but Shakira immediately darted away, avoiding Daniel's embrace.
Daniel looked at Shakira with one eyebrow raised. "What else?"
Shakira did not stay where she was.
"Geez, I forgot the view of heaven's rope earlier, really. Even though the black color is still clearly playing in my brain," Daniel said in a relaxed tone. However, Daniel did not realize that what he said just now made Shakira feel embarrassed in front of him.
Shakira picked up her backpack which had fallen earlier, then ran somewhere. Leaving Daniel who was standing in his place, staring at the girl in surprise.
"It's a girl running hobby, huh?" Daniel was surprised to remember that Shakira had just run 5 laps on the basketball court.
"Adel, I'm ashamed, embarrassed, embarrassed!" Shakira blew her nose into the tissue, then threw it at random.
"Sha, can you be a girl or not?!" Adelia complained, who had changed her job to be a tissue picker. Just imagine, if he didn't pick up the tissue that Shakira threw at random, then his room would be a sea of tissue filled with snot.
"I'm embarrassed, Adellll!" Shakira covered her face with a fluffy pillow shaped like Adelia's hello kitty head.
"Fine, Sha. Daniel only saw the wrapping, didn't he see the contents?" said Anna, Shakira's other best friend.
Shakira's tears broke out even more, causing Adelia to pat her forehead and then massaging her temples which felt dizzy. Adelia turned her gaze to Anna, who was eating banana chips, as if she didn't realize that she had just poured kerosene on the burning coals that were about to go out.
"Na, don't just eat, please help Shasha stay quiet, grandpa! I was tired for almost 3 hours of using tissues, my wipes are already in a box!" Geran Adelia to Anna.
Anna turned her head and waved her hand. "Alright, Del. Shasha just needs to be given a photo of her abs oppa oppa, and then it's also possible."
"That's your mah, Na!" Adelia smacked Anna's forehead. "Since when did Shakira like Korea ?!"
Anna grinned a horse. "Just call Daniel, what do you think? Just shut it down."
Adelia patted her forehead once again. "Anna, you stupid idiot ?! You know why our best friend cried because of Daniel Manggala Wdyatmaja the Troublemaker Boy ?!"
"Did Shasha cry because of him, Del?" asked Anna with a silly face.
"When was Adel given a sane friend?" Adelia stared at the ceiling in her room.
One stubborn friend like Shakira, plus one friend whose brain digestibility is below average like Anna is enough to make Adelia get angry every day.
Daniel walked casually into the dimly lit room. Inside, many of Daniel's friends are waiting, including Dito, a friend and manager who Daniel has adopted unilaterally without waiting for his approval.
Remember, he is the son of the Sultan, he is free to do anything. Plus he is a Wdyatmaja, whatever you can get when you bear that last name. So, what more imperfect life did Daniel lack?
"Aren't you racing tonight, Dan?" asked Arka, one of Daniel's friends he knew from the racing circuit.
"Again lazy," said Daniel, not forgetting to show a grin.
"I just heard for the first time, a Daniel Manggala Wdyatmaja 'lazy' to join the race. This morning the sun was still rising from the west, right?" said Mika, one of Daniel's friends he knew at this bar.
Daniel only chuckled in response. "Eh, where is your friend? What's his name, Duren?"
"Darren, damn it." Mika laughed. "Your hobby of changing people's names still doesn't change, Niel."
Daniel laughed too, "So yeah, the Dirran. Where is he?"
"Darren, oh my. My best friend can get hot in his ears," said Mika. "There he is, now he doesn't play here anymore."
"Then, why are you still playing here?" asked Daniel.
"I don't know, I have a problem with my girl," Mika replied, which made Daniel nod in understanding.
"Well, sometimes we guys also need an outlet. After getting tired of dealing with complicated creatures called women, sometimes men's brains need to be replaced. Refresh. "said Arka which made them all nod in agreement.
"Well, that's true said Raka." Daniel gave his thumbs up.
"My name is Arka, punk. Not Raka."
"Uh, yes, Rega. Sorry, sorry, Reg. I forgot," Daniel chuckled.
"Whatever." Arka chose to take a sip of his drink.
"Already ah, I'll take off first." Mika got up from her seat, then high five with those around her.
"Yo, tiati, Dika!" Daniel waved at Mika, who began to disappear in the crowd.
"You have to hold a thanksgiving name change for all the people you call, Niel." Dito shook his head.
"For what?" asked Daniel, raising an eyebrow.
"In one day, you can change people's names up to five times, Coy. Fortunately for those who are sincere, try if not? Can be sued for the unilateral name change article," said Dito scolding. He was very surprised, it seemed that the whole Wdyatmaja family really liked this one-sided decision.
Daniel laughed disparagingly, "Who would dare sue a Wdyatmaja with Bramasta blood on him?"
Starting from the son of the Sultan Songong, Dito thought.
Dito's name is not his real name. Dito's real name is Adit Mulia, his nickname is not Dito but Adit. This is the act of Daniel who keeps calling him Dito, who knows where the name comes from. Every time Dito tried to protest because of his inappropriate nickname, Daniel's answer was always the same.
"I still better call Dito, not Dita."
"Really, bye. Btw, tonight you have a job, don't forget," warned Dito remembering that he forgot Daniel's middle name.
Daniel seemed to think for a moment, then turned to Dito.
"Clear all my schedules tonight," he said which made Dito frown.
"There, business." Daniel waved his hand, gave a code so Dito didn't ask any more questions.
Dito just nodded his head, lucky he had not made a deal with the boss for tonight's job. So there is no need to bother looking for reasons to cancel because of Daniel's habit besides being forgetful, he also has a hobby of canceling things suddenly and one-sidedly.
Dito's eyes accidentally catch the figure of Alex, one of the Golden High School students who is quite well known for his naughty behavior, especially since the man is the leader of the Alardo gang who often causes trouble and damages the good name of Golden High School.
Dito elbowed Daniel lightly, until the man turned his head with one eyebrow raised.
"There," Dito pointed at Alex with his chin.
Daniel followed Dito's direction, then put on his signature grin.
Alex arrived in front of Daniel, the man had a flat expression. Daniel knew the cause of the change in the man's face, because of the defeat Daniel had just given him.
"So, what do you want to challenge this time?" asked Daniel.
"If I hear he's sick because of you," Alex glared at Daniel. "I'll finish you off!"
After that the man left, leaving Daniel cradled and laughing triumphantly.
"Just try, Felix."
"His name is Alex, you idiot." Dito hit Daniel's head.
To be continued