In a luxurious Mentions, a prince named Alexand. Delarose Hill kingdom. loosening the royal clothes which made him feel uncomfortable, he changed into normal clothes, the bodyguard then folded the royal clothes and put them in their original place. This adult man, who is also the ruler of this beautiful island, is seen carrying a heavy burden, specifically an inner war that is not appropriate to his current situation.
The money and power that Prince Alexand possessed seemed to have no meaning to him, as did the beautiful woman he was betrothed to, Rihanna, a demon woman who he couldn't fall in love with.
Alexand's gaze was very sharp, while sitting daydreaming on the balcony above a magnificent building located on a hilltop surrounded by small lakes that were connected to each other,
Not far from Prince Alexand's mentions, there is also a settlement belonging to the human realm. which is surrounded by verdant tea plantation peaks, there is also a very luxurious villa, which is often visited by people for holidays, accommodation for foreign tourists, or those who enjoy their honeymoon for newly married couples whileenjoy the beautiful views, cool and clean air.
No one realized that the villa, which was frequented by the upper class, was close to an invisible palace. Only people who have certain senses and advantages can see all of this. Even though it is remote and very far from settlements, it does not reduce the enthusiasm of people with deep pockets to visit this place. considering this place is really beautiful.
Arriving in his private room, Alexander went straight to the bathroom, cleaned his body and then changed clothes. His appearance was truly elegant and neat, the prince stepped out of the room full of confidence. Tesso was waiting in front of the bedroom door, his personal bodyguard.
"Prince, are we going hunting today."
"Yeah, have you prepared my hunting equipment."
"Already prince."
"Okay, now let's go straight away." said Alexand to his loyal bodyguard.
"Alexander wait." The king's loud voice stopped his steps, who was already old and left the palace.
"You can't leave the palace, because your future wife's family will visit today."
The footsteps of the most handsome man in the genie nation of Delarose Hill stopped when he heard a loud scream from the king, who was his own father.
"Father king, I'm an adult. And I'm very bored of living in this palace all the time, please don't hinder my steps."
"If you continue like this, you will not be able to replace father's position as king. Remember Alexand, our people need a leader who can be their role model, not a prince who likes to do as he pleases like you." said the king who began to lower his voice.
"Please king, Alexand just wants to have fun, until I am officially appointed king to replace father's position later." persuaded the Prince, who had part of his soul as an ordinary human, in fact he seemed to reject his fate of being born as a descendant of the jinn.
"Why do you have to go to the human world, the place we all have is much more beautiful and pleasant than theirs." the king explained, lowering his voice.
"Never mind, Sire, we have to understand the nature of our child. Remembering that Alexand's great-grandmother was once a descendant of the human race, so her human spirit passed on to our child." said Madara, who is the empress and also the birth mother of Prince Alexand.
"I just don't want him to fall in love with a human race. Our people will definitely rebel and protest if their king later has a human wife. We have even matched him with our nation's best daughter, Rihana." said the king with his body shaking to suppress his anger.
"But Alexander isn't like that, he just walks around and sometimes he prefers to be alone and hunt the island at the end of the island alone, where there are no humans at all." persuaded the empress.
"Okay, this time I will allow him to go, but only around the lake, where there are no people, and you must be accompanied by a bodyguard." said the king.
"Okay, I'll just go to the forest near the lake but I don't want to be accompanied by bodyguards, father, please believe me, I will not disobey father's orders and words again." said Alexander, who was getting bored of living as a prince, which didn't make him happy.
The king finally nodded his head in resignation, staring at the back of his eldest son walking away from the kingdom.
"You stubborn prince, in fact he was never at all interested in the position I offered as king. To replace me as leading our people."