The Village's park is just near our mansion, so basically it was walking distance.
"You're here, c'mon let's eat." Dad said.
"I already did dad, thanks anyways." I told them.
"Where have you been? I know you're not telling something to us. Promise, I won't freak out." I sat down as dad said that. See how protective they are.
"Dad, Bro. You know Clinton James Stanford right?"
"Yeah." "Yeah, the son of the owner of the Stanford Academy." They both said at the same time.
"He offered me to be his P.A and I accepted it." I nervously said.
"Why?" Asked dad.
"I don't know but my work will end after 2 months. Is it ok?"
"Zackira, just don't get yourself exhausted."
"Yup. So dad, can I go to my room?"
"Okay, goodnight sweetie." Dad said. I walk into him and gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheeks.
"Ahm Zack wait up, we will be leaving tomorrow for some business matters, your brother will come with me. Is it ok?" Dad said, as I walk onto the stairs.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna call Ash. I'll tell her to sleep here. For how long?" I asked.
"1 month." My jaw dropped. Shocked.
"Too long, but I'll miss you dad. The both of you. Take care, okay? And bring me some goodies." I told them.
I took a bath and after that, I just read a novel to make myself fall asleep.
I woke up and stretched my body. I was about to enter the bathroom when my phone rang.
[Goodmorning bessy! How's your day yesterday?] So loud in the morning, Ashley.
"Actually it went---" She cut me.
[Hep! Hep! Hep! Save that for later. I'm on my way now.]
"K.bye." I just said so I can now take a bath.
I just got off the shower and went to my walk in closet, I saw my phone with 3 missed calls from Cj. I called him because maybe it's urgent.
[Good thing you decided to answer.] What? But I was the one who called.
"Sorry, I just finished taking a bath."
[Ah. Okay. Anyway, it's your free day today.]
"Thanks." I said.
I was about to put my phone on the table when Ash called.
[I'm already here, wear something nice, okay?]
When she said to wear something nice, I already knew that we're off to somewhere.
I was busy with my phone and noticed that Zack took too long. I got off my seat and went to her bedroom. She's not around and I guess she's inside her walk-in closet, so I go there. I was shocked to see Zack unconscious, on the floor.
I went to her as fast as I can and check her forehead and neck if she's hot. And yes, she is. She have fever!
I got down quickly to call the maid so that we can help Zack and lay her down on her bed. As soon as I got Zack lying comfortably, I called the doctor. It's not even 30 minutes when the doctor arrived. He got Zack a blood sample and ran some tests.
We just found out that she had dengue fever. I thought for a moment and something crossed my mind. Oh, shoot! She got it when we were at the back of the school behind the computer laboratory. I'm the one to blame, I'm sorry, Zack.
I dialed her dad's number, he answered that quickly.
"Uncle, I'm sorry.." I said sadly. I'm crying for pete's sake!
[Why? What's wrong?]
"Zackira has dengue fever."
[What?! How did she get that? Her room is always clean. The whole mansion is always neat and clean!] He answered, freaking out.
"I'm sorry. When we were at the back of the school, behind computer laboratory. She's complaining that there is so much insects but I was busy, sorry...."
[It's okay, don't say sorry. But, how is she? I really can't come home, things are really busy.] I heard him sigh.
"For now, she's okay. She's sleeping and there is an IV that is connected to her. A nurse also here to keep her company."
[Thanks for telling me, I'll just ask her doctor for updates. Keep her safe please, take care of her, for me.]
"Yes, I will."
[Alrigh, I gotta go.]
"Bye." And then I ended the call.
I go back inside and went beside Zack. She's now awake.
"Bes, yoy have dengue fever." I told her.
"Made sense, I'm not really feeling well yesterday." She told me.
"What the fuc–I mean frick! Seriously?! You're not feeling well yet you went outside and do some chores!" I said, shocked and a little mad.
"Sorry, bes." She said.
I just gave her a smile and scrolled through my phone.
I was scrolling through my feed and saw Zack's latest post, a picture of her hand with an IV and a caption of "Not feeling well", I looked at the comments and most of them were get well messages. I feel guilty, it's my fault.
I'm currently at my unit and scrolling through my social media account when I saw Zack's post. I got worried so I call her bestfriend, Ashley.
[Y-yes, King?]
"How's Zack? Can we visit her?"
[Wait, I'll ask her.] A quick silence was heard.
[She said it's okay. When? Now?]
[Ok! Take care.]
"Which hospital?"
[Oh, right! She's not confined in any hospital, she's just here at their mansion.]
"Thanks, bye."
Then I ended the call. I texted the 3 guys to dress well because we will be going to Zack's mansion. In less than 10 minutes, they arrived already.
We went to the parking lot and went inside my car.
I started to drive.
I heard Zack got dengue fever. I decided to gave her flowers because I'm too shy to visit her.
My phone suddenly rang.
"Yep 'cous?" It's Ash.
[Were you the one who sent the flowers?]
"Yeah. Did she like it?"
[Nope. She loved it. She's actually asking some maid to look for the one who gave it to her, but I cannot tell her it's you.]
"I know she'll love it because it's her favorite flower right?"
[Ye-yeah. Anyway, gotta go I just told her that I need to use the comfort room.]
"Ok, bye."
Then she ended up the call.
After the phone call, I wore nice shirts and went to the mall to buy art materials.
Before we proceed to their mansion, we stop by a flower shop.
"Yo, dude. What flower do you think I should give Zack?" I asked them.
"I think roses will do?" Charles suggested.
"Alright." I called a staff and asked her that I will buy a bouquet of pink roses.
