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Chapter 2:Something I Can Never Have

Black reiatsu began to radiate off of Ichigo, it flowed up to the sky as the boy started to move

"What…is this?" Renji asked no one in particular

"This reiatsu" Rukia muttered "This reiatsu is the same I felt from above the dome!"


"What is it now?" Renji shouted a huge red cero came from above the dome

"It came from above the dome!" Chad shouted

An incredibly powerful reiatsu was evident from the roof, Rukia thought the reiatsu felt familiar but different at the same time, she then tried to feel who's it was, when she found it who it was coming from…her eye's widened…

"Is this reiatsu…Ichigo's?"


"This is the reiatsu I felt before…" Rukia said to herself

More changes occurred on Ichigo's body, red furry tufts materialized, one on each his wrists and ankles and two around his collarbone that stretched to his neck, His fingernails and toenails turned black and grew out to resemble claws and his muscles severely increased in size

"Do you see it Rukia?" Byakuya asked "Do you see what the boy truly is? He's a hollow"

Rukia didn't reply as she kept her eye's glued on Ichigo

"The fuck is this?" Yammy shouted

Red reiatsu blasted up into the Sky, the aura completely engulfed Ichigo, hiding him from View

"My, my" Mayuri chuckled "How very interesting"


Everyones eye's widened as the roar came from the gusher of reiatsu, The voice was low pitched and deep, unlike a regular hollows roar

"What…is he?" Renji asked

"This reiatsu" Unohana muttered "It's…incredible…"

A figure could be seen standing in the red gusher of reiatsu, its glowing eyes seemed pierced through them

"The hell?" Zaraki asked

"Kill…" Came a voice, it took them a few moments for them to realize that the figure in the reiatsu had been the one that had spoken "I…will kill you…."

The reiatsu faded away…and the everyone's eyes widened at the figure

His skin was pale white, there was a hollow hole in the centre of his chest with six black markings comings out of it, 4 of them stretched around to his back, the top 2 stretched up his neck and onto the figures mask, speaking of; the mask covered his entire head, had the two aforementioned stripes that passed his teeth and eyes and ended at the back of the mask, with two more that started at the back of the mask and ended at his forehead, There were also small markings resembling a heart, but with the top and bottom open, extending from the inner corners of his eyeholes. The mask had two long forward-pointing horns with small black lines extending from their centre towards the tips. The back of the figures long hair flowed in the wind

"I…Ichigo" Rukia stuttered "That…That creature is Ichigo?"

"What the fuck?!" Yammy roared

"Kurosaki…" Renji whispered

"You…" The creature said as he pointed to Renji

"Oh shit" He muttered under his breath

"The slaughter starts with you!" It said it charged

Renji quickly released Zabimaru and tried to block Ichigo's attack, but Ichigo grabbed Zabimaru and literately ripped it in two

Rukia looked on, She couldn't believe it, it was just like what happened to Kaien…a man she loved dearly had become a hollow…no…this was Ichigo…he's too powerful, Kaien was a lieutenant….Ichigo is at least captain-class…

"It's Ichigo…I know him, he's not a hollow, besides I'm not Inoue for gods sake, I don't care about the damn mask, I know who's behind it…"

"Shit!" Renji shouted "Rukia! Calm him down!"

Rukia growled at her former best friend, how dare he…how dare he not only take the mission of killing Ichigo and thier friends, he gladly took it, and yet he still thinks they are friends, and even more ridiculous, he wants them to be lovers

"Ichigo!" She shouted at him, he instantly ceased and turned to her

"Interesting" Byakuya said "You appear to affect his hollow, very well then…call him off Rukia…"

She did nothing…

"R-Rukia!" Renji shouted as he backed away from the hollow

She still did nothing…

"Rukia!" Byakuya shouted "Cease your foolishness and call him off!"

This time she took action

"Ichigo…" She began, The hollow stared at her

"C-Call him off Rukia!" Renji practically pleaded

"Ichigo" She repeated

Everyone's eyes widened as a smirk appeared on her face


Above the dome

"Inoue-san" Uryu said to girl who was regenerating his severed arm "Do you feel that reiatsu?"

"Reiatsu?" Inoue asked

"I see…you can't feel it" Uryu whispered

It's probably better that way…I didn't expect Kurosaki to turn into that thing again so soon…"

"Ishida-kun, What reiatsu?" Inoue asked again

"It's…It's nothing Inoue-san" Uryu said to her, he then noticed a lump in her pocket "Inoue-san, what is that?"

