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it hurts so much. Just seeing her here reminds me the clock is ticking and I’m no further forward with an escape plan.

“So, that’s Winter.”

I look sharply across at Malik, who is studying me with a thoughtful expression.

“Keep away from her.”

I stare at my friends through dark eyes. “Nobody goes near my sister, final word. Look out for her but don’t look at her. There’s a difference.”

Malik nods. “What’s your plan?”

I lean back on the couch and sigh. “We make her time here count because knowing my father, he has a particular future already mapped out for her.”

“Bastard.” Alessandro heaves his huge frame into the seat opposite.

“They’re all bastards.”

I nod. “We all have that in common.”

There was a reason we gravitated toward one another, and it has everything to do with our families. Mafia. Each one of the five of us have a connection with the dark side and sharing a house in our college years seemed like one big fuck you to the establishment. Rival families in the real world outside Rockwell Academy, but inside we are tight like brothers. Our families hate our friendship but considering we all hate the fuck out of them, there is nothing they can do about it.

Malik tosses me a beer from the fridge.

“Is she invited tonight?”

“You heard me. Stay away from Winter.”

I sigh because the last place I want my sister is at one of our fucked-up parties.

I look across the room at Flynn, who is casually messing around with a hunting knife.

“Stay away from her roomie, too.”

He looks up and dark eyes meet mine and just for a moment of madness, we are locked in a battle of wills. I watch as his eyes narrow and his expression darkens and then his husky voice heads my way with a soft, “I’ll consider your request.”

Ivan snorts as I roll my eyes. “God help me, why did fate deal me this fucked-up friendship group?”

Ivan drops into the seat beside me and pushes me playfully. “Because we’re all we’ve got.”

“And Winter.” Leaning forward, I regard my friends through hooded eyes and hiss, “Treat her like your own sister and keep it that way. She has one year left of a normal life; hell, we all do, so let’s make it count. Keep your eyes on her but touch her and I’ll kill you. Nobody messes with Winter, understand.”

I stare at them with a promise in my eyes and as they nod in turn, I breathe a sigh of relief. Winter being here is a complication I could do without, which is why I’m guessing my bastard father sent her here. To mess with my head and distract my attention from the fact I’m about to graduate into a lifetime of hell and he is one unforgiving devil who wouldn’t know what family meant if it was shoved up his fat ass.

“What’s the plan tonight?”

Alessandro yawns and looks bored already, and I shrug. “Usual bitches and wannabees. I’m guessing three hours tops before the fun really starts.”

Ivan snorts. “As if you can wait that long. What’s it tonight?”

“Maybe poker. We need to brush up our skills in that direction.”

“Who did you invite?”

Ivan looks interested as I smirk. “Joey and his gang of fuck boys.”

“So that means…” I nod. “They’ll be followed by most of the bitches that like the idea of a bad boy between their legs.”

Flynn yawns. “I may pass. Those girls have more STDs than I’m happy with.”

“You take the door then.”

Malik’s smooth, dark voice heads across the room. “This should be easy.”

I nod, anticipating an evening where we screw with more than their girls.

Our poker nights are legendary, and I’m feeling particularly antsy tonight.

Sighing, I look at my watch. “We’ve missed first period. Best show up to the next. It’s Miss English.”

I watch my friends heave themselves up and as we head outside, I lock the door behind me. It’s doubtful anyone would be foolish enough to try to break in, but some of the bastards who go to this school weren’t blessed with a brain cell between them. I almost hope that one of them fucks up one day so I can deal with the rage that lives inside me 24/7 and only burns brighter each day that passes, closer to the one where my life falls off a dark cliff.

WE HEAD across campus as a pack and, as usual, nobody gets in our way.

They know better and it’s almost become boring, but as I watch the students scamper out of our way, dipping their heads and averting their eyes, I almost feel like picking a fight just for my own amusement.

Then a familiar face heads our way and a prickle of excitement runs through me as I say gruffly, “Baron.”

He stops and nods, regarding me through the same bastard eyes that we all share.

“Angelo. I hear you’re having a party tonight.”

“Word travels fast.”

He nods. “What’s the theme?”

“Poker. You in?”

“Not sure. Maxim and the others are talking about heading into town.”

“After then. It could be a late one.”

“Usual stakes.”

I nod, looking at him with interest. “Who do you have in mind?”

“Not sure, I’ll think about it?” As he makes to leave, I stop him with a dark, “Make her familiar. No surprises.”

He nods and heads off in the opposite direction and we watch him go thoughtfully.

“That bastard doesn’t belong in that house.”

Malik’s low voice reminds me Baron is very different to us, outwardly at least. Inwardly, he’s as corrupt as we are, and I know he will be there later with an angel to sacrifice, as always.

