Chapter Two: My Monsters are Visiting
"Mom!!!! Are you flipping kidding me!?!? Dean, and Kevin are visiting!!!!!!" I said screaming into my dark brown pillow on my bed.
"Come on sweetie. They can't be that bad!" My mom said shaking me. They're monsters. To her they act all sweet and innocent.
"MOM!! THEY STOLE MY DAMN TWINKIES!!" I screamed. See? Monsters.
Even though that was from their last visit.
But I had some Twinkies stored away somewhere sacred and then I get home from school one day and I find them gone and my brothers sleeping on the kitchen floor near my sacred spot.
My mom rolled her eyes. Then sighed. And stood up. Ha quitter!
"Well, alright we are making Chocolate chip cookies as a welcome present. And if you keep this up, your not getting any." She said strictly.
I sat up instantly.
"Okay!! Fine!! But please don't do this to me mom!! Please!!" I begged her by getting off my bed and wrapping myself around her legs.
"Alright calm down. I'll let you lick the cookie dough from the bowl." She says with an agitated sigh.
Those words are music to my ears.
I got up and followed my mom out of my Cream colored room. Most people will think it's a tan color but according to my mom who's way into that interior design shit, it's a cream color, so I'll just go with that to make her happy.
Once I got downstairs and into ginormous kitchen, my mom walked in and put the cookies to bake in our dark red oven.
After, she handed me the bowl. I licked my lips while looking at it. Then she handed me a black plastic spoon. With cookie dough on it.
"Hello beautiful!" I said into the bowl. I then started to devour that delicious shit.
"Honey I'm home." My dad said walking in the kitchen. What is this the 1950s? Who the hell says that?
"Hello dear, um your daughter is at it again." I can tell she's rolling her eyes. I don't care.
Nobody separates me from my love. And I mean nobody.
I finished my bowl and spoon then I put it in the sink.
Then went into the living room and unplugged my gold iPhone 5s from the charger.
Then started to play aa. The door opened.
And I left my game. Then sniffed the air.
Yeah actually sniffed. I'm weird so deal with it.
I smell... Ah shit.
My Monsters are here. I stood up. And waited for them.
"Hey sis!!!" Kevin the oldest one said. He's 23 years old.
"How are you little sis?" Dean the youngest said. He's 20 years old. They both gave me a big hug.
"Guys!!! I need to breathe!!! Sissy can't breathe!!" They were choking me to death.
"Okay boys let go of your sister. Now go get some cookies." They immediately dropped me on my knees. And those suckers ran into the kitchen.
I got up and ran as fast as I could to get to my babies.
I ran into the kitchen. And I was breathing hard. Those snobby bastards were chowing down.
I went up to the cookie plate. And grabbed the last cookie. Then ate it. While closing my eyes.
"So, how long are you guys staying here?" I asked with my mouth full. My mom rolled her eyes at my "unlady like behavior".
"Like two months." Dean said while sipping his Dr. Pepper.
"Oh, alright that's cool." I said. I then started to go on my instagram. I just hit 2k followers.
I don't get why people want to follow and like all my pictures. I mean I'm hideous.
And I only have 394 posts. Pshh no big deal right? They're mostly selfies and of course dance.
We all went upstairs to our bedrooms. Since there are only three bedrooms, my parents and I get our own rooms. While my brothers get the guest room that has two full size beds.
And I get my own bathroom just like my parents. *insert evil laugh* here. Yeah I know.
I'm a freak. So?
Once I'm in my room, I plugged my phone into the charger, and went under my covers. Then turned off my light pink fluffy lamp.
And began dreaming.