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Chapter 8: Loss

Tarrant stood outside of Ace’s office moving his weight from left to right trying to find the courage to go talk to his dad about something that’s been nagging at him. There was never going to be a good time, so now was as good as ever.

Tarrant finally opened the door making Ace jump a little. “Oh my god, Tarrant. Don’t scare me like that. I could’ve killed you.” Tarrant raised an eyebrow as Ace pointed to the button on his desk he was very close to pressing.

Tarrant waved that off and decided to get straight to the point. “Who is E, Papa.”

Ace visibly tensed where he stood. It took a few minutes for him to calm down and explain. “Sit down, Tarrant.” Tarrant pulled out the chair keeping his eyes trained on Ace.

Ace started to feel his brow sweat under the scrutiny, but he knew he could only hide this for so long. “Who is E, Papa? I heard you and Sean talk about it. Why are you trying to keep this information away from me?"

“I know you have a lot of questions, Tarrant, but there’s only so many I can answer right now. I can tell you now that E is a code name. They are someone that I have to report to every other month to explain the progress of this place, of us.”

“Why would we need to give progress to this secret person? We already have this group of underground bunkers who help each other and work as a group. What is this E?”

“They’re not a part of this bunker system, Tarrant. E is someone who tracks the progress of the Tyrants. They are the one who does experiments on anything we can find about them. They are also the one who is the closest to finding out what these things are.”

“So why do we need to report to them?”

“Because their entire research suggests that these Tyrants are not alien at all. It suggests that it’s something from deep in the Earth that lies dormant for many years.”

“So, what you’re saying is that this disease that’s lay dormant for years could be infecting the world now and creating these Tyrants?”

“Exactly. So, please understand that we’re not the only bunker working with E. We are just the only bunker who knows them by the name of E. It’s to prevent us from going against each other if he finds anything condemning towards anyone in the bunker.” Ace’s eyes scanned over Tarrant over and over again hoping that his son could understand why he hid this.

“Then why does Sean know who this person is?”

“That’s because he is the one who always comes with me when we have to work with other bunkers for food supplies. He’s more open and can get on everyone’s good sides better than most.” Tarrant felt uneasy. Nothing was matching up with just how strong this sounded, but he agreed with what Ace was saying.

“Okay. I’ll be off.”

“Oh, Tarrant?” Tarrant turned around with a raised eyebrow. “You’re allowed to live with Jordan again, but please do wait.”

“Yes, Papa. I’m not going to do that to my best friend.” Tarrant closed the door with that last statement leaving Ace wide eyed and his jaw on the floor.

“That was the first time that Tarrant said they were best friends.” A smile graced Ace’s features before he pulled the phone out. “Ace, your vitals are scaring me. You might not have that much more time.”

“Buy me more time, E. He doesn’t need to know everything yet.”

“So, you’re saying he already knows something?” Ace nodded begrudgingly before making an agreeing sound. E sighed over the phone and typed up a few things.

“Tell me everything that you told him.”

“I didn’t tell him the whole truth.”

“Good. Keep it that way. Ace, you are not to tell Tarrant about everything. If he learns now, he won’t be able to mentally handle it and it could trigger something.”

“I know. Why do you think that I told him those lies rather than the full truth? Kagome would be rolling in her grave if she knew that I told our son the truth.”

“Okay, Ace, keep me in the loop. If the time comes, leave a note to me and to Tarrant to contact one another and I will explain the truth.”

Ace hung up the phone looking longingly at the door. “Why?”

Tarrant waited a good few years. Those years didn’t come without problems. These years were filled with questions and a couple more outings, but something kept lingering in the air.

Everyone could tell that Ace was aging faster than most should at his age, but he kept brushing it off saying nothing was wrong. In the meantime, Tarrant and Jordan were being trained in their respective fields. Tarrant was learning to become the leader of the bunker like his father, and Jordan was learning from Stephanie how to be an analyst and strategize.

Stephanie sat on the chair away from the table as she let Jordan plan out an outing. A smirk graced her features as she looked at the fourteen year old. Everyone could tell that something was forming between the two youngest in the bunker, but now they could see it in both of them, so all of the members were having fun teasing the hell out of them. “So, when are you going to tell him that you like him?” Stephanie came over to the table watching Jordan start to tense. She leaned her back against the strategy room’s table smirking at Jordan. Jordan almost fell face first into it trying to compose himself.

