"I see we are skipping the pleasantries.”
“Oh please!, Do not act like you care about me. You and I both know that you are incapable of caring for anyone but yourself. So instead of continuing with this charade, why don't we simply get to the real reason I'm here?"
"Fine by me; it's a good thing I don't have to pretend. I don't want you complaining about how awful I was to you to your lawyer friend, not that you would be able to." My brows furrow as he murmurs the last phrase. "Having her parents hover over me is the last thing I want. I have a lot on my plate right now.”
"I don't give a damn about the problems you might be in. What matters most to me is how that affects Aiden and me."
He looks away while clearing his throat. "Taking my budget into account,"
"Ummm, Budget." With a scowl on my face, I interrupted him. "You are gravely mistaken if, for even a moment, you believe that I will lend you money so you may gamble it all away," I muttered, frowning.
"With the pennies you make, there is no way you can assist me."
"In contrast to you, who keep accruing debt while spending every cent you earn on whorehouses and gambling dens, at least it helps me with the things I need." I spat back, not letting him minimise my efforts like they were worthless.
"I'm not in need of your money." . He scowls. "Though I do need your help,"
it sounds like he's seriously underestimating the situation.
I laughed while giving him a dubious look. “ If you think for even a moment that I was going to assist you, you must be severely mistaken.”
"You have no choice here, young lady."
"I do, yes." I shout out with the same fervor. "I do have a choice and a right in this situation, and I would gladly choose not to help. For all I care, you are free to crawl into the pit you built for yourself." I spoke calmly while maintaining a steady stare, exactly the opposite of how I was feeling.
If anything, I was a nervous wreck and could feel the sweat starting to form on my palm. But I'd be damned if I ever allowed him to see through my facade.
"If you have nothing else to say, I better be on my way, as I have other important matters to attend to.” I said to him, getting up to my feet and attempting to make my way to the door, when his callous hand grabbed mine.
He takes in a deep breath and licks his thin lips. "I’m on the brink of losing everything. I thought I would stake big and win big without any hitches. I was actually having a good feeling about it, but somehow it all went down the drain. I think I was being set up. Someone must have set me up, knowing I was going to meet him and leaving me at his mercy.” He sneers before giving me a look filled with sorrow, probably practicing it for days to use it on me.
" So? What does that have to do with me?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I had an idea where this was leading. He had no doubt brought me here for one of two reasons. Either ask that I pay off his debt or use me like he did in the past.
“I need your help, Valencia,” he says.
“Really?” I snort. "And what in the heavens made you think that I would ever help you?. It is your cross. For once in your pathetic life, learn to carry it.” I said, flinging his hand off mine.
“You’re my last hope,” he says in a condescending tone. “I might actually lose my life this time.”
“So?” He can’t play on my emotions, not now.
“I need your help this time. The people I mess with are far more dangerous than anyone I have ever encountered. I was stupid to go to them for a loan, and now he is most likely after my head.” He shivered. I could see the fear in his eyes, making me wonder who he was talking about and how dangerous they were. “Valencia, you are still my daughter, and despite whatever ill relationship we might have, I’m sure a part of you still feels some warmth towards me. No matter how you claim I'm dead to you, I’m still your father..”
“How much is it?” I asked, knowing very well that I might end up regretting not leaving when I had the chance to.
“Wh... at?”
“How much did you take from them?” He gulps, raising his hand, indicating ten.
“Ten thousand.” I asked with wide eyes, and he shook his head. I felt my heart slow down as I realised what he meant. “Ten million dollars? Are you insane?” I yelled out, Pissed.
“I thought I could win it back and pay them without any problem.”
“Well then, have you or did you succeed in winning it back?” I asked sarcastically, feeling myself getting sweaty as nervousness built up in me.
He closes his lips and stares at me. “That is why I need your help."
"I don’t have that money; I barely even make enough for myself. It's going to take years to pay off that money, probably my entire life.”
“I know that. That is why I need you to....”
"No way," I say, shaking my head, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. "There is no way I’m ever going to do that again. I still get nightmares from the pain and trauma you caused me, so how dare you try this on me again?"
“I told them not to sleep with you.” He said it like he had done me a big favour.
“And is that supposed to make it all okay? Should I applaud you for your consideration?” I asked as tears pooled down my face, and I wiped it off aggressively, refusing to show any form of weakness in front of him. “There is no way I’m ever going to do that again.”
"It’s too late. The deal has already been made, "he replies.
My heart stops. “What?”
"It’s either you or your brother, though he might be in a coma but still useful. His organs would do well to...." I slapped him across his face with a flat hand.
My nose flared up in anger as I stared down at him. "How dare you? How can you be this heartless? He is your son, your son!!
"At least now I can make better use of him. He is of no use to me and just a pain in the ass.”
“Don’t you dare touch Aiden,” I snared.
“It’s your choice, then.” He says this without remorse or any form of emotion. His facade was all falling apart. "What is it going to be, Valencia? It's either you or your precious brother.”
“Why won’t you just leave us alone? Why won’t you just get the hell out of our lives?” I screamed.
"Help me this one last time, and I won’t ever bother you again. You can have guardianship of your brother and never see me again.. “
I wiped the tears from my eyes, staring at him. “How can I trust you?. You could easily go back on your word.”
“Then we sign a contract, if that is okay with you.” He smiled, and all i wanted to do was wipe it off his face. "You just need to work for him for a few months while I gather up the money to pay him back and get you out."
“And the contract.”
“It will be sent to you, I promise.” I wasn’t sure if I should believe his words, but I couldn’t let anything happen to Aiden. I just need to work for a few months till he pays them back, then I can have full guardianship of Aiden. I held back the sob that threatened to escape my lips, giving him a nod.
The sickening smile on his face stretched, and he made a clap with his hands. The door to the guest room pulled open, with tall, hefty men in black suits walking out.
They all looked scary and dangerous. I glanced at my father, and my face paled. “You...” was the last thing I remembered as a needle pricked my neck and I lost consciousness.