The superimposed is supposed to manifest the powers of an elf, a vampire, and a werewolf.
Before Celine, the vampire princess died, she had the pendant which contains the superimposed abilities of Annabel, the elf princess, Celine the vampire princess, and Monella, the werewolf royal.
Celine was killed, with the pendant on her neck, but she did nothing to change her fate.
Celine only prayed for the chosen one to save her realm from the hands of the war that had totally engulfed it, being fully aware that she had neared the end of her road, in this journey of life.
The sacrifices of the three princesses could not be left in vain.
For that matter, after her death, the pendant was pulled by the strong force that attracted it to the destined wielder of the power it holds.
With the last bit of strength left in her, her consciousness, Celine helped to redirect the superimposed abilities to who could wield them best, for the betterment of her realm.
Right now, the only hope of the mystic realm is Lolita Clint, the sixteen-year-old superimposed triton, who doesn't have even the slightest clue about her identity as a superimposed triton.
Rubeetha could give anything to have the triton destroyed before reaching the mystic realm, but unfortunately, she has not the slightest clue about her identity either.
As fate and destiny operate on their own, with their own rules, so then what would be, would surely be.
Lolita lay in her bed, unable to sleep, and therefore, took an anatomy book and started glancing through, when she suddenly felt like it's been too long since she last practiced archery.
With so many things on her mind, she reckoned that archery is the next best thing to do to keep her mind at peace.
She really needed something to keep her going.
Without a morsel of food for the whole day, Lolita was still in the mood of mourning her grandmother.
It's only been a few hours, but lolita still couldn't take it.
Life as she knows it is really treating her unfairly, so she thought.
Some children grew up in single-parent homes. It could either be with a mother or even a single father.
However, Lolita doesn't even know where she stands. With a father whose name she doesn't even know and a mother whom she had only seen in pictures, she grew up with her grandmother who happened to be everything to her.
Her days of brooding over the teasing of fellow schoolmates, and the strange feeling of falling out of place on the days of parent-teacher meetings, ended when she embraced her abilities and her grandmother, who happens to be all she had.
She also silenced all the bullies with those same abilities, by giving a few of them, a beating or two.
Lolita took her laptop and ordered everything to set up an archery court in her residence. It could be a great way to help her calm down.
After that, she entered the name, Gavin, in her search engine on impulse. She really didn't know where to start.
It's not like her hacking skills are not noticeable enough, but all traces of Gavin were wiped clean.
With only the name Gavin, and a face she couldn't identify anywhere, even for a genius Like Lolita, it was a difficult task to locate Alpha Gavin.
Not even a single camera was able to spot them in, or around Smallville. She even tried the areas around Smallville, spreading to as far as Greenville, but there was just nothing about them.
It was as if everything that happened was just a figment of her imagination.
Lolita would have believed this assertion if her grandmother had been beside her at this moment. Maybe she just had a bad dream and wishes to wake up on her own, or even be woken up by her only family, her grandmother.
As Lolita saw the suggestions that followed her input, she felt more and more disappointed and extremely frustrated, so she resorted to using facial recognition in her newly developed application.
Unfortunately, there was still nothing on Gavin, or even his two sidekicks, Ortiz and Wesley.
Lolita searched far and wide but found nothing noteworthy.
Meanwhile, she pulled up a picture in which there was a wrecked luxury car as well as two other ordinary-looking vehicles.
The article described the said picture as the aftermath of a head-on collision, due to an attempted robbery.
It also stated that no one knows the identity of the occupants of the vehicles involved.
What baffles the authorities the most, is that there seems to be no record of a report about a missing person or even a complaint about an attempted robbery. No hospitals around the crime scene even received any wounded accident victims.
Lolita glanced through some eyewitness reports and finally concluded that it had nothing to do with her.
She then moved away from the article and continued running Gavin's face through the facial recognition app that she had developed, called, 'faceUp'.
However, faceUp always brings the mysterious accident scene into view, and Lolita just couldn't explain why. She could only wonder why her app seemed to be magnifying her mood.
She then exited the application and made plans to check it later for any errors in the programming.
Lolita remained confused and extremely uncertain at the moment.
She wants to get justice for her grandmother but just doesn't know how.
In hindsight, if Lolita had checked well enough, she would have seen the reason why faceUp kept pulling up the accident scene.
However, being the emotional wreck she currently is, she found it difficult to pay attention to details she might have recognized on a regular day.
When the housekeeper, Ruby, had waited for enough for Lolita to come down for dinner, her motherly instincts kicked in, and she chose to check on Lolita in her room.
Upon reaching the room, Ruby was about to knock on the door, when she suddenly heard low murmuring from behind the door, and hence, paused her actions.
Ruby became rooted to her spot and couldn't help the hot tears streaming down her face. She covered her mouth with both hands and allowed her tears to continue flowing freely down her cheeks until she suddenly took a run for it and left Lolita's door.
How was she to speak to Lolita about food, when she had even lost appetite, just by listening to the agonized voice of the young girl!