As soon as the staff gave it to me, I smelled it. It's good. Charles bought flowers too, and the other too bought boxes of cupcakes. Oh, so now they're exposing their sweet sides.
I am now driving and suddenly I felt a tip of nervousness in my system. Maybe because her dad is strict? Damn.
Clarence's phone suddenly rang. He answered it immediately.
"Yes, Ash?" Clarence answered. He turn it to load speaker sk we can hear them.
[Ahm. Zack is asking, if you're near?]
"Yeah. Maybe ten minutes we'll be there, right Cj?"
"Yeah." I just said.
[Okay, Ahm, take care. See you.] Then she hung up. I made myself focus on driving.
We just arrived, actually five mins after the call. The Village's guards can't let us pass by and we had to call Ash for the confirmation.
"We're here." I said and parked my car outside their gate.
"Kinda exciting." I heard Chalres said.
We rang the doorbell and a maid open the door.
"Ahm, sir? Are you Clinton James?" She asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Okay, ma'am Zack told us to let your car parked in the garage." She said.
"Okay." I told her and throw the car keys to Clark who isn't holding anything. "Do it." I told him and went inside the mansion. Clark went to get the car and parked it inside the garage.
The maid assisted us until we reach Zackira's bedroom.
"She's inside." She said and bow then left.
I knocked on the purple door and Ashley opened it immediately. She told us to feel free and we sat on the sofa-bed.
"Thanks for visiting." Zack said.
"Zack, flowers for you. Get well, okay?" Charles said and gave her the flowers he bought earlier.
"Ah, Zack. Cupcakes."Clark said and they, Clarence both gave her the boxes.
"Hi Ash." Clarence greeted Ash. Ash just gave him a smile.
I don't know what to answer so I just gave him a smile. But deep down I know I want to give him a hug.
"How are you feeling, Zack?" Clark asked.
"Getting well, I guess?" She answered. "I can get over with this." She added.
"Ah. Are you bored?" Sabi ni Charles.
"Nope, it's great to have you all here." She answered. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I open it and it's the doctor.
He just check Zack and said, "Maybe 3 to 4 days you will be okay. Just be sure to take the prescription I gave you."
"Thanks, doc." Zack answered. The doctor just nodded and left.
We had chats and didn't notice the time. It's already 5 pm.
"Ahm Zack, I'll just go get some snacks." I said.
"I'll come with you!" Clarence said. We went down and caught manang making juice.
"You're here. I was about to take it upstairs."Manang said.
"We'll take care of that, thanks for preparing." I told her and she just nodded. I get the tray of juices then Clarence get the boxes of pizza and the cookies made by manang. I was walking slowly, careful not to spill the juices and make a mess. Clarence got to the bedroom first and then he came back to help me.
"I'll handle that." He said.
"I can manage." I assure him.
"Yes, I know but let me..." He insisted.
"Okay then. Thanks!" I said and gave him the tray. I walk fast and came to the bedroom first.
They were just having some conversation.
"Come on, guys, snack time." I approached them.
"There they are. Clark, get the mini table." Charles told Clark and he quickly get it.
We put the juice, pizza and cookies on the table and start to eat. I got Zack a pizza and cookies first and then juice and I put those on the bed side table.
She started eating it and that's my cue to get back to the boys and eat with them.
We just finished eating and had a chat again the suddenly Zack asked a question.
"Can you all spend the night here?"
"Sure." "Okay!" "Game!" "Ok." The four guys said in chorus and then laughed.
I noticed the light mood on Cj. Maybe he's now having fun.
"Charles, you get our things and essentials." Charles agreed and get the key cards for their unit before he went out.
"Guys, Is it okay if you go out for a minute? Zack needs to change." I told them.
They nodded and immediately went outside. I locked the door and made Zack sit.
I went to her closet and got her a pair or undies and pajamas.
"I'll just go to the bathroom and just tell me if you're done changing." I said and went inside the bathroom.
A little while, Zack told me that she is done. I got her used clothes and out them on the dirty laundry.
I opened the door to tell the guys that Zack is done changing. I was shocked that they are now complete and are changed into their pajamas.
"We're here to say goodnight. We're sleeping in the guestroom, right?" Clarence said.
"We have two guest rooms here, I have my own bedroom here." I said.
"Ah ok. Bye Zack goodni---" Charles said but it was cut by Zack.
"How about we all sleep here?" She suggested. " Please!!!" She added with her puppy eyes. Oh, gosh. She's cute and we can't even say no.
We all agreed and set up the sofa-bed. I will sleep beside Zack and the guys will sleep on the sofa-bed. Good thing that's big.
" Hey, guys. I'll just go take a bath." I said.
"Can I come?" Clarence asked that made me shocked.
"Dude, she'll take a bath. You're crazy!" Clark teased him.
"No, it's not that you dirty minded." Clarence answered and came to me.
We enter the room and he sat on the one-seater sofa.
"I'll be finish in 5 minutes." I said.
"Go. Just take your time, baby." He said and smiled.
I walk inside the bathroom, not containing the feeling of butterflies inside my stomach.
I just finished and brushed my teeth. I went outside to brush my hair and then we went back to Zack's room.
"What base?" Clark asked. What base? What is that?
"Nothing happened." Clarence said proudly.
"Weak!" Clark teased.
"Watch your mouth!" Clarence answered that made Clark silent.
We went to our designated places, I between Zack and Clarence, then Cj, Charles and Clark. The big sofa-bed was connected to Zack's bed.
"Lights on or off?" Clark asked, he was about to switch the lights.
"Off, but keep the lampshade on." I said.
"Ok." He said and did that. He the return to his place and start to sleep.
"Goodnight, everyone." I said. And they greeted me back before I doze off to sleep.