“W-Wh-What?! I-I-I do-don’t li-lik-e h-h-him-m!” Stephanie shook her head with a smirk. “I-I’m telling the truth, S-S-S-Steph.”

“Jordan, you’re fourteen. It’s common to have these kinds of feelings for people.” Stephanie patted the boy on his head ruffling his hair a little.

“B-But, all of those story books had females and males getting together.” Stephanie raised an eyebrow at Jordan.

It finally clicked in her brain. “Um, Jordan, remember how I told you I was married to a girl?” Jordan nodded. “Same thing. It’s just you like Tarrant, and those story books did have anything, you just never saw it. Remember that TV series that you guys used to watch as kids? I think they were from Sean’s stash he found, but it was called Yuri on Ice. There were a couple more, but it’s literally about figure skaters who love each other. They gave each other rings!” Jordan looked at Stephanie wide eyed as she was trying to get him to open his eyes. Sooner or later, he started to laugh at her way of explaining it. “Huh? Why are you laughing? This was one of the better stories of BL and romance!”

“I-I’ts not you.” Jordan doubled over the table laughing. “Thanks, Stephanie.” Stephanie smiled and brought the boy into a hug.

“Don’t be scared to have these types of feelings. No one should feel suppressed even in this stupid post-apocolytptic world.”

“But he doesn’t like me back. He’s ignored every advance I’ve made and it’s still hard to talk to him when it’s not time when we’re not working.” Jordan mumbled looking through the open door to the living area. Stephanie knew his eyes were trained on the hallway that led to the training room.

Stephanie sighed as she looked at the forlorn face that Jordan had. “Just tell him how you feel. It might help you one day. Now, remember, don’t get hurt in here. I will be sitting here if you need any advice.”

“And what advice would that be? Systematic advice or relationship advice?”

“Depends on which one you seek more.” Stephanie said with a smirk. Jordan chuckled and put the finishing touches on the new strategy for Stephanie to look over.

This plan alone seemed like a good shot to help one team get more supplies and have a backup plan if they find a Tyrant that they could potentially get samples from. Ace needed to look it over before it went into effect, but it worked, at least on paper.

That was until they executed it.

“Jordan! Tarrant! Eric! Get to your rooms right now!” Miss Flora screamed running into her own and bolting it shut. Eric came running through the halls and got the two boys into gear. Tarrant grabbed Jordan’s hand and they ran into their room. Tarrant bolted the door shut as they heard loud thunks on the ceiling.

Jordan pulled his legs up into his arms and sat on the floor behind the bookcase. Tarrant sat down next to him and pulled the small ball that the boy made himself into his lap.

“It’ll be alright.” Jordan nodded his head trying to believe Tarrant’s words. He shoved his head into the crook of Tarrant’s neck trying to block out the sounds coming from above. “Just remember happy times.” Tarrant mumbled blocking Jordan’s ears with his heartbeat and soft breaths. He pulled his rifle back out from under the bed and used it to bring their bodies closer so that they couldn’t be seen if the door or ceiling came crashing into their room.

It wasn’t until five hours later that they got the all go signal from Miss. Flora through the walls. FINE was tapped out in morse code and the two crawled out from their hiding spot.

“Everyone, main room now.” Stephanie said banging on their door. Jordan and Tarrant unlocked the bolt and opened the door to see two people come down the ladder with these forlorn looks on their faces. Stephanie banged on the doors of the other two as Sean came through as well. Everyone knew not to test Stephanie as they saw how sad and pissed she looked. Everyone quickly made their way to the main living area to find Stephanie standing there with blood running down her face and Sean sitting on a chair with his face in his hands. He was shaking and his body seemed to heave.

“Shouldn’t you get that checked out?”

“No time. We are on emergency lock down. A few of those Tyrants got inside the barrier.” Stephanie motioned for Sean to move. Everyone could tell his eyes were red and puffy.

