"stop......" the five-year-old screams in agony. The cruel man just laughs and throws another knife at her, the knife grazes from her face, almost hitting her eye, the five-year-old screams again, scared. "stay the fuck away from her" A man in his thirties yells threateningly. The cruel man backhands the little girl "shhhhhh" he says kneeling next to the frightened girl, the fiver old gulps looking up, her big brown innocent eyes filled with terror.
he stands up and walks towards a woman, who had the shared same brown eyes as the five-year-old. the man next to her seethes "tu problema es Conmigo, Deja a mi familia Fuera de esto!" (your problem is with me, leave my family out of this!). the teenager who was whipped on his back crawls to the crying five-year-old. "shhh bebé ... Estoy aquí ... princesa ... cálmate hermanita"(shhh baby ... I'm here ...princess...calm down little sister) the teenager coos in her as he cradles her gently in his arms.
"Te vas an arrepentir de Este Sebastian" (You will regret this Sebastian). the man spits out, the cruel man laughs pointing the bloody knife at him "¿Lo haré ?, Querido hermano" (Will I ? dear brother) the man taunts then throws the knife at the little girl, a scream escapes from her.
mia gasps sitting up from her bed, sweat rolled down from her forehead, her heart beating rapidly. she puts her hand on her chest, panting. she wipes the bead of sweat with the back of her hand. who were those people? she thought as she got out of bed. Her head as she tried to remember them, but she couldn't, unknowingly a tear escapes from her, she wipes the stray tear away. she felt pain in her chest, the pain you feel when you lose someone dear to you.
mia walked to her balcony and opened the sliding doors. The cold air hits her, but it didn't bother her. mia had the dreams before but they were not this long and they were happy, the little girl giggled in her dreams before but the dream, no the nightmare she had it was painful and dark.
she looked up at the night sky, she didn't know who her parents were, all archer told her was they died in an accident, the same one where she lost all her memories. she wished she remembered them, are the people in her dreams were her parents? the family she lost?.
she walked downstairs, the house was dead silent as she tip-toed to the kitchen, she winces as she hits the counter and limps to the refrigerator, she takes the water bottle out and takes a sip of the cold water, she takes a few more sips and puts the bottle back in the refrigerator. she quietly walks back to her room. mia sighs walking to her bed, she climbs back in her bed and covers herself in the blankets, and drifts off to sleep.
mia groans as she hears her alarm, she didn't get much sleep from the constant dreams she had. mia hits the snooze button and pulls up her blanket. the door opens and Richie walks in, "miss?" Richie called out. "I am up "mia mumbled under the blanket. she feels the blanket pulled off from her. "Richie!" mia groans sitting up. Richie grins "its second day of school," Richie says looking at the sleepy girl. "I want some strong coffee Richie!" mia says going in her bathroom.
mia walks in her washroom and sets the water on the right temperature, she removes her pajamas and walks in the shower, the hot water hits her, relaxing her muscles, after having a quick shower and brushing her teeth, she dries herself and walks in her closet, she looks through her various clothing and decides to wear her denim jumpsuit with a white shirt. mia puts her hair in a half updo and does some light makeup. mia walks downstairs to the dining room. "morning" she says taking a seat next to Archer, who sat at the head of the table, next to him, sat Emma, Luca next to her, and scarlet next to him.
"morning bird" archer replied texting in his phone. "my chem project has been approved, I will start working on it soon!" mia announces sipping her coffee. "thats great Mija," Emma says with a smile. Luca rolls his eyes "I still don't get it how is your half brain working" Luca asks her with a smirk. mia rolls her eyes "well at least I have one" she says looking up from her breakfast. Luca gapes "dad!" he groans looking at the archer. archer nods then look at mia "my bird! it was a secret I trusted you with" archer says with a smirk. mia laughs along with scarlet.
"you both are bullies" Luca pouts as mia finishes her breakfast. "bye guys. love you" mia yells walking to the door, Richie stood there with her bag, "thanks Richie" mia says taking the bag. she walks to her garage "centodieci, red one" mia says.
she hops in her car and drives to the school.
she parks her car and walks to her school, getting the same stares she revived yesterday. mia smirks a little walking to her locker and groans seeing the jerk. "you need something?" mia asks opening her locker. "kitten, I heard you were working on a project" nik asks leaning against the locker. she keeps the books she didn't need inside. he was wearing a black shirt and jeans with a brown leather jacket. "how do you know?" mia asks slamming her locker shut.
he smirks "I have my ways," nik says following her. "or have stalker tendencies" mia states. nik chuckles "look I apologize for yesterday," nik says stepping in front of her. mia looks up at him. nik smiles charmingly at her "okay then" mia shrugs walking to her class. mia wanted her senior to be drama free. as drama-free as highschool can get. so she gave the jerk. nik a chance. he follows her. "its just......i am possessive over what is mine," nik says biting his lip." it was a chair," mia says rolling her eyes. nik shrugs "kitten if anything it isn't mine, I don't want it, but if it is mine, I will not give it to anyone," nik says looking at her. "sharing is caring," mia says taking a seat in the class.
