Part 5
I tried to close my mouth, but it wouldn’t shut. And I stood there gaping at the man who just didn’t know how to leave me alone. It was weird how he was back on his feet when I had knocked him out just a while ago. Maybe he was a supernatural being.
“Hello dandelion,” Severon said, the wicked smile not leaving his face.
“Oh hello, I’m glad you’re here. I knew the police had the wrong person in custody, but now that you’re here, they can lock you up and let me go. Hurry, go call the cop over there.” I pointed to my right.
“Actually, they have the right person in custody, dragonfly,” he said, arrogance oozing off him in waves.
“What do you mean?” I glanced left and right to see if there were any cops around, but the corridor was deserted, except for the criminal standing in front of me.
“Well, I had given an order to the police to lock you up if you ever came here, and well, here you are,” he explained.
“And why would they listen to you?” He was a criminal. He’d kidnap my sister and was probably torturing her.
Severon leaned closer to me, as if about to tell me a secret. “Didn’t I tell you, dandelion, I own this country,” he whispered darkly.
“Oh right, I do remember. In that case, I have a few issues with this country that I want you to resolve,” I stated, looking around my cold, dreary, gray cell.
Severon frowned, as if confused. “What?” He enquired.
“Well, to start with, you need to paint these cells with bright colors. I mean, it’s so depressing in here; there are no colors except gray, and that is only one shade, you do know that there are fifty shades of gray, don’t you. If you can’t paint these cells with bright colors, then at least add more shades of gray,” I rambled on.
“Stop talking,” he ordered, annoyance flashing in his voice.
“Okay, if you promise to bring paints for me so I can paint my cell. What do you think, would unicorns look good on that wall.” I pointed at the wall behind me.
Severon leaned even closer until his face was pressed against the bars. “What the fuck is wrong with you? People are scared to death when they are behind bars, and you stand here making demands. Does nothing scare you or your amygdala doesn’t work?” He seethed.
I shrugged. “Well you can’t really blame these people being scared behind bars, I mean have you seen these cells, it’s like Azkaban in here, and these gray walls are like dementors, sucking the life out of a person, that’s why I’m telling you to paint these walls with bright colors. And there are a couple of things that scare me, and what did you say about that dala thing, I didn’t understand,” I babbled.
“Mark my words, I am going to make you regret the day you ever tried to talk back to me,” he snarled.
“Okay, but first, can you mark my request on your to-do list? It’s seriously awful in here, and dude, I regret the day I met you, and you talk about me talking back to you.” I scoffed, then turned my back on him and walked around. “How long am I going to be here?” I asked.
“As long as I want.” Came his answer.
“And how long is that?” I queried. I should paint flowers on the next wall.
“Until you learn to submit to me,” Severon replied.
“Okay, in that case, can you go to my apartment and bring my mattress, pillow and ten teddy bears for me? And don’t forget a few clothes and food,” I said.
“Why?” He asked irritably.
“Because I’m going to be here forever.” I should paint teddy bears on the other wall.
A growl sounded from outside my cell. I jogged over to see it was Severon. “Would you stop bouncing around,” he hissed. Before I could say anything, Severon turned and walked away, leaving me alone in my cold cell.
He came back after two minutes accompanied by a cop. The cop had salt and pepper hair and was slightly shorter than Severon. He had a potbelly which made his shirt extremely tight on him. The cop quickly unlocked my cell and opened the door. I jumped out of my cell, eager to escape the gloomy walls. Before I could take two steps, Severon seized my arm in a tight grip.
“Grazie,” he said to cop. (Thank you)
The cop nodded in acknowledgement, respect shining in his beady eyes. Severon then, proceeded to drag me out of the police department, his grip on my arm not loosening. I, however, felt alive after leaving the miniature version of Azkaban. I loved places with lots of colors.
“So, what made you decide to get me out?” I asked cheerfully as we exited the precinct, and I took my first breath of fresh air after twenty five minutes.
“Shut up,” he snapped.
