"I am innocent my King, please just let me leave" Ella whispered. Her heart was in a frenzy. She wanted to scream and shout and tell him that she belonged to no one and that she was her own person, but right now fear overwhelmed her entire senses. The person in front of her was not James, a boy who lived beside her home, but King Elijah who owned and ruled the whole kingdom. A simple slip of her manners and she could have been executed, and no one would ever even find her body for a proper funeral.
Hearing this Elijah's hand closed into a fist. His eyes glared daggers at her, and his whole aura radiated and demanded control. He shouted "ELLA! YOU ARE TO CALL ME MASTER! AND NOTHING ELSE. DO YOU OBEY?!."
Ella's body could not stop trembling, "Y-yes m-my King."
As soon as Elijah heard this, he pulled Ella's hair and shouted: "WHAT DID I SAY ELLA?"
"I'm S-sorry M-ma-master" Hearing this Elijah grinned a sadistic smirk.
Ella could not believe that she was being made to say that. The James she knew had disappeared. Sure, he had been protective of her when they were young, but he had never been so derogatory in his entire life towards her. She was genuinely scared of the man in front of her and seeing his smirk made her want to throw up.
"Ella...Ella...Ella, your rejection back then was quite hurtful I may say" he taunted, "I had been sent to the village by my parents to stay undercover until the whole mess in the castle was cleared up. But little did you know of my power and position huh darling? James was a filthy name, but I had to bear with it for two years, you see I was 16 the time I met you, and after two years I would be 18 and legal to handle the throne. And aren't I glad that I met you, my Ella with the most innocent doe-like eyes and jet hair? From the moment that I had laid my eyes upon you, I had made you mine. MINE to possess, mine to love, mine to do anything that I wanted to do. But you were too innocent to get ahold of my intentions. But believe it or not sweet. You were claimed mine, the moment my eyes even saw you. And as the years went by, I just loved you more and more. You were a drug to me, Ella, your very existence was ecstasy. But you made a grave mistake leaving me. YOU LEFT ME AND RAN FROM ME ELLA!!" by the end of his speech he was screaming.
Analysing the whole situation, Ella felt so much terror in her body, that she felt like dying anytime soon. She knew James had been controlling, but to see that he was this crazy had her a little scared.
He continued "You thought I left for good huh? when they couldn't find me the next day. But I had to go back to the castle as I was 18 and ready to rule Ella. But you sure couldn't have been stupid enough to believe that I had left you, Ella. No. In fact, I still have my spies send daily reports of what you do to me every single night. You were never free. I just let you think that you were because I had to get my kingdom in check before I took what's mine forever. I held the ball just to snatch you away the following day, but I seem to have great luck! I even got you earlier than expected!."
Then the room's temperature dropped and Ella felt goosebumps cover up her whole body. Elijah laughed like a madman and then with the most menacing look ever said, "I hope you enjoyed your free days Ella, because, from this moment onwards, you will never leave the castle, because you belong to me. We are finally together alas, I have got a lot in store for you my little one.."