* Present Time *
Matthew and I are now in the car travelling to my pack. We decided it would be better if we got there as soon as possible and I did not want to anger my dear best friend, who may turn into Bridezilla herself.
I was nervous and anxious to meet them all, especially a certain someone with stormy grey eyes. As if feeling my nervousness, Matthew places his hand in mine, while he drives with the other, and says "It's going to be just fine and do not to forget I'm going to be with you." I shoot him a nervous smile.
It is a five-hour drive and I realize that we are nearing our destination. We are only thirty minutes away and my nerves start getting the best of me, my left leg starts bouncing in nervousness.
I look out the window and recognize the familiar forest on the way to the pack house and I reminisce in the old memories of me running through these forests in my wolf form and a smile takes my face.
After a few minutes, we arrive at our destination and we get out of the car. We both walk towards the familiar building which looked marvelous with white, gold, and black themed intricate designs lining the walls. It was a big mansion meant for at least two hundred pack members if not more.
On the way towards the front steps, the pack house door slams open and I get a flash of brown hair. Before I know it, I am tackled by my best friend. She hugs me tight and yells "Bitch, I missed you so much and it’s about time you came back!" I laugh and reply "I missed you too".
Our reunion was cut off by Courtney saying "Oh look who do we have here. I'm guessing you are Matthew, her boyfriend." All the while she is pointing a finger at me while saying her boyfriend and I shoot her glare.
Matt looks at her amused and shoots me a smirk and replies "Why?! Yes indeed. I'm this beautiful woman's boyfriend." and snakes an arm around my waist. I blush instantly. Courtney gushes seeing this and says how cute and lovely we look together.
Our reunion is interrupted when someone new speaks up and his voice is coming from the direction of the pack house. "Hey Court, who is it?" When the person looks up, his blue-green eyes widen when he sees me. He runs towards where I am standing and engulfs me in a bear hug and I bask in the warmth and familiarity.
I hear a growl which comes from Matthew and I elbow him. He instantly recognizes his mistake and gives me a sheepish smile. "Sere Bear! Where have you been? We missed you so much." Alex my older brother says and pulls back, looking at me with moisture in his eyes but happy none the less to see me.
I shoot Courtney a look, realizing that she did not tell them the reason behind why I left. She shakes her head in 'no' and I look towards Alex and say, "I couldn't stay here. It was painful and I missed you so much.” He does not ask me about it but looks at me with a concerned gaze.
"Where are mom and dad any ways?" I ask him and he replies. "They went on a vacation to Hawaii.”
Alex looks towards where Matt is standing and asks him with narrowed eyes "Who are you?" I roll my eyes knowing that Alex loves playing the scary older brother card and I can see that he does not find Matthew as a threat to me.
"I'm her boyfriend." They both look at each other with narrowed eyes for a few moments and then suddenly burst into laughter and engulf in a manly hug. I and Courtney look at them like they have gone bonkers and shoot each other a worried glance.
I was so engulfed with meeting them that I almost did not notice someone looking at me from a window on the second floor of the pack house. Feeling the stare, I look up and my eyes lock with stormy grey colored eyes which hold some kind of emotion I couldn't decipher. I look down not being able to hold his gaze for long. Courtney, Alex and Matthew are chatting with each other that they didn't notice the little interaction.
He has not changed much. He has grown manlier than the last time I had seen him and has a five o'clock shadow on his chin that makes him look dangerous and sexy at the same time.
"So, what are we waiting for? Let us go inside and let us get you guys settled. We have a lot of planning left for the wedding." Courtney says breaking me from my trance. Matthew and I agree and we walk towards the pack house.
It is the next day and I am staying in my old room. Nothing has changed about it. Everything is in its place. Just the way I left it, but I can smell a faint scent of someone, but I could not point out whose. Maybe a pack cleaner has cleaned it or something I think to myself.
Matthew is staying in the room next to me, though he does not sleep there as he sneaked into my room last night. He is currently out with Alex fishing in the nearby stream. Courtney is downstairs in the kitchen making sandwiches for us
I am getting bored staying in one place, so I decide to go downstairs and help Courtney. I pass by a few rooms and just when I am turning to take a right from the hallways, I hear a cry from one of the rooms. I decide I might as well check it.
What I was not prepared for was to find a baby boy who was crying on the floor. I instantly rush towards the baby and pick him up from the ground. It appears that he had fallen from the bed while crawling.
"Ohhh! It is okay. Shhh! Sshh! Don't cry." I try to soothe him by rubbing his back while his head is buried on my neck. I rub a small red spot on his elbow which definitely was caused from the fall. After a few minutes the baby calms down.
I look at the baby to find him already staring at me with stormy grey eyes. He has a small button nose and pouty lips. Now that I am really looking at this baby, I find that he seems familiar. Almost like someone I know but I could not tell who.
He is a really cute baby. He is wearing one of those black and white horizontally stripped onesies with a black beanie with light brown pom-poms on his head. I know for sure that he is going to be a looker and when he grows up he will grab all of the lady’s attention.
I smile at the baby and coo and make funny faces at him to which he squeals and giggles. He says something gibberish in his baby language while looking at me. He lays his head in the crook of my neck and wraps his arm around my neck and looks up at me with those gorgeous grey eyes. My heart melts seeing this; 'I wish I could have a baby of my own' I think to myself.
I decide that I should take him with me just in case he starts crying again, so I start walking with him towards the pack kitchen and find Courtney standing there making the sandwiches.
"Courtney." My calls are gone unheard.
"Courtney." I say a little bit louder to get her attention and I succeed when she turns around and smiles at me, but that look is replaced with shock when she sees the baby in my arms.
I look down at the baby in my arms and ask her "Courtney, whose baby is this?"
I look up at her after a few moments when she does not reply to find her giving me a deer caught in headlights look.