{Adaira POV}
The moment I opened my eyes, a groan slipped out of my lips as soreness coursed through my body. And that's when it all came crashing through–my adventure the night with the stranger the night before...a thought that made my heart thump in my chest with panic.
I had been drunk yesterday night, lost myself, and acted under the influence of alcohol. But now that the alcohol was clear, leaving an aftereffect of a spreading headache, I was visited with the dreadful thought of how to sneak out of the room without anybody noticing me.
Fluttering my eyes closed again, I turned sideways, moving my hand to reach out for the second side of the bed.
The coldness of the empty bed that met my palm evaporated some of the dread, and there was a feeling of shame.
I opened my eyes.
The empty crumpled bed that'd witnessed how I'd been manhandled yesterday only intensified the shame in me.
Fine! I had been the one who thought a one-night stand was good. I was the one too who wanted to be treated like a bitch. And so I was treated like one. Because my hooker has left way before I could wake... without any note or anything.
Okay! I mean, that's the point of the all hooking stuff, isn't it? To fuck a stranger I barely remember and most certainly not meet again. But why does his nonchalant attitude offend and upset me?
I could still feel his touch. The ghost of his lips on every inch of my body as they trailed open mouth kiss down to my lower region.
I bit back a loud moan, mentally scolding myself to snap out of my delusion.
It's a one night. And that's all it's all gonna be... With a stranger who'd treated me both like a bitch and worshipped my body like an expensive piece of art.
I still remember his warm touch. His calmness as he settled me on his dick. His hesitation when he learned that he'd my first. And the way he kissed me to swallow my pain.
"Snap out of it, Adaira!" I rubbed my temple, pushing myself into a sitting position. My back was against the headboard as I took in my surroundings.
I realized I was sitting in the middle of the room on the king-sized bed that was draped in blue sheets. A double seater situated at the edge of the bed, and the opened wardrobe couldn't have indicated whether this is a one-night rented room or not.
But I know, the man had easily found his way around here. He had even snagged out a condom from the lower drawer here as if he'd lived here his entire life.
Or maybe not. Perhaps, the hotel provides this kind of service and this is just one of his rodeos and I joined the long list of his bitch.
I hissed at the harshness of my thoughts, mentally sending a quick prayer up that whoever had picked me up yesterday was kind enough to leave early and saved me from embarrassment.
Thanks fuck, right?
The shrill sound beside me made me jump an octave, causing my heart to pick up in the race.
I'm not a sound person...and particularly not when I'm in a situation that needs critical assessment.
Whirling around, my gaze landed on my opened bag–the one I had no idea how it came to be lying effortlessly on the nightstand.
I reached for it, fetching out the cause of my fair and my best friend's names glowed brightly on the screen.
"You ditched me for a dick?"
The second I picked up the call, Tora voiced out. Her shrill voice sent a spark of pain down to my sore middle.
I wince, moving the phone away from my ear to shoot her a long roll of course.
Leave it to Tora to not let you leave it down the moment you do something embarrassing or incongruent.
"I heard that, bitch!", She yelled into the phone, earning another wince from me.
"I know." Sighing, I pressed my fingers against my temple...as if doing that would stop Tora from voicing out her opinion or teasing me about...
"You did it, didn't you?"
"If you're asking if I get fucked, then yes," I answered. "And before you ask me how was it, it was hard, rough, intense. And now I'm in pain."
"Oh, baby. Welcome to the club."
I know right? Only Tora will be delighted and be glimmering with enthusiasm because her friend got drill by a stranger.
Of course, she'd warned me to reconsider when I thought it was a good idea to get drunk and get banged. Since I'm a forever person, perhaps Daniel was not for me, and with time I'd find my Mr. Right.
But I'd been so broken yesterday that I'd immediately sworn out for love...yes! Ain't doing that shit again.
What do you want me to do? A relationship of four years just went down the drain like that. The future I had created with Daniel in it will be nothing but a piece of thought that might fade away with time.
And what better way to deal with heartbreak and adversity than to have an intense fuck with a stranger?
Perhaps, the pain and soreness from the rough night will keep your mind away from what's broken you.
"Do you think you can pick me up?" I said into the phone as I slid down the bed.
I swallowed back a moan of pain that threatened to burst out of my throat.
No! I'm okay without answering another question of Tora.
"I'm outside, sweetheart," Tora replied. "I had a feeling you might have gone for ' no strings attached. One-night stand. No, you don't have to drop me home ' and I don't want you to stress yourself after a night of passionate sex."
