Salvatore's POV:
Can he really not remember me?
He doesn't seem to. And that's quite understandable.
I have changed a lot since we were roommates. Then, I was under a different name and looked completely different. David was a junior to me when we were at university.
My father had put me in a cheap school to keep me hidden from his rivals. A plan that worked because when my family was wiped out, I couldn't be found. No one knew I was hiding in plain sight. No one except for my uncle. A man who has stood as a father to me since I lost my parents and older sister.
David was a smart kid when we were in school. He was always coming out with top scores, and I remember hearing that he graduated with a 5.0 CGPA. David was my roommate for one year. He was always kind and funny. Funny for more reasons than one. One of those reasons was that David never knew that he was gay.
I always knew that he was, but David never realized this truth. All those years ago, I could tell he was into men but David just thought he was different. Every single one of us in that room knew he was gay. All three of us knew that David was a gay boy who hadn't discovered himself yet.
I've always had a liking for him. After his graduation, I tried finding him, but he vanished into thin air. I guess he got dragged into a life of crime. I used to wonder why, but today I got my answer. Dimitri got his hands on him and forced David under his thumb.
Despite my anger at Dimitri for thinking he could rob me, I am glad he sent David. I am glad that I got to see David again. And I find it hilarious to see that David still hasn't realized his sexuality. It's adorable how clueless he is.
He has no clue that we once knew each other, but it's fine. Now that I have him, I won't let him go back. From now on, he will stay with me. I found him by luck after so many years, and I will not let him go. I was uncertain about acting on my desire all those years ago, but not now. Not now, when he has grown so much. Into such a fine, flawless man. I will not let him slip away from me again.
I won't reintroduce my fake identity to him. I will let him meet and know the real me this time. The Salvatore who was forced to stay hidden for so many years. I have been looking forward to this moment for so long and now that fate has brought David to me, there is no letting him go.
I walk back into the room, and he seems relieved to see me. My eyes travel over his bare body and when my eyes reach his crotch, I take a deep breath. I'm glad I chose these loose pants today. If not, he would have realized that he wasn't the only one whose body was betraying.
His short, brown hair was a tousled mess on his head. His beautiful, doe-shaped eyes were tired and I froze for a second as his mesmerizing violet eyes locked onto me. One of my favourite features about him. I watch his breath through his remarkably soft, pink lips, and I feel heat rush through me. I kissed him for the first time today, and I was tempted to do it again. To claim him and imbed myself in every inch of him. To take him, mark him, show him what he has been missing, and make it clear to him and the rest of the world that he is mine. To run my fingers over his delicate skin and fill his mind and soul with so much of me that I become the only thing he needs. The only thing he thinks about. The same way he has constantly tormented my mind for all these years. Somehow he was able to stay in the dark. For all these years. Now, I've found him. And he will be mine. No matter how long or hard... He will be mine.
I watch the exhaustion in his eyes suddenly turn to stubbornness and the words that escape his lips cause my heart to skip a beat.
"You called my sister's name before you left. I never told you what it was... "He says as soon as he sees me, and I freeze. I didn't realize that I had slipped up. I can not let him know that we once knew each other. That will complicate things. To take control of this, I need the truth to be kept away from him. At least for now.
"I had my men run a background check on you while you were out. "I lie, and I see the curiosity that was once in his face vanish. Causing me to exhale gently. Glad that I averted the chaos that mistake could have caused.
"Please. Please. I need to get out of here. I have to get to my sister. She's sick, and her birthday was three days ago. She may think something bad has happened to me... "He then begins to beg, and I tilt my head in wonder as I walk further into the room.
"Bold of you to think something bad hasn't happened to you. "I say, and he falls silent. I stand in front of the desk in the room and lean against it. Just staring at him. He looks so flushed and adorable, that it almost hurts to look at.
It's amusing how much tenderness and innocence he emits. He may have grown body-wise, but he is still the same David he always was. Soft and... naïve. Innocent and delicate underneath the façade of a grown, now dangerous man.
"Please... Let me say goodbye to my sister before you kill me. I'm all she has. She's just a little girl. Let me say goodbye to her before she spends what's left of her days seeing only the sterile walls of her ward. Please... "He begins to beg afresh with tears forming in his eyes, and I stare at him.
I know he loves his sister a lot. When we were in school, his bedside was decorated with her photographs, and he wouldn't shut up about how cute she was. However, what does he mean she'll spend what's left of her days staring at the sterile walls of her ward?
"Please! "He cries, and as I watch him struggle to hold my gaze.
