Ben is very happy when he arrive at the mall and he is jumping around excitedly because he is spending time with his father and of course the new toys he will get. Ben is jumping around, walking backwards and running in circles around Damon.
« Careful there Benjamin, you don’t want to fall down. » Damon smile at his son happy face. Ben obviously getting hyper because he is too happy.
When the toys store is in sight, Ben run towards the store leaving his father side. Damon notice that he will bump the glass door because Ben is running so fast with no sign of stopping. He knows that Ben didn’t notice the glass door.
Damon panic, he run towards his son as fast as he could while telling him to stop but Ben is already too close with the glass door.
« Caught you baby ! » Damon is in relief when his son was caught before he hit the glass door. Damon rush to Ben immediately.
« Pweety Aunty ! » Ben shouted and Damon feel familiar with the name.
« Baby, don’t run. You almost hit the door you know. » The said person playfully touch Ben’s nose. Damon walk over to the both of them and finally he realise who is he.
« Thank You for saving him. If you didn’t caught him in time… »
« You don’t have to thank me. Ben is just too adorable. Are you his father ? » Ben is comfortable when V lift him up and Ben is hugging him.
« Yes, I’m Damon. »
« I’m V. Your son is very charming, and he is a very good kid. You are so lucky. » V said while playfully touching Ben nose.
For Damon, Ben is a good son but only to him. He has been giving his nannies a hard time and not even one of his many girlfriend that he take home manage to tame the little Ben.
« Hey baby, aunty needs to go alright ? Please be careful and don’t leave your father side. » V kiss Ben’s cute nose.
Suddenly Ben start to shed tears, he don’t want to be separated from V. Honestly, Damon feel the same. Something tug his heart when V said he is leaving. He wants to know more about this young men.
« Shh…. Baby don’t cry… I’m here. » V rubs Ben’s back softly while kissing his head and whisper sweet things to cool him down.
Damon is amaze at how easy V is able to make Ben to stop crying.
« If you are not busy maybe you could accompany Ben to buy new toys and a meal after ? »
V just smile at Ben who is still sobbing with his face hidden in V’s neck. He feel pity to the boy.
« Sure, no problem. I’m free by the way. »
Ben face pop out like a spring when he heard that. He is so happy to have meet V again.
« Ben, come here. You don’t want Pretty Aunty to get tired holding you up like that right ? »
Ben refuse to let go and want to be carry by V. Damon start to wonder what is it that a boy this young do to have his son acting so attach to him when he never act like this with anyone.
« It’s fine, he is not that heavy plus when we enter the store, I’m sure he will be willingly want to get down on his own. »
« Are you sure ? »
V smile and head into the shop with Ben and he was right. Ben immediately jump down when he sees the toy he wants and Damon just laugh when V give the ‘I told you so’ look.
It is V who entertain Ben when he is choosing his toys, Damon just watch from afar trying to find a mistake in V or a flaws that he might be a spy but he got nothing.
The more he look, the more he sees the wilder his heart get. Damon don’t know what is happening. His rod has never been standing tall for a man but right now he is struggling not to let it show.
Ben is choosing his toy happily. One aisle after another. When your father has unlimited credit card, Ben is going wild when choosing his toy.
V walk to Damon who stand at the end of the aisle. In V’s eyes, Damon is a tall handsome man, a caring and loving father. His wife must be so lucky, he thought. Little did he knows.
« Is it always this chaotic when he is buying his toys ? » V stand leaning against the rack of toys.
Damon nod with a sweet smile. ‘oh my god !’ V thought.
« Do you always emptied the whole store just for Ben and all the staff attend only to his wish ? » Damon give ‘are you saying my son is a brat’ look with one eyebrows raise.
V laugh at the response he gets. Damon is just adorable for him and Ben is very lucky.
« Ben is so lucky to have you. He is very cute, your wife must be beautiful. » V really meant what he said. Ben and Damon look like they come from a perfect family.
« I’m not married. Ben don’t have a mom. » Damon statement is shocking to V. Suddenly he feel sorry.
« hmm… I’m sorry… I didn’t know. »
« It’s okey. I’m happy with what I have now. » Damon smile to reassure V that he is fine.
« I hope we didn’t disturn your plan. You must have a reason that you came to the mall right ? » Damon change the topic to clear the akward air around them.
Damon pointed to a couch as a signal to V and they both take a seat while waiting for Ben.
« Not really, I just want to buy some dress for a dinner party I’m attending. I’m happy to see Ben again just now, he is just adorable ! » V gigle at that.
« You have been calling him adorable countless time now. »
« It’s a fact. Got a problem with that ? »
‘You are adorable yourself’ Damon thought.