“Ooh touchy. It’s all right, you don’t have to answer, I know you got me out because you missed me and couldn’t stay away from me.” I grinned.
“Missed you? Are you insane?! You are nothing but a pain in the ass! I would never miss you, never!” He shouted, his eyes blazing with fury.
To be honest, his words stung. But I tried not to let them affect me. I had heard worse from people, anyway. Instead, I pasted a smile on my face and tried to think about happy things.
“So if I’m a pain in the ass, why are you after me? And what the hell is wrong with you, why did you kidnap Maril if you’re not even going to see her and go around bullying me?” I questioned.
I yelped when Severon suddenly slammed me against a wall, nearly knocking the wind out of me. He brought his face closer to mine, a strange emotion swirling in his golden eyes.
“I wasn’t intending on telling you this until much much later, but you leave me no choice.” He paused, letting his words sink in. “I didn’t kidnap Maril, my brother did, and he is with her, he’s always with her.” He told me.
“Yeah right.” I scoffed. “I saw you in that room. It was you. I remember your face,” I grumbled.
“He’s my twin, we’re identical,” Severon clarified.
“What?! There are two of you! Fuck my teddy bears, how will I survive?” I uttered.
“You can survive by keeping your mouth shut and not get on my nerves.” Severon gripped my arm once again and set off in the direction of God knew where.
“But you get on my nerves all the time, you don’t see me complaining,” I whined.
“Stop talking, dandelion,” Severon commanded.
“And where did you even come up with the name dandelion?” I continued blabbling.
Severon chuckled. “You have an interesting collection of…lingerie. You have a bra with dandelions on it,” he replied.
“Oh right, it’s one of my favorite bra.” I told him. The garment which he was talking about was green with yellow and white dandelions on it. The face of the dandelions had actual lions made on it. “I love lions that are dandy, get it, dandy-lions.” I giggled at my own lame joke.
“Do you own any normal garments?” Severon questioned, turning a corner. My eyes instantly landed on a candy shop. The colorful candy beckoning me through the windows.
“All my garments are normal.” I muttered, still staring at the candy shop. We were getting nearer to it. “Hey, can we go to the candy store, I am craving candy,” I said.
“No.” Severon said in a monotone.
“Please. Look, you caused me so many problems, you at least owe me a visit to the candy store,” I argued.
“Stop talking and keep walking,” he ordered.
“No!” I screamed. “Stop raping me! Please, somebody help!” I yelled at the top of my voice.
“All right, I’ll take you to the fucking candy store, just shut the bloody hell up,” Severon seethed, eyes once again glittering with fury.
“Yes! Come on, I want to buy lots of candy.” I turned and led Severon inside the candy store.
Inside of the candy store felt like I was in heaven. Everywhere I looked, I was rewarded with the sight of colorful candy. There was a christmas tree made up of lollipop in one corner, and numerous glass tanks were filled with different candies. I couldn’t stop the grin splitting my face as I gazed at all of my favorite candies.
“Hurry up, I don’t have time,” he snapped.
Without wasting any time, I grabbed a basket from the stack which was placed next to the front door, and dashed around the store, throwing candy in my basket. Within fifteen minutes, my basket was full. Placing my full basket on the counter, I grabbed another basket, and begun throwing more candy in it. Once the second bakset was full, I placed it on the counter next to my other basket and looked at Severon expectantly.
“Do you have enough money to pay for all this?” Severon asked.
“No, but you do.” I grinned at him.
Severon’s eyes widened as he eyed the two baskets. “What? I’m not paying for your junk,” he stated.
“It’s not junk, it’s food. And for someone who caused me to resemble a world map, I think you should pay for all this,” I argued.
“Mio Dio, questa ragazza è un’altra cosa,” Severon muttered under his breath before removing his wallet from his pants. (My God, this girl is something else)
With a glare at my precious candy, Severon paid the cashier lady, who begun packing all my candy. I was gazing around the store when my eyes landed on the door. I eyed the door, then looked at Severon, contemplating my chances of running away. He looked far too busy, throwing daggers at my innocent candy to pay me much mind. Taking a shot at my luck, I threw the door open and ran out of the candy store.
