Chapter Seven
My alarm woke me up at six a.m., giving me plenty of time to actually prepare for the breakfast date.
No more wet hair, and I was totally shaving my legs for this.
Taking care with my makeup and hair, I was still ready more than thirty minutes before Rowland said he’d arrive. The breakfast room in the hotel was almost empty, and my usual waiter grinned as I approached.
“I’ve been saving a table for you, didn’t want you to miss out,” he joked as he gestured to the almost empty room.
“Why thank you. I’ll just be having tea today. No breakfast. I have a date.” I arched a brow as I grinned.
“Ah! Lovely. Where will you be having your breakfast then?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Even better. I’ll be back directly with your tea.”
I scanned my e-mail on my phone, the soft music creating a peaceful atmosphere.
Then a wicked thought made me grin.
Me: Having breakfast with millionaire.
Roxi: What?! You go girl! Breakfast in BED!
Me: Ah, no. Just meeting him for breakfast. But you’re off my Christmas list. You’re going to pay for your many sins.
Roxi: What did I do now?
Me: You told Satan to give me space since things were heating up with millionaire.
Roxi: I’m failing to see the problem… do you WANT Kirby around?!
Me: No but telling him that was like inviting him to make hell of my life. I’ll tell you more later… but just do me a favor and do not say anything about me to Kirby. Anything. It will be used against me and then I’ll use that against you.
Roxi: Fine. My lips are sealed. I like Christmas presents…
Grinning, I shook my head.
Me: You would.
Roxi: Go have breakfast and cheer up. You’re grumpy.
My tea arrived and I sipped it slowly, letting the bergamot undertone wake me up. Soon it was time to meet Rowland and I headed to the lobby. I sat at the top of the stone stairs outside of the hotel and waited, the crisp spring air chilly yet refreshing as a slight breeze teased my hair.
A Mercedes McLaren pulled up beside the curb and I watched as Rowland exited and pulled off his sunglasses in one smooth motion.
I swallowed. Good Lord, the man was hotter in the morning. His black suit fit him perfectly, making him look like a glorified James Bond.
Accent and all.
“Good morning. Lovely day is it not?” He offered me his hand, and I walked down the stairs toward him, taking in the magnificent view he offered.
“Mmm hmm,” I murmured, unable to stop the stupid grin on my face as he lifted my hand and kissed it.
I loved it when he did that.
Happy sigh.
“I hope you’re hungry.” He opened the car door for me.
“Starving.” Which was true, but at the moment, I was a bit hungrier for the hotness in front of me.
“Delightful.” He shut my door and walked around the front, slipping his sunglasses from his coat pocket and putting them on. Effortlessly, he slid into the snug leather seats and started the car, pulling out onto the street.
“How was your night?” He asked, reaching over and grasping my hand.
“Lonely,” I answered.
“Mine as well.” He lifted my hand and kissed it softly, his eyes darting from the road to meet mine then back. “How is work going?”
“Well. I’ve already started your write-up, and I must say it’s been the easiest to write. I don’t have to sugarcoat anything about you. You’re what every woman dreams of.”
“I’m pleased to know I’m not a burden.” He chuckled. “It’s been a delight to spend time with you as well.”
We arrived at a smaller establishment. Its navy molding accented the gold lettering of The Kings Wark.
“Here we are! They have the best blade of beef, but it’s not served till Sunday. Pity that. However, the beans are delightful, and all the food is locally sourced and delicious. I personally know the chef and have never once been disappointed with his fare.”
“I can’t wait.” Everything sounded great but the beans. I couldn’t get past the idea of having baked beans for breakfast. So weird.
The restaurant was old, you could tell by the wicker candles, dark woods and stone walls, but it was well cared for.
“I have a table set aside.” He waved to the host, who offered a grin, and walked through several tables before stopping at one beside a large window overlooking the River of Leith.
“Wow, this is great! I actually haven’t gone this far to see the water.” I studied the view.
“I thought you might like it. The menu is seasonal, but might I suggest that whatever you order, you get a tattie scone.” His glaze slid over the menu.
“Tattie Scone?”
“Ah yes… I believe you’d refer to it as a sort of potato pancake, only in a wedge or scone shape.”
“Oh! I know those!” I spoke with way too much enthusiasm.
His gaze shot up, startled, then lit with amusement.
“Sorry.” I blushed. “My hotel has those. They are amazing.” I sighed inwardly.
“You’ll not be disappointed with them here.” He turned back to his menu.
I searched the menu as well, silently wondering if I could just order a whole plate of those tattie scone things and call it good. Probably not. So I settled for what was called the ‘full breakfast’, basically because it had all my favorite breakfast meat and tattie scones.
Heaven on a plate.
As usual, Rowland ordered for us once I told him what I liked, and soon the food was delivered.
“Try the scone.” He grinned, his green eyes crinkling in the corners as he watched me with enjoyment.
I lifted the crisp wedge shaped potato and took a small bite, hoping I wouldn’t burn my tongue.
I could live on tattie scones for the rest of my life and die a happy woman.
Crisp on the outside, and creamy and smooth on the inside, it was like having a French fry with the creamiest mashed potatoes stuffed inside. And the French fry was fifty times bigger than usual.
“This is my favorite ever,” I whispered almost reverently as I took another bite.
“I thought you’d like it.” He chuckled. “It’s nice to see a woman enjoy food.”
“Thanks.” I nodded as I took another bite.
