Gail traveled home to Alabama to spend Christmas with her parents, still no closer to a decision. The holidays were always rough. She couldn’t help thinking about Jason and Marcus, and what Christmas morning would have been like if they were still alive. Having family around helped her get through the season without depression overwhelming her.
Christmas day was boisterous as usual. All of her brothers managed to make it home with their wives, the last one arriving early that morning just in time to exchange gifts. Later in the evening when everyone had finally left, her father pulled her into his study. “So, you want to tell me what’s bothering you, baby girl? You’ve been mighty quiet all day.”
She debated for all of a second the wisdom of saying anything, but her father had always been her confidant. “Crystal asked me to be a surrogate for her and Rashid, using my eggs.”
“Well, now…” Her father settled his large, burly frame into his leather recliner and stroked his chin. “That’s quite a favor to be asking. Which way you leaning?”
Gail settled on the floor next to him and laid her head on his knee. He immediately began stroking her hair. “I don’t know. I feel for her, Dad, wanting a child so desperately, but I’m not sure this is the way. My gut tells me doing this would be a terrible mistake.”
“We’ve been friends for so long. She’s always been there for me. Can I honestly deny her?” Gail looked up at him.
Her father brushed her bangs off her forehead. “True, you two go way back, but sometimes, you have to trust your instincts and look out for number one. You’ve already lost one child. Can you handle losing two?”
“But this baby wouldn’t really be mine,” she protested, not knowing whom she tried to convince—her father or herself.
He arched one single eyebrow. “Blood will tell. It will grow in your body and have your DNA. And what about your mother and I? You weren’t the only one affected by the loss of Marcus. He was our first, and only, grandchild. Now you’re considering giving away another?”
She hadn’t factored her parents’ feelings into her decision. Gail thought for a minute and bit her lower lip. “So you’re saying I shouldn’t do this?”
“I’m saying it takes a strong woman to give away her own flesh and blood. Maybe your love for Crystal will carry you through. I don’t know, but think very carefully before committing to do this. Some decisions, once made, can’t be undone.”
His words stayed with her a long time.
The first of the year arrived and Gail knew she had to make up her mind. A month had passed, and it really wasn’t fair to Crystal to put it off any longer. So, having made her decision, she invited Crystal and Rashid over to her apartment for dinner. For food, she’d gone with the basics—steak, baked potatoes, and salad, knowing from experience neither Rashid nor Crystal ate pork.
When they arrived, she opened the door and invited them in. Crystal searched her face anxiously, trying to see if the answer to her question was imprinted there. Gail kept her expression as impassive as possible. Though she had decided, there were still questions to be asked and details to be worked out. Crystal floated past in a floral chiffon dress that emphasized her femininity. Rashid looked as debonair as ever in a pair of black dress slacks and black dress shirt.
After a quick glance at his face, Gail looked away from him and focused her attention on Crystal. Though she’d known the man for almost ten years now, something about him still made her uncomfortable. She was considered tall for a female, standing five-nine in her stocking feet, but Rashid towered over her by a good six inches. He was starkly handsome with features that were rugged, harsh even, bringing to mind desert sheiks and tales of Arabian Nights. His hair was the blue-black of the deepest, darkest black, thick with a glossy sheen evident even with his short cut.
“Come in. You want to eat first and then talk, or talk and then eat?” Gail left the choice up to them.
“Oh, talk definitely. What you’re cooking smells heavenly, but I won’t be able to eat a bite until I know,” Crystal said decisively.
Rashid, as usual, said nothing, willing to go along with whatever pleased his wife.
Gail led them into the living room and sat in the recliner while motioning them to the couch. After they were all seated, she turned to Rashid. “I’ve given it a lot of thought, but I have a few questions to ask before finalizing my decision.”
Crystal sat rigid on the edge of her seat, hands fisted on her lap. Rashid was a bit more relaxed, but just as intent in his focus on Gail. “What would you like to know?”
“The first thing I need to know is, are you in total agreement with this plan? Is this something you really want to do? Because once we start, there will be no going back.” She linked her fingers together and lowered her hands onto her lap in an effort not to betray her nervousness.
Rashid gave her question the serious thought it deserved. “I have reservations, naturally, but I’ve given it careful consideration. If you two ladies are willing, I’ll go along. I know Crystal has her heart set on this course of action.”
“You know what’s involved? All the testing that needs to be done to both of us and the legalities to be ironed out?” Gail wanted to be absolutely sure he knew what he was getting into.
“Yes, I’ve researched everything and spoken to both my lawyers and personal physician. I know what’s involved. Do you?” He continued to watch her closely.
Gail nodded. “As much as I can without having actually gone through the experience myself. Crystal, are you sure this is what you want to do? A child is serious business. You can’t change your mind midstream and decide you made a mistake once I’m pregnant. This is going to have a tremendous impact upon all of our lives.”
Crystal nodded emphatically. “Yes, I know what I want. I’ve given it a lot of thought and research. I won’t change my mind.”
Gail heaved a big sigh and swiped her bangs out of her eyes. She prayed she was doing the right thing. Crystal could be flighty at times, but she seemed to genuinely have considered all of the ramifications and still wanted to proceed. “If you are sure, then I’ll do it.”
Crystal bounded off the couch and rushed over to Gail, pulled her out of the seat, and hugged her tight. Then she began dancing around, so excited she couldn’t contain herself. “I’m gonna have a baby. I’m gonna have a baby,” she sang. Her happiness was contagious.
Gail couldn’t help but smile at her antics despite her personal misgivings. She happened to glance at Rashid to see what his reaction was to all this. He was looking directly at her, not his wife, and the expression on his face sent a frisson of nerves tingling down her spine. Feeling like a specimen under a microscope, she quickly returned her attention to her friend.
When Crystal calmed down, they went into the dining room to eat. The meal was a lighthearted affair with the food being well received. As they were leaving, Rashid told her he would make all the arrangements and call her when it was time to meet with the lawyer. She agreed and closed the door behind them as they left, feeling like she’d just made the biggest mistake of her life.