“Kelsey! Get back here!” I heard Severon’s voice at a distance, but I kept running. The problem was, I only knew the way to my apartment in this foreign land, so I had no option but to head in that direction, unless I wanted to get lost and have Severon’s men kidnap me like they did earlier.
The only thing I could pray for right now, was that, somehow, by some miracle, Severon forgot the way to my apartment. And it was nothing short of me wishing for a miracle, that I kept running, ignoring Severon’s voice. I had a feeling, that my candies were making it hard for him to run.
I looked left and right, and even behind my shoulder to see any sign of Severon; I did not want him to take me by surprise like last time. However, it looked as if, for once, luck was on my side, because Severon was no where to be seen.
As soon as I entered my apartment complex, I zoomed up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. Only once I was back in my apartment, did I stopped to take a breath. I quickly bolted the front door shut, then collapsed on the couch, panting for air, clutching my side to alleviate the stitch.
After fifteen minutes, I got up from the couch, and went about my apartment, locking all windows, I did not want Severon to come up here. Drawing the curtains, I bathed my apartment in semi-darkness, before making my way to the bathroom for a hot shower.
Once I had taken a cold shower—because all the hot water ran out—I put on a fresh outfit and made myself lasagne. Now that Maril wasn’t here, I had to get a job; the bills and food weren’t going to pay itself. Maybe once I was sure that Severon was not after me, I would look for a job.
Before taking my plate of lasagne to the living room, I checked the lock on the door and windows, making sure they were intact and I was safe. Cursing Severon for my new found OCD, I padded over to the living room and begun shoving lasagne down my throat.
I knew that now, I had to save Maril on my own. I couldn’t take help from the police as they were all under Severon’s rule. I wondered what on Earth Severon did that he had the law in his pocket? What did he do that made him so powerful? And how was I going to save Maril knowing she was being held captive by his brother?
After mulling over one ridiculous possibility over the another, I finished my lasage and went to bed; thoughts of Severon invading my sleep. The man really was powerful, he didn’t leave me alone even in my dreams.
The next morning, after waking up, the first thing I did was check my apartment for any break-ins. Grabbing my trusty frying pan from the kitchen, I searched my whole apartment for Severon, scrutinizing every little thing to check for anything that was misplaced or didn’t belong.
Satisfied that I was safe and nobody had broken in, I made myself a nice cup of coffee, while grabbing a pack of cookies from the cabinet to eat. I was glad knowing that Severon had indeed forgotten the way to my apartment. Now I could breathe freely. Once I had some food in my stomach, I went to the bathroom for a bath.
My shower lasted a long time. I decided to forgo the bath until Maril arrived, because without my twin, I was not at peace, and I could only take a bath when I was at peace. The last time I took a bath was to find peace—and a way to rescue Maril, but not now. I had to sit and find a solution myself.
Exiting the bathroom, I quickly dried myself and put jeans and a shirt which I tie-dyed myself. Wrapping my hair in a towel so they could dry, I grabbed a notepad and a pencil before jogging to the living room and flopping down on the couch. Flipping the notepad to a fresh page, I begun contemplating ideas reagrding Maril’s rescue.
Before I could get a single thought on paper, the door bell rang. Heart pounding, I stood up and hesitantly went to the front door—but not before grabbing my frying pan from the kitchen. I looked through the peep hole to see nobody standing here. Frowning, I opened the door to find nobody really was standing there. However, when I looked down, I saw a bakset filled with candy sitting on the Welcome rug. Surveying my surroundings, I picked up the basket and closed the door. After bolting the door shut, I carried the basket to the living room and put it on the table.
I wonder who it’s from.
I smiled when I found a white note card peeking from the array of colorful candies. Plucking the card, I opened it and read the contents. The words on the card had my heart sinking in fear. The basket was from Severon.
It was not wise to run away from me. You say you are afraid of a couple of things, well, dragonfly, you can add another person to your list of fears. Me.
Be afraid, dragonfly. I’m coming for you.