WE HEAD TO HISTORY, where the delectable Miss. English rules her class with the promise of a flirtatious look or a glimpse of her cleavage as she bends over your shoulder to study your work. Miss. English must only be a few years older than us and is one hot hazard that enjoys flirting with danger.

Subsequently, her class is the most attended, and her results the best on campus because nobody wants to miss the pleasure that Miss English brings to her lessons. Even the girls adore her. She is one of them, after all. Sweet on the outside but as corrupt as hell inside and I should know, because I’ve fucked her more times than I can count.

Ten minutes later, we are waiting patiently for her class to begin and there is not a spare seat in the room. As always, we sit at the back with me in the center surrounded by my faithful friends, and not one student looks in our direction.

Only a couple of braver cheerleaders look our way and blush when Ivan says gruffly, “You can touch, you know. Tonight, party, our house.”

The longing looks they shoot him makes me smile inside because Ivan is like kryptonite to these women. Tall and broad with more muscles than Hercules, decorated in tribal ink that warns not to fuck with him. His dark features rarely smile and only his twisted grin indicates there’s any emotion inside him at all. Girls fantasize about Ivan with his husky Russian accent and piercing blue eyes that promise a night of passion that is never repeated.

Come to think of it, it’s only Miss English who gets that pleasure because one-night stands are the only thing we offer. Mind you, it would take a brave, or very foolish, woman to come back for more because we don’t play by the rules, and it takes a certain kind of girl to tolerate that.

The door bang opens, and Miss English enters the room looking like a homecoming queen. Chief cheerleader and valedictorian all rolled into one and only the slightly wild look in her eyes tells me she’s hiding a wicked wanton soul under that tight pink fluffy sweater, that’s clinging to her tits for dear life. Knowing she prefers no underwear makes me shift awkwardly because fuck me, she is looking like every dark twisted thought in my head and as our eyes connect across the room, I watch her lick her bottom lip and pout in my direction and I know exactly what’s coming.

As she gets to work, Malik laughs beside me. “Looks like your luck’s in.”

“It always is.” I smirk because Miss English makes no secret of the fact she’s hot for me and I’m not one to pass up a wild fuck in the stationery cupboard between classes.

Alessandro hisses, “Do you think she could handle two of us?”


He laughs beside me and as I look at our provocative teacher, I wonder what she’ll think when we both wait behind after class. It will be interesting to see what she does about that.

All through class, I picture what I’m going to do to her and when the bell rings, she looks up and says loudly, “Class dismissed.”

The scraping of chairs almost drowns out her words as she says loudly, “Assignments due in three days. Oh, and Angelo, a word please.”

My friends laugh as they head outside, and I nod to Alessandro to stay seated.

As the last student leaves, she looks at him and says in a slightly breathless voice, “Did you want something, Alessandro?”


He smirks and I stand and head toward the front and say huskily, “We need a private word.”

The way her chest heaves and the excitement sparks in her eyes, tells me she’s going all the way on this, and a small smile plays across her full lips as she nods toward the door in the corner of the room.

“Through there, we don’t have long.”

As we follow her through the door, I already know this will be quick.

Sharing isn’t really my thing, but I’m interested to see what Miss English thinks about it, so as soon as we enter the small cupboard, I say roughly, “Spread your legs.”

Her heightened color and small breathless gasp turns me on as she lifts her skirt and stands against the wall, her wet pussy glistening in front of me, and as Alessandro unzips his pants, I smirk.

“You ready, Miss. English?”

She nods, her breathing heavy and her chest heaving, and as Alessandro steps in front of her, I watch him roll on a condom and thrust inside. Her gasp is silenced by his large rough hand and as he pounds into her, I find it a total turn on. Stroking my shaft, I feel my own eagerness to join the party and as Alessandro clenches her ass with one hand and pushes in hard and deep, her muffled cry tells me she’s just about hanging on.

He comes with a groan and as he pulls out, I’m straight in there, condom in place, as I finish what he started. Banging my teacher against the wall is one thing but watching someone else do it turns me on way more and as I come so hard, I place the palm of my hand across her face, pinning her to the wall. I don’t want to see her face, I never do. It’s just me jerking off inside a willing wet hole and that’s all this will ever be.

As soon as we’re finished, we toss the condoms in the trash and zip our pants, leaving our teacher with a smile on her pretty flushed face. There are no words necessary. We all know what this is, and Miss English would rather die than admit what’s been a thing for months now. This is all it is, and I doubt we’re the only ones to enjoy the pleasure of her body, but it certainly makes history more fun.

“Fuck, that was good.”

“I told you.”

We head to our next lesson and for once, I’m feeling good about life. One year is all I need because when it passes, all our lives will change forever.

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