|3 years Ago|
"We're going to be the only freshmen attending the senior prom this year! Bruce is definitely going to take me and Hunter is going to ask you. We just have to make sure that Jace takes Megan!" Danielle exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes at her. "Danielle. Senior prom is ten whole months away."
She stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't be a spoil-sport, Scar. Just because its ten months away doesn't mean we shouldn't be excited."
"Besides, why would Hunter ask me? Half the female population in this school wants him to ask them."
She just gave me a pointed look but she didn't respond.
Danielle and I were currently walking towards the cafeteria.
Suddenly my eyes suddenly caught a head of silky blonde hair standing near the lockers.
"Look there's Nichole." I spoke up.
Danielle snorted. "Ugh let's go the other way. I don't like her."
I jabbed her with my elbow. "That's not nice."
She just shrugged her shoulders, "Honestly, the girl just creeps me out. She keeps staring at Hunter like she's obsessed with him or something."
She was right.
It wasn't like I hadn't notice her fascination with Hunter but honestly, it wasn't that surprising. She wasn't the only girl in school who had a crush on him.
Besides, as far as I could tell, the poor girl just wanted to fit in. I felt like it was my responsibility to make her feel at ease.
"Why don't you go ahead to the Cafeteria and I'll go talk to her myself. I'll catch up." I told my her.
Danielle shook her head at me but she gave me an understanding smile. I watched her walk away.
I took a deep breath before approaching Nichole, she was currently searching for something in her locker.
"Hey, you're Nichole right?" I asked, my voice was cheerful.
Her blue eyes widened in surprise at first.
I smiled at her in encouragement, "How do you like it here so far?"
For a moment she didn't respond but then her eyes narrowed.
"What the fuck do you want?" She snapped.
My smile faltered. "Uh, I just wanted-" I started but she cut me off.
"I don't care." Her eyes were filled with rage.
"I'm sorry, did I do something to offend you?" I asked, still in shock.
"Yes, you did." She slammed her locker with so much force that I jumped.
Her cold eyes fixated on me. "Your existence is enough to offend me." Her voice was dripping with acid.
My eyebrows shot up in surprise.
Okay, maybe Danielle was right about her.
She's crazy.
"Look, I was just trying to be nice but you clearly have some issues." I raised my hands in mock surrender.
She let out a humorless chuckle.
"I'm going to have so much fun breaking you." She said gleefully.
"Excuse me?" I demanded, she was starting to piss me off now.
Her eyes were hard when she looked at me, "You think you're perfect. You have everything going for you right now, right? Wait till you have it all ripped away from you, your popularity, your friends, and most importantly; Hunter. I'll make sure you're left with nothing."
Her lips twisted into a sadistic smile. "I'll take it all."
My mouth hung open in shock at her words.
Suddenly I heard a familiar voice call out.
"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." I watched as Hunter jogged towards us.
He was wearing his foot-ball jersey, indicating that he'd come here directly from football practice.
"What's up?" He asked as his arm automatically went around my waist.
He must have noticed my bewildered expression because his expression suddenly became concerned.
Before I could respond Nichole's voice interrupted us.
"Hi Hunter." She purred.
Her voice was so sweet, completely opposite from how she'd been talking to me before.
My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
"Hey. Nichole right?" Hunter finally acknowledged her.
She tilted her head to the side and batted her eye lashes at him innocently, "That's me." She mumbled shyly.
Is this really happening?
My mouth was hanging open.
"You're new here?" Hunter asked warmly.
She nodded her head at him, her lips curved into a perfect smile.
"I think you'll like it here." He chuckled. I felt his arm squeeze my shoulder, "I'm starving let's go, lunch break is almost over." He whispered to me.
I was still dazed at the scene unfolding in front of me.
"I'll see you around?" Nichole asked Hunter hopefully.
"Yes you will." Hunter gave her a playful wink, before turning to walk away, practically dragging me along.
"It was nice talking to you Scarlett." I heard her call out sweetly.
"She seems nice." Hunter spoke up.
"Yeah. Nice." I muttered to myself.
We entered the Cafeteria.
I could see Megan, Danielle, Bruce and Jace already seated on our table. As soon as Danielle saw us she started waving wildly.
An involuntary smile formed on my lips.
Jace was laughing at something Bruce was saying.
I took in their smiling faces and my heart filled with warmth. All thoughts of Nichole vanished from my mind.
Everything was perfect right now.
I didn't want things to change.
Little did I know that everything in my life was going to get ripped apart.