"What's your full name? "I question. Keeping up the act, and I watch him gulp.
"Now, don't give me one of your fake ones. I want the name your parents gave you. For me to ask, I already know. "I add, and he draws a deep breath.
"David. David Smith "He replies, and I struggle to hold back my smile. He hasn't changed one bit.
"And what's wrong with your sister? "I question, and his reply hits me.
"Ca... Cancer. "
"What stage is it at? "I question as I remember my sister. I know what it feels like to lose a sibling... Your only sibling.
"Four. "He replies, and then he steals a glance at me.
I'm sure he's uncomfortable in that hold, but I won't let him free. Not yet. Not until I have gotten what I want.
"How old is she? "I question, and he shuts his eyes.
"Ten. She clocked ten three days ago. "He replies, and this time, I see him fighting tears.
"Does she like stuffed animals? "I question, and he throws his head up to look at me.
"Well? "I ask, and he nods slowly.
"She's obsessed with unicorns. "He replies with a teardrop sliding down his face, and I smile at him.
"I'll untie you. I'll let you go and see your sister, and I'll move her to a safer hospital. But after that, you will come back here. "I say, and I see confusion consume his face.
"I'll give you a week. Just one week to resist me and prove that you're not gay. If you're able to do that, I will set you free completely. However, if you fail to do this, you'll become mine and all your affairs will become my business. I will feed you, clothe you, and take care of you. I will keep you safe from Dimitri and his men, and I will shoulder your sister's hospital bills.
But you will become mine... Completely. Your body, your thoughts, your time... Everything will be mine. You will work for me, and your loyalty will be mine alone.
Do we have a deal? "I speak, and he looks at me with wide eyes. I am confidently giving him this offer because I know that he will fail. Plus, I have a backup plan. A clause in the agreement.
"You... You won't kill me? "He questions, and I take a deep breath.
"Only if you give me a reason to. "I reply as I start walking over to him.
"And you'll... Foot my sister's bills? "He questions, and I smirk at him as I begin to untie him. Ready to reveal the plot twist.
"Only if you become mine. "I reply, and he looks at me with fear in his eyes. I can't tell what he's thinking.
I know It's wrong of me to use his sister to trap him, but I've found him after so many years. I will not lose him again. Not again.
When he's free from the hold he's been in for so long, his legs wobble, and as he crumbles, I catch him. I go down gently with him in my arms.
"Easy now. Your body needs time to adjust. "I caution him as I hold him, and he just sits there. His body in my arms and his mind miles away.
What will he decide? Will he willingly lose this challenge or will he fight to be free even with the temptation of his sister's hospital bill being fully taken care of?
What will he decide?
David's POV;
I didn't know how to feel as I stood in front of Vanessa's new ward. Mr. Salvatore changed her hospital which meant he would confront Dimitri about me, or he already had. I don't know and to be honest, that wasn't the top concern on my mind.
I had many other things on my mind, and the top of my list was Mr. Salvatore's offer. It's confusing and complicated. I have one week to prove to him that I'm not gay. I know I'm not. So, I'll easily do it. But if I win this challenge, did I really win?
If I lose and become his property, Vanessa's hospital bills will forever be taken care of. And maybe with his wealth, we'll be able to heal her... Or maybe do something to ensure she lives longer and like a normal happy kid.
The happy kid she was before this tragedy struck. But then, can I trust such a man? I have stayed so long with Dimitri. I know how cunning, dangerous, and deceitful these men can be. Can I trust him? If I give myself to Mr. Salvatore, will he truly look after my sister?
Besides what does giving myself to that man... What does belonging to him mean? He'll get to fuck me whenever he wants? Or I will be his thief like I was to Dimitri? Everything is so confusing. I don't know what to do.
I come back to earth when I hear Vanessa sneeze inside and my hands tighten around the stems of the flowers I bought. I look behind me and find the two men Mr. Salvatore sent with me, and I sigh. There's no escaping this. Once I'm done seeing Vanessa and come out, they'll take me right back to their boss. But then again, do I want to escape? This is a chance for Vanessa to get proper care and adequate medical attention.
I don't... I don't know what to do.
I exhale before walking into Vanessa's room, and I freeze when I see a giant, life-size purple and pink unicorn beside her bed. She has boxes of chocolate on the table beside her bed, and as my mind begins to race, wondering who got them for her, Vanessa throws her stuffed bunny at me.
"Jerk! Where have you been!? Did you forget about me? "She screams and as I turn to pick up the bunny, I see a man with a black round-neck shirt standing in a corner of the room.
"Who the fuck are you!? "