I was left speechless. My heart ached and my legs felt shaky. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should be mad or upset. My mate didn't want me and it hurt me even more to admit it. Isla didn't say anything. She just whimpered inside my head over and over.
I held onto a tree that was beside me to keep myself up. If I hadn't held onto the tree, I probably would have collapsed.
He was still looking me dead in the eyes. There was a flash of guilt and regret in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it appeared.
I was trying to keep back the sobs wanted so desperately to escape. I kept eye contact with him, letting him know I was fine even though I wasn't. The last thing I wanted was to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he could hurt me.
"What pack are you from?" He asked.
"Wh-what?" My voice cracked as I spoke.
"I'll have my beta escort you back to your pack. Now, what pack are you from?" He said, a little harshly might I add.
"Moonlight pack." I said bluntly. "I'm from the moonlight pack."
"So you're the alpha's daughter aye?"
I nodded my head.
He gave me a swift nod before his beta stepped forward and nodded his head in respect to his alpha.
"Escort her back to her pack, Charles." He ordered to his beta, whom I obviously now know his name is Charles.
Charles gave my mate a nod. "Yes alpha." He walked over to me and nodded to me. I gave him a 'I'm not in the mood right now look'. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Theory and his warriors walk back from where they came from.
"Follow me please." He seemed more gentle and patient than Theo was. He still had an edge to him though. He looked like one of those guys you wouldn't want to piss off.
I did as I was told and we began the walk that would take hours to complete.
After about 5 minutes, I heard Charles sigh. "I'm sorry," he spoke with sincerity in his voice. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" I questioned.
"About Theo. He well...um...rejected you." He said the last two words in a small voice, as if that was gonna make it any better. I sighed.
"Its fine. Though I'd rather not talk about it. You weren't the one who did it so you shouldn't be apologizing," I told him. He shook his head.
"For a moment there, I saw his eyes, how happy he was to finally find his mate," He explained. "I knew you would be the perfect one for him and the pack. I-I thought you would be the one to make him change."
I sighed. "I saw it too, but I guess he really wasn't happy to find me." For the first time since finding my mate, I let the tears slip down my cheeks. "He was right, I would be a danger to his pack."
"You don't have to be." Charles said. "I mean, if you practice using your powers and start controlling them, you could be a huge help to the pack."
"Charles, you don't get it. No one likes me. Everyone fears me and what I can do. Even if I did control them, every- one would still hate me," I explained. He just didn't get it. For years, everyone in my pack tormented me. He stayed quiet after that.
Isla. You ok? I asked even though I already knew the answer.
What do you think? She snapped at me. Our mate rejected us. Why aren't you in pain like me?
I guess I'm still in denial. I responded.
She started yelling at me about how painful this is to her. I shut the link off. This was painful for the both of us.
After a while, Charles' eyes lit up. "I have an idea," he shouted in my ear, making me cover them. I brought my finger to my lips and shushed him loudly.
"Keep yelling like that and a rogue is gonna come out to kill us," I whisper yelled at him. He gave me a sheepish smile.
"Sorry," he drew out the 'y'. I shook my head. "I have an idea," He repeated in a much quieter tone. "Why don't you come live in our pack?" My eyes widened.
"Why would I do that? Your Alpha clearly doesnt want me anywhere around him. He will kick me out right when he sees me," I said bitterly. It was now Charles' turn to shake his head.
"He listens to me. I'm his best friend. He won't kick you out if I let you into the pack," He said.
Should I go? I asked Isla.
Yes! She almost yelled in happiness.
Would you really want to be around someone who
rejected you? I questioned.
It doesnt matter to me. He is still our mate
whether he likes it or not. He's stuck with us.
Okay I guess I'll go. I replied. I could feel her jumping up and down in excitement.
I turned to Charles and I sighed. "I-I guess I'll go back with you," I told him hesitantly.
"Really!?" He yelled again, making me shush him again.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"Yes, I'll go with you but maybe not today. I still need some time before I can face him again." He nodded understandingly.
"I understand, being..." he paused, not wanting to say the word. "Rejected isn't an easy thing to get through. I've never personally gone through it but I've seen others go through it so I get it." I nodded.
"Thanks for understanding." I gave him a hug which took him by surprise.
"No problem, that's what friends are for." My eyes lit up at the thought of finally having someone to call a friend after so many years of being lonely.
"Friends?" I asked for clarification. He nodded again.
"Yeah Rayna, we're friends." That brought a grin to my face.
"Is Thursday morning okay for me to come pick you up?" He asked after a while. I nodded after thinking about it for a moment. Today is Monday so that gives me roughly 2 days to get myself and my stuff together.
After a while, we finally got back to my pack house. "Thank you so much for bringing me back." I gave him another hug. This time he returned it since he wasn't caught off guard.
"Of course."
He watched me walk to the from door. I waved goodbye to him and he waved back. He then started walking away. He went behind a bush and shifted into his ashy brown wolf.
I turned around and opened the door. I was met with angry forest green eyes that resembled mine so well