"All of you girls peeing and shitting like you're going to get killed. . . Aish! They stink so badly." He frowns and spit on the floor near me. "Anyway, we're not killing any of you, so relax. Just that your life of comfort as princesses in your homes have come to an end if you don't know this by now. You're now a property of the Dante Empire." He laughs loudly like a maniac with his stained teeth. "Quickly line up, we need to leave immediately."
"Huh? Where are we going to?" Mira asks, but the cruel looking dirty man doesn't even look at her. He turns and walk to the gates and call on another person 'Lim' who quickly comes up and enter the container.
Lim is too tall, his head almost touching above. He looks like an idiot sidekick who would lick the boss' feet on instant command. I don't know whether he's looking at me or that's just how his eyes are, they look unnaturally misplaced.
"Keep your eyes on the girls." The thick boss issue his order. "I'll check the sewage tunnel myself. It's very important to be discreet, so don't tell Dae-sung about this deal." He adds before he leaves, while Lim stays behind and starts ordering us to queue up.
By the time all of us have line up, the thick boss has return in. He signals Lim to start bringing us out, and we all move in line until we're out of the container. I notice it's a large truck which has brought us to an unknown destination. It looks like an abandoned road with potholes and pavement pieces scattered everywhere. The air is cold, making me to shiver. It's the season of rain, the air here smell dewy and the ground looks wet with all indications that it had rained earlier before we get here.
"Send them down, now! We don't have all day!" Someone yells from inside an underground sewage where Lim is standing. I think his boss is the one yelling from inside, I don't see him around anywhere.
The other girls diligently obey orders, exiting through the underground one after another, while I and Mira keep hesitating to move faster. She's probably thinking of what I'm thinking. Maybe escape?
"Mira, we should run. They don't have men." I whisper close to Mira's ear, watching as she instantly shoots her eyes wide open and shake her head in protest. Am I the only one concerned about escaping? Why are all the girls acting like loyal bitches?
"Move fast, will you? Or you waiting for someone to piggyback you?" The truck driver comes out of the truck along with two more men emerging from the truck. Shit, now the men have become five, maybe that's the reason why Mira is against it.
Mira goes down the tunnel first before I. The stench coming out from the hole makes me want to throw up, but I manage to hold it in until I'm completely down. I start throwing up, as Mira suddenly helps to hold my hair. I notice four to six other girls throwing up as well.
"Aish! Girls are always a pain in the ass. Who impregnated you to be throwing up anyhow?" A man yells, but I don't even look to see who he is. I hold my breathe as we resume walking deeper into the tunnel.
We navigate through corners until we come to stand at the end of the sewer where there's an open burglar. It looks like there are men waiting for us outside the burglar. Mira catch a hold of my hand again, as we look at one another.
"It doesn't look so bad, does it?" She asks, searching my face for answers.
"What?" I don't get what she's saying.
"The end of the sewer. Look beyond the burglar, there's an exotic building somewhere around there. I think it's our destination. The Dante Empire."
I keep my eyes ahead as I walk, following the other girls. I and Mira move out of the tunnel at the same time. I'm awestruck by the size of the Mansion estate we've arrived at. Are we still in Korea?
We were allowed the luxury to take shower in the bathroom which is bigger than my home. We put on the yellow dresses offered to us by an elderly Ahjumma (old lady).
"What are they going to do with us?" The young girl standing beside me, asks nervously. I can see fear written all over her face. I don't know what to say, because I'm not sure of what we're doing standing in the middle of the big room which is almost the size of a hall.
"We're going to be fine. Don't worry." Mira assures her, as the old lady walks in and call the first girl to go with her into one of the bathrooms we used to shower earlier.
Minutes later, they both come out, the girl nodding her head shamefully. I think I have an idea of what they did in there. I hope it's not what I'm thinking. The next girl goes in, and then four more, before it comes to my turn.
I follow the woman to the bathroom.
"Lift up your dress and remove your panties." She suddenly orders. I don't realize I've rolled my eyes at her until she starts glaring at me. "You disrespectful child! Do you know where you've come to? You're going to be serving the Dante Family, I have to make sure you're a virgin. Lift that dress now, before I do it myself." The old lady make an attempt to touch me, but I step away and run out of the bathroom.
Two men lunge at me to catch me, but I'm lucky to grab a chair and haul it at the first man, making him to fall on the ground, groaning. I pick an iron bag hanger and point it towards the second man. "Don't come near me! I'm going to break your head if you do, bastard!" I yell, moving backwards until my back hit something hard that makes me to stop.
I turn around startled as I meet a pair of hazel brown orbs drilling a hole into my forehead. There's tobacco stick at a corner of his slightly opened lips as he looks down at me, scowling like an angry anime character. I don't know how I end up admiring his pale baby smooth skin, letting go of the hanger which falls down on the tiles with an angry sound that works to snap my attention.
"Master Jin! The girl refuse to follow the ritual." The Ahjumma comes running towards the man, nodding her head. Looks like he's the boss here, but I don't care who he is.
I quickly take my defensive stance, ready to assault the nose of whoever tries to touch me.