"Oh…it's...it's nothing Ishida-Kun" She stuttered

"No seriously Inoue-san…It's a clump of something" He said as he motioned towards it

"Look Ishida-kun, just drop it!" She snapped

"S-Sorry" He stuttered, shocked that the usually cute air-headed girl had just raised her voice at him

"I'm sorry Ishida-kun" She said sadly "I didn't mean to snap at you like that…I just-"

"It's okay Inoue-san" Uryu confided

"I'm really glad he didn't notice" Orihime said to herself "If he had seen me pick up what was left of him…I don't know what he'd think"


The Cuatro Espada's body turned to ash as it proceeded to blow into the wind…however a small pile of ash remained on the surface, The orange haired girl quickly scooped it up, not entirely sure why she had done it, and put it in her pocket



Las Noches

"Rukia!" Byakuya and Renji yelled in unison

Hollow Ichigo was more than happy to comply as he immediately tried to stab Renji through the heart, but he quickly flash stepped out of the way

"Just what the hell are you thinking?" Byakuya spat at Rukia

"I want him to die!" Rukia snapped as Ichigo and Renji continued their battle

"Do you seriously wish death upon your future husband?"

"Future husband?" Rukia asked "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Abarai asked me for your hand in marriage earlier today" Byakuya explained

"What?" Rukia shouted "Don't I get a say in this? Because there's no way in hell I am-"

"You don't have a choice" Byakuya scolded "He is the only lieutenant to have achieved Bankai, you marrying him will make the clan look good and you will produce a powerful heir"

"To hell with your clan!" Rukia shouted "I don't even love Renji and you want me to marry him and have kids?"

"It is arranged, There is no changing it" Byakuya said in a stern voice

"You know what Byakuya?" She growled "Go fuck yourself!"

"How dare you!" Byakuya growled, Kenpachi burst into laughter

"A Llittle backlash, eh Kuchiki?" Kenpachi asked

"Silence" Byakuya demanded "This is no time for your childish-"


Everyone looked at the source of the noise and their eye's widened

"MY ARM! YOU SON OF A BITCH! MY FUCKING ARM!" Renji roared in pain

Renji was rolling on the floor in pain, while everyone looked at what has caused that him that immense pain, In Ichigo's Hand was Renji's missing limb, He had literately ripped Renji's arm off, Rukia knew that she should feel concern for her friend…but she was smirking

"Is this…bloodlust?" Rukia wondered, secretly enjoying the sight of her old friend losing a huge amount of blood

As Renji rolled about in pain, Hollow Ichigo began charging a Cero in-between his two horns

"Yes…kill him" Rukia said to herself

"Scatter, Senbonzakura" Came a voice from beside her

The petals immediately homed in on Ichigo who used Sonido to get out of the way

"Sonido…" Byakuya said to himself "So he really has become a Hollow…"

Byakuya needed some kind of distraction to land a hit on Ichigo and get him away from Renji, so he decided to aim the Petals at the sill outcold Sado

"No!" Rukia shouted in her head

"Tsugi no Mai! Hakuren!" Rukia shouted as she fired the blast that completely froze the Senbonzakura petals

"Foolish" Byakuya scolded as Rukia jumped away from him "Do you realize what you are doing Rukia? It will be a miracle if you don't get sentenced to treason for this"

"I don't care" She growled "I eefuse to listen to the Soul Society now, they're corrupt! They tried to kill the man I love for because they idiotically assumed that he would kill them!"

There…she said it, she didn't love Renji, she hated him, she loved Ichigo…no one else

"Fool" He scoffed, disgusted "You do realize you can never be with him, don't you? I arranged your marriage to R-"

"Wrong" She scoffed "I'm not marrying Renji! I don't care what you say, I don't care what the Kuchiki clan say, I don't care about the Soul Society anymore!"

"So you're defecting?" Byakuya scolded "If you do this, then you're no better than Aizen!"

"Tch…all this time…who'd of thought that all of this time Aizen was the good guy and you were the evil bastards"

"How dare you!" He shouted

"How dare I what?" She shouted "You're all corrupt! Every single last one of you!"

"Corrupt?" Byakuya shouted "We are holding up the law of the Soul Society! This is not corruption! It is Justice!"

"Then what kind of sick disgusting twisted justice is this?" Rukia shouted back "Killing a man because you fear his power? If this is justice Byakuya, then I am more than happy to break that law!"

"Fool!" He shouted "Without law, then the order will fall into chaos do you want that to-"

"El Directo!"

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