I've been waiting for something to eat here in the dining hall but still nothing is coming and I'm so bored!
Disgusted I got up and went to the kitchen and wondered why no one was there.
"Its 5 in the morning Sezei so what do you expect? People are still asleep at this time." I talked to myself and lifted the sleeve of the kimono I was wearing. "I'm hungry and I need to cook myself." I raised both my hands in the air. "For the sake of my stomach."
I started cooking when I saw the rice and vegetables. There is also very little meat here. I'm sure other meats will arrive later that they will serve for the whole day.
I sighed and cooked rice which I mixed with a little sticky to make a wrap with vegetables.
I boiled the vegetables and then stewed them to cook them quickly.
I was sweating when I finished cooking and then took two apples to make apple cider.
I happily prepared for dinner and then left what I had cooked.
"Now take it tummy, don't be mad there." I talked to my tyan and took a bite of a riceball with only vegetables.
"Its too early, what are you doing here?" I turned to the speaker. Lord Evin, by the way, was leaning against the jamb of the large door of the hall.
"Eating." I answered sparingly and continued eating as I felt it sit next to me.
Suddenly I was taken aback by him staring at me so I pushed in front of him what I cooked. I cooked more and I'm sure I won't finish it.
"Eat up, I cook it and it's non -toxic." I said while not looking at him.
"What is that?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him and then saw him pointing at my glass of apple cider.
"Apple cider, do you want it?" I asked and handed him that cider.
"Is it taste good?" He asked which made me laugh softly. Por Lord Evin, he doesn't seem to know the foods of other places.
"Yes it is." I replied then stood up.
"Where are you going?" He asked while holding the sleeve of my kimono.
"I'll just make apple cider for you so you don't run out of mine." I explained so he let me go.
I immediately made apple cider again and it didn't take me long to get back quickly.
"Here." I reached out to him as he ate a riceball.
"You're also good. I thought you don't have a zipper to your mouth." My eyebrows met as I looked at him.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked and ate a rice ball.
"You always keep cussing time by time. You look different now." He replied. I shook my head and continued my meal.
"Only food can calm me thats why I'm kind now." I explained and drank cider.
"Hmm interesting." She whispered.
I used up the riceball I was holding and then I was ready to remember why he was here.
"Why are you here?" I asked while looking at him while drinking cider. I looked at his adam's apple. It seemed even tastier than apple cider — Oh my god! Erase! Erase!
"I can't sleep." Was its simple answer that made my forehead frown. Can't sleep? It's morning ah?
"It's morning, you must have insisted." I complained to him.
"That's why I'm here to eat and sleep again. I don't feel comfortable in my room. I'm often like this so I'm used to it." He explained and ate riceball again.
"Did you sleep well in the past?" I asked as he nodded.
"I haven't slept for almost four days. I usually take sleeping pills but I feel bad — Ahh! Why did you punch me?" He complained when I punched his shoulder.
"Are you stupid? Don't take a sleeping pills again. You might die suddenly." I preached while he rubbed his shoulder and punched me.
"If I can sleep well." I gave him a look that he just laughed.
I shook my head and took the last riceball. "Eat up, you shouldn't be wasting food." I said while the riceball I was holding was in his mouth and he ate it immediately.
I drained the remaining cider from my glass then stood up.
"Where are you going?" He asked as I stood up.
"Just let the air in." I replied and winked at him then left the dining hall.
“I went to a nearby chair under a big narra tree hung with orchids.
It didn't take me long for someone to sit next to me and I automatically turned around.
"Hey, why are you here?" I asked Lord Evin who was leaning against the narra tree while closing his eyes.
"Trying to sleep." He replied so I sat up and spread my thigh.
"Here, lay down on my sexy legs dimwit and wait to fall asleep." I said calmly and he laughed.
"Here you are again." He said while laughing and followed what I said.
"Feeling better?" I asked. I crossed my hand over my chest looking at him sideways.
"Not really," he replied then turned in front of me and hugged my waist while closing his eyes. "Hmm, this better."
I think all my hair stood up when I felt his hand on my waist. I wasn't used to it but I didn't do anything until after a while his hug tightened.
"When were you just kidding, what?" I asked but no response. I stared at him while closing my eyes. He is sleeping peacefully.
A smile flashed on my lips when I saw its gentle face while sleeping.
I touched its long hair which was even longer than my hair.
"Sleepwell darling." I whispered and let him sleep.
I woke up to hear a faint giggle and moan around.
I didn't notice that I fell asleep while looking up. Fortunately, I wasn't gaping embarrassed when someone saw.
"The pain." I complained weakly as I closed my eyes and nuzzled my aching neck. "Aray ko po." I moaned weakly.
"Do you have a stiff neck?" I slowly looked up to see who asked.
"Uhm, I uh not really — Ahh!" I glared at Lord Evin who pressed his grip on my neck. It would have been better if it didn't hurt. "It hurts ah!" I sighed and raised his head away from my thigh which was also bent. .
"I'll just compress the cold." I said goodbye and then stood up suddenly out of balance due to the numbness of my legs.
"Are you alright?" Lord Evin asked me while his hand was wrapped around my waist. He was leaning and my hand was on the narra tree that I was holding.
"Y-Yeah." I answered sparingly and avoided looking at him. He stared at me differently. You seemed to melt in his gaze and you didn't see any emotion in it.
"Thank you." I blinked a few times when he thanked me. Weh? Not really?
"Huh?" I asked confused. I seem to want to hear that from him again.
"It's only now that I've slept well again even though it's only been a few hours. It feels me more comfortable. So I say thank you." He smiled a little and laughed weakly.
"W-Nothing." I replied shyly and forced my legs to stand up. "I'm leaving ah go ahead later." I said goodbye then quickly walked away from him but he grabbed my hand and lifted me. "Wait why ?Bring medown."
"Maybe you'll suddenly be out of balance again. Let's just eat, it's past 12 pm maybe because I'm hungry." around. Really embarrassing.
"Cook for us." Lord Evin ordered the cooks.
"Yes your highness." They immediately obeyed Lord Evin's command as I sat down on the edge of his chair.
"Is your leg and neck still hurt?" He asked so I could feel them if they still hurt.
"Not so much." I replied to him when suddenly someone entered the dining hall.
The naughty two like me, the prince I met in the stable and the princess I helped yesterday.
"My lady!"
"My princess!"
"Its nice to see you again, princess."
"My hero!"
The two princes who wanted to take over me were about to approach when the princess suddenly preceded them.
"My hero, I miss you!" He screamed as he hugged me and I couldn't breathe very much. Fuck!
"Karmen, she can't breathe." Lord Evin said coldly so it immediately released me.
"Sorry my hero." its sorry I just smiled.
"My hero?" Prince Tyrone asked us.
"Someone stole my pouch. I was worried because the necklace my father gave me was there. But he chased the thief." she explained and pointed at me. "She's back and get back my pouch." he said happily.
"Your so incredible! That's why I want you!" Said a prince happily who confessed to me in the cradle.
"Harry, she's your soon to be sister-in-law." Lord Evin said without emotion which stopped everyone.
"Wait? Kuya, are you going to marry her?" The princess asked Lord Evin with male eyes. Kuya? Sister-in-law? Very chaotic!
"Soon." Was its sparing answer.
"So I still have hope?" The prince's response I saw at the entertainment house was full of confidence. You are hopeless moron.
To be continued.