Why people are obsessed with Winter season, is really something that Marvel's me. Winter is actually the least of my favorite seasons for I would always feel cold no matter what I do or wear. I also won't be able to hang out with my friends either, and would always stay indoors. I groaned as I looked at how dark my window was. It was already 9pm, though it was quite late; I still decided to go get a cup of tea to help keep my body warm. As if winter wasn't enough punishment for me, it was actually my worst day of the week (Monday).
I entered the kitchen and was about getting a cup of tea for myself, when Morgana my mom showed up.
"Lucifer, I need you to go outside and buy me a loaf of bread for dinner", she said.
"Right now?, It's already dark outside", I scoffed.
"And so?. What makes you think I care?. It's barely a few blocks away from here. Just grab a coat, and you will be fine. Hurry, dinner is almost ready", mum said as she walked off through the door.
I returned to my bedroom with a frown on my face and headed to my wardrobe to get my coat. Being honest, if mother was my age mate, talk more of my younger sister, then I would have spanked her very well till she cries.
Morgana and I weren't actually in good terms, we would often yell at each other all because of a little misunderstanding or disagreement; but it's mostly mother's fault. Morgana isn't someone to accept her mistakes, and that is something that really annoys me, infact we couldn't stand each other's sight.
Leaving all alone with mother even made matters much more worst. However, I petted the head of my baby cat one more time, before i grumpily went out of the house. Opening the front door alone felt as if a bucket of ice was poured on me.
The cold breeze made me think that I wasn't properly covered, and as a result of it exposing my body to the cold weather.
"Anyways, it is just going to be as quick as possible. And once I am back home, I will lay on my bed and bury myself under my bed cover", I said to myself, as my body began shivering.
At every step I took, I regretted not standing up to my mum, and insisting on not going out.
"Morgana must be crazy to let her only daughter go out under this weather, and at such an ungodly hour at that", I discussed with myself.
Seeing that It was already late for regrets, I quickened my pace and forced myself not to think about it, since I was already heading to the store.
As I was walking down the way, I began to hear voices; men's voices to be précised. I didn't really pay attention to it, as I was already in quite a bad mood, so I began walking very fast and wishing that they wouldn't see me.
As I got closer to the noise, I realized that the area was completely covered with darkness, and the men were sitting in the dark ally. I instantly began to regret not going back once again. They were three of them seated and discussing in the dark area, and suddenly they glared at me.
"Hey there cutie. What is a pretty girl like you doing out here at this time of the night?", One of the guys asked, making gest of me; while the others giggled.
I didn't pay any attention to their nasty display, instead I began walking even faster than before. I was really nervous right then, and besides there was no one walking down that path at that time, and it was too dark at that.
"Hey bitch, I’m talking to you", the man said as he approached me and dragged me by the wrist with so much force.
"Let go off me you bastard!!", I yelled in anger and fear; but he played deaf ears to my say.
I tried screaming, but before I could let the scream off my mouth; he pulled me closer and covered my mouth with his hands.
"Let me go!", I cried out. He pulled me into the dark alley, and the three of them started laughing hilariously at me.
"Oh, look at how beautiful she is. I’m sure she would really taste nice", another man disgustingly said, laughing like a hyena.
"Just stop this and let me go please", I pleaded with this animals, but they were completely adamant. The first man glared at me, and I flinched, completely scared.
I told you to shut up bitch", the first guy yelled as a big slap landed on my face, making me to instantly fall to the floor startled.
One of the guys lighted up his cigarette, and started to smoke. I was genuinely scared for I didn't know how things ended up this way. I couldn't help but whimper at the men's glares and chuckles; not really understanding why they were doing that.
"Now, it's time to have fun; what do you think about that sweetheart", the first guy said as he disgustingly moved his fingers around my shoulders.
Suddenly, I saw an image more like a shadow stepping into our view, with some reflection of light behind him. He was on a black outfit, a jacket, denim jeans and a pair of expensive shoes. He was also wearing a gold watch and necklace. I also saw some of the tattoos that was drawn on his hands and neck. He was really giving the vibe of a bad gangster. The light reflecting behind him were held by some of the muscular guys behind him with real stern on their faces.
Looking at him, I thought that he was the gang leader, and right now I was really tensed. I crawled to him on my knees, pleading with him to show me mercy and let me go.
"Please, please, just let me go sir I beg of you", I pleaded with the strange man. The strange man furrowed his eyebrows at the thugs. It was certain he knew those guys, but it was far from being a friendship.