She didn’t fight against the invasion. No, she welcomed it, taking as much of me as she could.
No longer able to fight with myself, I let instinct take over. My fingers wrapped around her hair, gripping it tight. My knuckles dug almost painfully into the back of her head as I dragged her forward, taking control.
She relaxed in my hold, surrendering completely as I fucked her mouth exactly like I wanted. Deep, fast, and rough. Without any control because I was a beast unleashed.
Her teeth slightly grazed the underside of my hard length and I hissed, my hips bucking upward violently. I tugged at her hair harder, thrusting in and out of her mouth as if I were fucking her pussy.
Her mouth opened wide for me as I dragged her mouth over my cock. Thrusting inside one last time, I held her head firmly as her mouth wrapped around me.
Holding her still, I forced myself down her throat. “Swallow it all,” I ordered, my voice husky with my own desire.
And she did, her throat worked up as she tried to swallow every last bit of me. Some dripped down her chin, following a path down her bare tits. My eyes openly gazed upon her stunning features.
She licked me clean, and I slipped out of her mouth with a small pop. Her tongue pressed out, between her parted lips, catching any remains. With hooded eyes, I dragged a finger over my cum that covered her chest.
Pushing the wet finger past her lips, I watched her lick it clean. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she whispered, “Thank you, Master. I am honored to have served you.”
For a small moment, my heart stuttered.
I didn’t want her to call me Master. Only because it did things to me…it made me think of very depraved things I wanted to do to her. Surprisingly, I wanted my name from her lips.
With that angelic voice, I wanted her to say my name.
I had already broken one rule tonight.
Do not touch the slaves.
Too late for that.
But I was about to break another rule.
Do not buy the slaves.
By the end of the night, this little slave was going to be mine. Only mine.
I stayed silent. My body locked tight, refusing to move any muscle. A frozen picture in time.
I dared not to move my eyes up. I dared not look up at this strange man with a strange voice.
The way he spoke was with authority, his voice deep and rough as it caressed my body.
I stayed kneeling down beside my Master as this new master spoke. They were talking about me, I knew that. I could feel their eyes on me.
My skin crawled with disgust. I hated it when they gazed upon my naked body, stripped bare of everything. Even my dignity. My pride.
I had nothing left.
Nothing belonged to me anymore.
I was wholly his. Every part of me belonged to him—my Master.
And I hated every single day of it.
I wished, prayed, and hoped for my Prince Charming to come. Maybe he would come on a beautiful white horse. He would look at me with love and sweep me away. He was going to save me from the bad men. We would ride off in the sunset, toward his castle.
And there, he would love me with his whole heart.
We would live happily ever after.
But it was only a dream. A fantasy I built up in my head so I could stay alive.
When my Master touched me, I closed my eyes and pretended he was my Prince Charming.
I kept pretending. Every single minute of my life, I pretended this was not my reality.
But sometimes it was hard. When the pain got too much, when the screams would not stop, I could not hide anymore.
When it felt like my insides were being ripped open, I could not hide. I had to face my reality.
And it was yet another day. I was naked again. Most of the time, we were kept naked.
They said it was for easier access. For them to do whatever they wanted with our bodies.
We were told to bear our marks—their marks—with pride. When our bodies were blue and green, we bore them with pride. We paraded around, showing how good our Masters were to us.
The process repeated. Day after day. Night after night.
Some of the women have been here since they were children. Others when they were only teenagers. But no one was older than twenty.
I was taken eight months ago.
Eight months ago, I was eighteen years old.
Two months ago, I turned nineteen.
Every month, Master reminded me of the date I was taken. It was our anniversary.
I kept counting the months in my head, trying not to lose that small glimpse of the outside world. Desperately trying to keep hold of the string of what was left of me.
Unlike what Master thought, I had not lost my sanity yet.
I was still very much alive.
He thought I was dead.
He thought I was the perfect slave.
He thought I was just another pet. Another doll to play with. Another puppet with whom to do whatever he wanted.
But I had not lost my hope yet.
He thought he owned me.
But he was wrong. So, so wrong.
He might own my body.
But my soul…my thoughts…they were mine.
He could not take that away from me. My soul did not belong to him. My thoughts did not belong to him.
And my heart…it would never be his.
“She is yours?”
His voice snapped me back to the present. Not my Master.
But him.
For an unknown reason, I almost forgot all my training and wanted to lift my head up.
I wanted to see him. To see the man whose voice had caused things to happen in my body.
After so long, I felt something. A strange shiver down my spine.
After being numb for so long, he made me feel something.
What it was, I didn’t understand.
“For now. Until I can get the highest buyer. For now, I’ll just enjoy her until I decide otherwise,” Master muttered drily, his fingers trailing down my spine.
I fought the urge to retch. Every time he touched me, I had to fight against myself. I had to remind myself that I was the perfect pet.
I had to accept this touch. No matter how much I hated it.
The man was silent for what felt like a very long time.
And I felt suddenly desperate for him to speak again. For him to gift me the power of his voice to silent my demons.
“Are you bidding tonight?” Master asked.
“No,” the man snapped.
From my position, with me still kneeling and my forehead pressed against the hard floor, my eyes widened.
Nobody would see this small action. It was my secret.
My breath stuck in my throat. Was he not part of this cartel? Did he not buy slaves?
I listened to them talk. Master suggested the man have a night with me.
My body tightened, waiting for his response.
When he refused, I let out a small breath. So small that nobody would notice.
Was it disappointment? Or relief?
I did not how to feel. Even though I have not laid eyes on this man yet, he was making me feel out of control.
Did he not want me?
Master’s friends always wanted a night with me when they visited. They would say I was their favorite. That I was beautiful.
Did that man not find me beautiful?
I felt ashamed when I realized I cared. His thoughts suddenly mattered to me.
Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I closed my eyes. I inhaled and exhaled. My muscles stayed locked as he started to walk away.
His warmth faded, leaving me numb and cold again.
Master touched my neck, caressing my back. The soft touch did not last long before his nails dug into my hips, leaving his mark. I always bore his mark.
Even my weak body felt used to it now. His beatings. The endless hours of torture.
It was painful. It hurt more than I could describe, but all I had to do was shut my mind and float away to a magical land with my Prince Charming.
His hands moved upward to my neck, and he gripped it hard. Master pulled me to my knees, but I kept my head bowed down, my eyes on the floor.
I wouldn’t dare to look up. It was a mistake I had done many times. But just like a lesson was learned for every mistake, I learned my lesson too.
In a much harder way.
Master always found ways to hurt me. New creative ways, he liked to call it.
His breath was close to my ear. I didn’t flinch when he licked down my neck, leaving a wet trail.
Disgust rolled off me in angry waves, yet I could do nothing.
“I want you to go there and suck his dick in that pretty mouth of yours. Make him feel good. And then I want you to come back with your mouth full of his cum.”
His words were crude and angry. Dangerous and commanding.
So I did as I was commanded. For he was the Master and I was the pretty doll at his service.
There was no changing that. No matter how much my mind fought it.
No matter how much I hated it.