Okay. I'll try to avoid the second part and focus on the first one. Tora can be a bitch...she's actually a bitch, but she can be lovely and considerate.
Is that not what makes me adore her in our 10 years of friendship? A friend who'd stuck with me ever since we met at the orphanage when we were 12.
Tora Reed–The best gift "Hope Orphanage" could ever give me.
And I love her even though she was a bitch...a good one though.
"Thank you. I'll take a bath and meet you outside, alright."
"Be careful, foxy. It hurts like a bitch even after hours of doing it. Especially if the dick is big." Tora paused for a second to smack her lips together. "Is it though? I mean the dick. Is it big?"
Okay! I also hate her too.
After running a quick bath, I put on my dress which by some sort of a miracle is still intact with just a little slack on the thin shoulder rope.
It was a body hug gown that left a good amount of cleavage...hugged my petite body and wrapped tightly around my butt.
A grin forced its way to my face as I remembered how my hooker spank my ass yesterday and fondled it. Oh god! It's a good thing the night was dark. Because I was sure my face yesterday was nothing humane.
With my bag on my shoulder, I made my way out, breathing in the fresh smell of air the moment my feet stepped on the earthy Earth.
The breeze welcomed me with a rebellious slap against my long dark hair that was left to cover my exposed cleavage.
Yesterday had been wild. So, the Adaira who wore this exposed dress was nothing but a bitch. And the one who's shivering due to the cold is the real Adaira who'd like nothing but smack the impostor on the face for wearing something silly and exposing.
"And here comes out a little kitten."
I glanced up to scowled at my friend. Dressed in tight-fitted jeans and a crop top, her spicy red hair danced wildly on her head as if practicing for the new horror adventure movie coming out in a week. She perched herself against the knockoff Toyota she'd gotten for her birthday from her adoptive parents. She wore her grin so perfectly you never thought she could frown.
I walked over to her, tossing my bag inside the car through the window. And bless Tora who might have sensed how cold I was to put a black coat over my shoulder.
"Thank you." I flashed her a warm smile which she returned by opening the car door for me dramatically.
"Come on in, baby." She squealed. "I need the full gist, alright."
"And you're getting none from me, Pinnacle," I replied in her usual squealing voice.
Avoiding the playful glare she sent my way, I hopped into the car, snagging the belt around me before I rested my head on the headrest. My eyes closed in anticipation for a beautiful nice rest before I reach my hostel.
But with Tora in the car, I knew that was a dream far-fetched. Because immediately Tora snapped the door closed, her shrill voice enveloped the car, reminding me to question my decision in being best friends with this bitch.
"You wanna tell me how big his dick is?... And before you say no, know that I'm not letting it go until you give me an answer."
If my molar fell off with how hard I'm gritting my teeth, I swear I'll get her arrested and sue her.
Sighing, I opened my eyes to give her one of my forced smiles. "Big. Big enough. I don't know how you measure it, y'know."
"And his face?" Tora looked away from me to insert the car key and ignited the car. "How handsome is he on a rate of 1-10?"
I startled, pausing for a moment to let her words sink in. I've never thought about it. I was never even willing to see his face. Handsome or not. I had no idea. I have been drunk out of my wit to make out any of his amazing features.
Amazing? I almost laugh at my choice of words. I had not seen anything apart from his prominent ocean-blue eyes that seemed to be piercing through my skin that night. And his feral growl that turned me into a horny bitch.
I mean, if his eyes are that beautiful, his voice so heavenly...that means he's hot and sexy as fuck with his toned body.
And who cares about being handsome when his big dick had made up for whatever he might be lacking.
"Sweet cheeks."
I flinched at Tora's cold touch on my hand and looking up at her, she spotted a frown on her beautiful face.
I fight against a full-body shudder as her brown eyes pierce into mine...not judging but inquiring.
"Okay... I don't know." I admitted. "I was drunk and it was dark. Believe me, whatever it is he might be lacking, he made up for it in another way possible."
"Hmm... another way possible?" Tora teased. The frown dissipates to be replaced by a glint of mischief. "In what way might that be?" She winked.
"Fuck off, Tora. I was trying to tattoo the man's touch on my brain and forced out that scene of Daniel's tongue deep in that asshole's mouth!"
I was not trying to be rude. And bless me, my voice wasn't high pitched enough to be an angry outburst, but low enough to voice out how pathetic and miserable I am with the breakup.