Jordan pushed his way through the small crowd with a confused look on his face. He was hoping that his eyes were playing tricks on him and trying to stop his brain from jumping to conclusions. “W-Where is Alice?” Sean looked away from Jordan’s wide eyes. He couldn’t look at him. Stephanie looked at him, closed her eyes, and shook her head. It sharply clicked in everyone’s heads. Jordan looked around the room in hopes that they were all lying, but no one had a smirk or a smile on their faces. Jordan started to hyperventilate and ran into his shared room.

Tarrant stood there just as stock still. There was this look of recognition as he got to look around at everyone. Sean shook his head for a second time. “We lost him. . .I’m so sorry, Tarrant. He went off the grid. We can’t find his signal at all.”

Tarrant felt numb. Those words couldn’t go through his head properly. It felt wrong. He wasn’t going to believe this, but now, he has to make sure Jordan doesn’t pass out.

Jordan ran in and bolted the door. He couldn’t breathe. His heartbeat wouldn’t stop. Tears pricked at his eyes as he tried to will them. He reached over to his bed and picked up his old teddy bear and held it close trying to find any remnants of the smell of his childhood home rather than the smell of metal surrounding them for the past nine years to hopefully comfort him.

Banging was heard on the door as Tarrant’s softer voice that he only used for Jordan came through the thick metal. “Jordan? Jordan, please open the door. Don’t do this alone. We shouldn’t d-do this alone.” Tarrant’s voice broke as he tried to will his own emotions to stay at bay.

Jordan shook his head trying to drown out the voices that started to play out the scenarios of what happened, but Tarrant’s was his comfort place. Tarrant’s voice pushed through with a plea to ‘let me in’. Jordan opened the door slightly and Tarrant came through quickly before closing the door again and taking Jordan’s shaking form into his arms. Tarrant had grown significantly in his teen years and now stood at about 6’1 as Jordan was at 5’6. Jordan soaked Tarrant’s shirt with his tears in no time. It took a good five minutes for Jordan to realize that Tarrant was doing the same. Jordan’s shirt was soaked on his right shoulder.

Jordan tried to calm his sobs to a couple heaves when he saw the reason. Tarrant’s eyes were glazed over with unshed tears.

“Y-You weren’t the only one who lost some-someone close, JorJor.” Jordan looked at him confused. “My dad is g-gone t-t-too, but they can’t find his body.” Tarrant said, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

Jordan’s tears thickened as he realized that this family lost two important people and it would never be the same.

Stephanie never mentioned it, but this plan they used was Jordan’s new plan. This wasn’t his fault though. Someone, hesitated. Stephanie knew that everyone was feeling the after effects and left them to mourn in their own ways. She walked into the strategy room and locked the door as she finally allowed herself to scream in the soundproofed room. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You can’t leave us to explain everything. Ace, Alice, why did you have to leave us?” Stephanie went to the “secret” compartment in the table and pulled out a bed. She couldn’t sleep in that room where all of Alice’s things were.

Jordan had cried himself to sleep, so Tarrant placed him on his bed. Tarrant reached into his drawer and pulled out the little koala and a hoodie. He used the hoodie to cover Jordan’s body and placed the koala next to Jordan’s bear. The pain he felt was unimaginable. He couldn’t make sense of it, but he knew someone who could.

Tarrant stood in front of Ace’s office a couple minutes later hesitating once again. That’s when he heard a small ring. It could barely be heard above a whisper, but to Tarrant, he could hear it clear as day. He slowly opened the door to find one phone on the desk.

Tarrant picked up the phone and gulped loudly. “H-Hello?”

“Hello Tarrant, my name is E. We have a lot to discuss.”

“Tell me where my Papa is, and I’ll talk. They didn’t recover his body. Tell me where he is.” Tarrant was holding onto that one piece of hope that Ace wasn’t dead and just missing.

“I’m sorry to break it to you, Tarrant, but it is true. We lost all signs of his vitals. Please listen to me for the next few minutes. This is crucial if you want this bunker to survive.” Tarrant slumped into the chair barely responding as he let the information sink in. E gave him enough time for him to come back before starting on his teachings. “So, do you understand why I make you guys send me samples every time you go out?”

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