When they got there, they were surprised to see the frail looking old woman standing on her front porch, waiting for them. "Took y'all long enough to get here. Who are the culprits for the delay? Or should I guess?" She asked, looking at them with her sharp eyes, noticing the blush that once again covered Peyton's cheeks.
"Let me guess...Peyton was your horny ass the reason for you guys being' late?" She asked, smirking at the poor boy.
Jaxon decided to try save his son from further embarrassment by intervening. "You probably know why we're here Josephine, seeing as you were already waiting for us. So why don't we all go inside so we can discuss this issue." He said quirking an eyebrow at her. She just rolled her eyes and motioned them inside, mumbling to herself about people always spoiling her fun.
Once they were all seated around her rose-infused lounge, they turned to look at her expectantly. But she decided to ignore them all for the time being, while she made herself extra comfy. Jaxon cleared his throat, trying to gain her attention and got the evil eye from her for his efforts.
"Don't you dare rush me boy, I might be old, but I bet I can still whip your Alpha ass black and blue." She declared once she got comfortable enough. "When you get to my age, comfort comes before Alphas and their over-inflated egos" she said, still moving around every few seconds.
Once she settled down, she looked at them one by one then turned to Peyton. "You, my dear, are unfortunately going to be at the heart of it all." She stated, looking at the nervous boy in sympathy. Everyone was shocked into silence for a few seconds before absolute chaos broke out.
Phoenix and Paxton jumped up, protesting and wanting to know what was going to happen and how they can protect their brother, whereas Marcus instantly pulled Peyton onto his lap, growling. "Oh hush, all of you. Give me a chance to explain everything, before you all start carrying on like there has been no evolution in the human race. Y'all are carrying on like a bunch of cavemen!”
She turned her pale eyes to Evan, the only one in the room that seemed remotely calm at that time. "Five hundred years ago, a prophecy was foretold. In this prophecy, it said that there will come a time where a witch will instigate humans into killing our kind. They will use powers and weapons and they will bring about the destruction of all shifters. But, at the same time three brothers will be born. The prophecy will come into effect the minute the brothers meet their Mates." She stopped there to have a sip of her water, before she looked up at all of them.
"Now, according to this prophecy, the brothers will all receive powers as soon as they meet their Mates, but that the White Wolf will be the strongest. The markings of their powers will appear on their skin, meaning, Phoenix has the power of fire, and Paxton has the power of water. Peyton, however, will be the strongest White Wolf ever born, even stronger than you, Evan. Up until last night, you were the most powerful one we knew of, but your son's power far surpasses your own now." Once again she stopped for a sip of water, before continuing.
"Evan, your powers were all elemental, and then you had your telekinesis as well. Peyton on the other hand, has all that, as well as mind control and the ability to shift, not only into his wolf, but other animals as well." Here he paused and turned his gaze to a shocked Peyton.
"There might be a few other things, but nothing we can be one hundred percent sure of. You are going to have to start training as soon as possible, because this war with the witches and humans is coming fast. Oh, and Mr Marcus, don't even think of separating Peyton from his brothers right now. I know you have your own Pack to run, but if you try separating them, you will weaken all three of them severely and they will be wide open for attack. They have to stay together and also train together. You boys need to learn to fight as a single unit."
They were all quiet for a little while; processing everything they had been told. Poor Peyton didn't know what to make of all he had heard. He didn't feel any different and sure as hell didn't feel like the strongest Wolf ever born. He shook his head and just snuggled closer into Marcus's chest. Marcus looked down at his tiny Mate and vowed to do everything within his power to make sure his baby stayed safe.
Evan looked at his precious boys and he felt fear like never before blast through him, causing Jaxon to hold him tighter, sensing his emotions. He looked up at Josephine, "How sure are you that my boys are the ones of the prophecy?" he asked, hoping for some sign that maybe she got it all wrong.
She just looked back at him and sighed, "I'm absolutely sure after my vision from this morning. That's how I knew to wait for you."