Fine! Daniel had not vocally rejected me, but he had voiced it out in one way or the other when I caught him with Katherina eating her face. I had expected him to run after me when I called it off, but even after waiting at the steps for minutes, Daniel did not call nor run after me.
If that is not clear like the blue sky during summer that it's over. Clearly and obviously over.
My throat clutched with lumps, and it all came rushing over–crashing through me like waves of the ocean...the pain, the heartache I'd forced down with several cups of shot and a passionate night with a stranger bubbled up the surface.
The night with the stranger is over, and now I'd go back to my normal life where Daniel would still be in it. I'd have to watch my boyfriend of four years act all lovey-dovey with one bitch.
Tears slid down my face, and I had no willpower left to force them back.
It hurts like a bitch... especially if for the life of me, I have always considered Daniel O'Brien my family.
And that family had abandoned me.
It's like that year all over again. When my mom and dad had died in that horrible car accident, abandoning me to navigate through this wicked world alone.
"It hurts." I cried, my hand rubbing my chest where beneath it lies my bruised heart. "It hurts a lot, Tora."
"I know, princess," Tora whispered. "I know. It hurts like a bitch, baby."
I felt her hand slide into me. Her finger glided over my palm as if to soothe the ache in my chest.
The gesture I appreciated as I soaked myself in her warmth.
"Cry it out, sweetie. It's okay to let it all out."
The moment the words left her mouth, I burst into tears. The pain, agony, and misery of being abandoned all seeped into me, flowing out in tears but leaving their thorn that'd later bite me in the ass later on.
I cried like a baby who'd been denied her favorite candy on a Christmas morning. Howling like a lonely wolf who lost her mate in the field battle. All this while, Tora's hold on me tightened, intermittently encouraging me to let go of my pain. To cry it out and curse the son of a bitch who made me like this.
I know Tora wouldn't judge me, and every second of her holding my hand in support felt like a blessing.
Some minutes passed before my cry died down, wiping the tears off my face and intermittently sniffling.
Tora stopped the car to turn her body to me, pulling me in for a long enough hug that dampened her top with my tears. Her plan glided effortlessly down my back.
"It's okay, honey." She whispered. "It's Daniel's loss if he's blind enough to see how lovely you are. Heck! It just proved how undeserving of your love he is. You go out there and you'll see many hot and sexy as fuck men ready to snag you as theirs."
I snorted, pulling away from the hug to roll my eyes. "I sworn off of love, remember?"
"You're my bitch, Adaira. And no bitch of mine will swear celibacy while I'm still alive."
"This bitch of yours did not swear celibacy. Just staying away from those useless Cupid arrows."
Tora cackled. She leaned in to plant a soft kiss on my cheeks, squeezing my hand in hers. "One hooker might turn out to be Mr. Right. You know how it works right? The drill."
"I hate the drill, asshole!"
I looked away from Tora to hide my smile. Tora is my bitch who knows how to ease my pain, but this bitch is also a pain in the ass... because...
"Why are we here?"
"Oh...the school? Mr. Baldwin needs to assess your project. And he wants you to be present. Don't worry, I gifted him a couple of curses on your behalf."
I bit back a groan at the thought of the flirty old man who wanted me in his office this early in the morning. The man who'd do anything to frustrate you until you give in to his flirtatious smile while he worms his way into your damn pants.
I shivered.
"If you see Daniel, give him the middle finger for me."
He let me dress like a slut to school. Great! Just great!
I hopped down the car with my bag swung around my shoulder. And I'd only taken a couple of steps before my head slammed against a hard chest.
Oh yeah! Chest. And a familiar scene wafted through my nose.
I fought against a full body shudder at the strong arm that snaked around my waist, The hot breath that fanned my ear, and the cold lips that nestled against my neck.
The husky smell of a virile man mixed with lavender invaded my nose and mushed my brain.
How...how could it be? Unless I'd conjured the stranger from the night before from thin air when I was not even imagining him.
"What..." I tried to push him away, but his hold tightened as though afraid I'd make a run for it if he released me.
I definitely would.
"Relax, kitten. I don't bite. You do."
My face heated up, and for a second I was glad that my face was buried in his chest.
"What...are you doing here?" I asked when I finally found my voice.
"I am here for you, sexy fox." His voice was hoarse, husky, just like I'd remembered it to be.
But I'm not drunk now, so why is his voice being suggestive? Or maybe it's the content of his words.
I sucked in deep breaths when his cold lips nibbled lightly on my ear. My legs turn jelly almost on the verge of betraying if not for the man's hold.
"Marry me, kitten. Let's get married!"