"I don't believe in that shit" nik says taking a seat next to her. mia looks at him "if you share with some person, you actually care for the person and its about compromise and fairness, and archer said that The more you give to others, the more life you can receive" mia explains with a smile.
nik nods thinking about what she said. "who is archer?" he asks looking forward as Mr hood entered the class. "my stepdad" mia says opening her history textbook. "read till page 86, I will ask questions in the next class" Mr hood says then lays his back on the chair and sleeps. "seriously?" mia says frowning at the lazy teacher. "you look tired, rough night?"
nik questions smirking at her. mia rolls her eyes "read" mia says pointing to his textbook.
"boring" nik says closing his book. mia ignores him and continues to read the book. "let's go" nik says taking her books. the others curiously glance at the pair, mia tries to take the book but nik raises it above her height. "give it" mia says jumping up, she reached his lips when she jumped and the book was above his head. "I will give the book later," he says and grabs her wrist and pulls her out of the class. "dude what the hell, I can't skip class" mia states crossing her arms.
nik chuckles "what are you going to miss? his snores?" nik asks pointing to Mr wood from the door. "live a little kitten," nik says walking down the hallway. "what are you doing?" mia asks ruining up to him. "we are skipping," nik says and drags her out of school. "what!? no" she says as they reach his Harley. sure she skipped school before when she was sick. nik puts her helmet on and clasps it. "hop on kitten" nik says climbing on his bike. "I am not skipping school nik," mia says and nik smirks "you already are out of school kitten, and if you go back in, you will get more detention" nik says and mia sighs in defeat.
"what about my car?" she asks him. he sighs "we will be back by lunch," he says "I an not getting on that thing," mia says crossing her arms. "she is harmless," nik says giving her a look. "she?" mia asks and nik smiles running his fingers across the handlebars "Renia," nik says with a smile. "you named your bike?" mia asks him raising her brow. nik nods with a soft smile. "she is a Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic." nik says and mia nods "and how many STDs are on renia?" mia asks him. nik shakes his head "none. Renia is special to me and you are the only girl I asked to ride on Renia" nik says and mia smile sarcastically at him "is that suppose to make me feel special?" she asks him.
"yeah, and you also get to be close to this sexy body!" nik says gesturing to his body. mia rolls her eyes "what if I fall?" mia asks stepping closer to the bike. "you have this" nik says knocking on her helmet. mia shakes her head and he sighs "kitten i swear i will never let anything happen to you" he says staring deeply into her brown eyes.
"Fine" she says breaking the eye contact. mia reluctantly gets on the Harley the engine roars to life, and he drives out of school. the wind hit her face but it felt good, she smiles liking the way wind hit her face. it made her feel free like a bird. mia wraps her arms around him and feels him stiffen, she tries to remove her hands but he removes his one hand from the handlebar and places it on top of hers. mia liked the way his hand felt against hers. why is she freaking out like this it is just a hand! "where are we going?" she asks ignoring the way his hand made mia feel.
"you ask a lot of questions kitten" nik says and mia rolls her eyes "can you stop calling me that!" mia huffs. "no, you remind me of a kitten so you are my kitten" nik says. his kitten? why was she blushing? "your kitten?" mia asks "yeah my kitten, you look like a kitten and i came up with the nickname" he shrugs and mia nods. "oh did you think....." nik trails off and mia hits his shoulder "NO" mia yells. nik chuckles "whatever you say my kitten" he says empathizing on my. mia rolls her eyes at him. "hey nik?" mia calls him "yeah" he yells over the strong wind.
"I want to try something," she says and he glances at her and wiggles his brows "oh really?" he asks, mia hits him "nik!" she whines as he chuckles. "okay....what do you want to try?" he asks her. "in vampire diaries, Elena and Stefan go on a bike ride and like she-"NO," nik says cutting her off. "but" mia tries to say and nik shakes his head "no, you are not standing up on the bike" nik states and mia rolls her eyes "but I didn't eve-.....oh my god you watched vampire diaries!" mia exclaims, surprised. he groans "shut up" and she lets out a giggle.
after two hours of driving, nik parks the bike on a deserted road, the pair were surrounded by trees. mia looks around "going to murder me?" mia jokes taking off her helmet. nik chuckles darkly making mia frown. "Nik?" mia calls him out and he gives her a sinister smile. "nik? you okay?" mia asks nervously and he wets his lips and steps towards her, she takes a step back. "such a pretty face" nik says taking out a Swiss Army knife "but not for long" he says trapping her against the bike, her breath quickens as he leans to her ear "this is going to hurt" he whispers and steps back. mia gulps looking at him. she was terrified, he lifts his hand up and a loud scream escapes in the wind as he plunges the knife in her head.