He took a bite of his own food and then wiped his mouth. A buzzing sound had me glancing from my beloved tattie scone to where he sat. He held up a finger and slipped away, answering his phone. While he was gone, I finished my breakfast, feeling sorry for him that his was growing colder by the moment. Yet I also discovered that I missed him, which was sweet. Was it possible that after a few dates you could start to fall for someone? I mean, he was so kind, so sweet, and everything he did made me feel cherished and valued. Maybe… maybe this was more than just a week-long experiment for work.
Maybe it could be more.
I wanted it to be more… didn’t I?
Rowland breezed by me and laid a folder on the far end of the table. “I’m terribly sorry.” He took a sip of water. “But that was quite an important phone conversation.”
“I understand. I was feeling sorry for you… now your food’s cold.” I gestured to his plate with my fork.
“Not to worry. Yet, I discovered that I’ll not be able to meet you tomorrow.”
“Oh?” Disappointment pinched my chest. Then bravely I took a chance. “Maybe you can meet me tonight then? Maybe we can relax and just order… in?” I reached across the table and grasped his hand, holding my breath.
“Ah… Meredith.” He squeezed my hand then released it.
Rejection tormented me.
“Actually the phone call was from my fiancée.” He reached for the folder.
My heart stopped. “Say what?” I pulled my hand and laid it on my lap, gripping the napkin tightly. Did he just say fiancée?
“Yes,” he said almost distractedly. He lifted the folder, opened it and pulled out several documents and held them out to me.
Numb, I took them; A headshot, a press release, and an itemized bill.
“I’m sorry… can you please explain?” I glanced from the paper to Rowland then back, trying to make sense of it all.
“Your friend, Roxi explained that this whole dating for a week thing was for a write-up on her blog… a blog that is international in its reach. My company caters to women from ages twenty to fifty-five, selling beauty products that are UK based. If you’ll see the press release.” He leaned forward and took a sheet from my hands then held it up. “These are word placements we’d ask you to use in your write-up so that we may both mutually benefit from this business venture. The headshot should help sell the image, and I included several links to products I think your readers will find useful.” He handed me back the paper, sat back, and grinned innocently.
“I’m… confused.” I set the papers down. “I thought—” I stopped before I admitted just how emotionally involved I was.
“Meredith… I thought you knew this was just pretend? I mean… this was for you to see what it would be like to date me… a millionaire… for a week. This is what I would do if we were dating. My fiancée knew about the whole situation.” He shrugged.
“Did she know you asked to come up to my room?” I hissed through my teeth, totally pissed. Not only for me but for his poor fiancée. Who did something like this?
“I knew you’d say no. Girls — women — like you always say no. You play it safe. I was easily able to offer and know you’d reject me.” He took a sip of water. “Besides, it was part of the plan. Usually by the second date — before I met my fiancée, that is — I’d expect to spend the night with my date.”
“I… have no words.” I blinked. Who was this horrible person across from me? Was I that easily fooled? Was I that blind? Holy shit, I was that stupid!
“Thank you.” I folded the papers and laid them on my lap, forcing a smile when all I wanted to do was throw my ice water on his perfect face.
“It was nothing, truly. You were quite amusing to get to know, and I look forward to our companies doing further business together.” He stood. “But I really must leave. Elaine — my fiancée — is back from her holiday in Whales, and I need to pick her up.” He left in a wake of expensive cologne.
“Oh.” He startled me and I jumped. “Pardon. But I forgot to go over the billing information. Normally I’d expect to pay for each date, but since this was a business venture, I assumed your company would want to pay the full tab for tax purposes. You being the CPA and all, I assume you understand. The payment address is at the bottom. Cheerio!”
And he left again, hopefully for good this time.
I stared at the water, not seeing it but reliving every moment, stopping when I remembered the kiss.
He’d kissed me.
He had a fiancée.
And he still kissed me.
If I had a fiancé, I’d be pissed as hell if he kissed another girl.
But with all that had just transpired, was I actually that shocked? No.
Disappointed? Yes.
I should have known. And regardless of how it all happened, there was still a part of me that wondered why I wasn’t good enough. As much as I hated to admit it, my insecurity whined.
The bill arrived, and I slipped out my card and set it on the tray.
“I’m sorry miss, but we don’t—”
“Chip and pin, got it. Here’s cash.” I slipped out the last of my cash from my wallet as I numbly watched the waiter leave.
I stood from the table and grabbed my purse just as my eye caught Rowland’s uneaten food.
A tattie scone sat on the edge of his plate, untouched. I swiped it and made my way to the door, burying my sorrows in golden texture of the potato.
The cool air permeated my sweater and made me shiver slightly as I made my way back to the hotel. As I walked, my mind spun. How had I been so easily fooled? I mean, shouldn’t I have caught on somehow? Either Rowland was an excellent liar… okay, maybe actor was a better term, or I was dumb as a brick when it came to men.
This whole dating experiment thing had done nothing but disappoint me time and time again. Every expectation, every fantasy had been destroyed. And I wasn’t talking a simple reality check; I was talking like the freaking sinking of the Titanic kind of devastation.
If these guys, the ‘ideals’ I’ve been ‘dating’ were the pinnacle of all girlish fantasies, then guys really sucked. They needed to up their game seriously. I mean, of all the guys I’d dated, none of them had impressed me.
Except Rowland.
And he was a dirty rotten liar.
And a cheat.
Kissing equals cheating.
And part of me fumed at Roxi for pushing me. But even as I thought it, I knew the decision was still mine.
Which just made it suck more.
Sometimes being an adult really was damn hard.