Akira’s POV.
I was sitting in the breeding chamber, trying to rest, when I overheard the guards talking. "Did you hear? Keiran's back," one of them said, their voice low as they did their daily patrols in the breeding chambers.
My ears stood up, and I turned to the other breeders. "Who's Keiran?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
One of the breeders, a tall, blonde wolf named Sophia, looked at me with her face pale, and fear in her eyes. "Keiran is Kael's brother," she said. "He was banished from the pack years ago for trying to overthrow Kael."
I felt a chill run down my spine. "What? Why would he do that?"
Sophia leaned in, her eyes darting towards the door and then back at me. "Keiran always thought he should be alpha, not Kael. He's mean, harsh, and ruthless."
The other breeders nodded in agreement, each wolf clutching the hem of their dress. "He's not someone to be trifled with," one of them said. "If he's back, it's not good news for any of us."
If Keiran was back, it could mean trouble for the pack... and for me.
"What happened between Keiran and Kael?" I asked, trying to understand the situation better so I could plan my next move.
Sophia hesitated, glancing around the room the the door. "It's not something we talk about openly," she said. "But from what I've heard, Keiran and Kael had a beef years ago. Keiran wanted to take over the pack, and Kael refused to give up his position. It ended in a battle, and Keiran was banished from the pack.”
I felt my blood run cold, imagining the conflict between the two brothers. "And now he's back," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Sophia nodded, her ears standing at the top of her head. "Yes, and we need to be careful. If Keiran is planning to overthrow Kael again, we don't want to get caught in this. Keiran is not one to play by the rules and what better way to end an alpha than to kill his pups?”
“Oh.” Was all that came out of my mouth. Shortly after, the breeders all left the room and I was alone.
I pace back and forth in my small room, trying to process what I heard. Keiran's return, his plans to overthrow Kael even if it means killing or using his breeders... it's too much to take in. I know I have to act fast, but what can I do?
I stop pacing and take a deep breath. I need to talk to Kael. I need to propose an alliance. This would be the only way imma get some respect.
Without thinking twice, I made my way to Kael’s chambers.
I knock on the door and a guard answers. "Yes, breeder?"
"I need to speak with Kael," I say, trying to sound confident but my trembling fingers betrayed me. "It's urgent."
The guard raises an eyebrow but nods. "I'll see what I can do."
I waited for what felt like hours, my mind racing with thoughts as I scolded myself for making a decision I now believe was rushed. Finally, the guard returns. " King Kael will see you now."
I follow him to Kael's chambers, my heart pounding in my chest. Kael looks up from the book in his hands, his eyes narrowing as they land on my breast. "What is it, Akira?"
"I know about Keiran's return," I say, getting straight to the point. "And his plans to overthrow you."
Kael's expression doesn't change, rather he turns his attention to his book. "Go on."
"I want to propose an alliance," I say, trying to sound convincing and confident. "Together, we can defeat Keiran and stabilize the pack if-“
Kael raises an eyebrow and cuts me off rudely. "And why would I want to ally with you?"
"Because I have the skills you need," I say, trying to sound calm despite the rage brewing inside of me. "And I know that you know that I am right.”
Kael leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. "I'm listening."
"We can work together to gather more information on Keiran's plans," I say, trying to think of ways to convince this cold-hearted man in front of me. "And use our combined strength to take him down."
Kael nods curtly and goes back to his book. "I like the way you think, Akira. But I need to know I can trust you."
I take a deep breath. "You can trust me, Kael. I swear it."
Kael does not look up from his book. "Very well. Let's form an alliance. Together, we'll take down Keiran and secure the pack's future. That’s what you wanna hear right?” Kael scoffed.
I was taken aback by his sudden change. I thought he was following me the whole time.
Just then, the door burst open and Ryker, Kael's beta, strode in. "Kael, we have news," he said, his face grim, the look on his face told me I was not allowed to be a guest in the conversation.
Kael looked up from the book, his expression suddenly turning serious. "What is it?"
Ryker hesitated, glancing at me before Kael. "It's about Keiran. We've received reports that he's gathering a group of loyal followers, preparing to challenge you for the alpha position."
Kael's expression ashened, his eyes blazing with anger. "I knew it," he growled. "I knew he wouldn't stay gone for long."
Ryker nodded. "We need to take action, Kael. We can't let him gather strength and destabilize the pack's stability."
Kael stood up, his hands balled into a fist by his side. "Agreed. Gather the soldiers and prepare for battle. We'll show Keiran that he's not welcome here."
Ryker nodded and turned to leave, but Kael's voice stopped him. "Ryker?"
"Yes, Kael?"
"Keep an eye on Akira," Kael said, his eyes darting back to me. "I don't want her getting caught in this drama, she is a new breeder and hence fresh meat for Keiran."
Ryker nodded and left, leaving me feeling anxious and trapped. I knew I had to do something, but what? I couldn't just sit here and wait for Kael and Keiran to kill each other, more like Kael killing him.
I had to take matters into my own hands. But how?
A voice in my head kept reminding me to know my place and not forget about my plans to flee from this place.
But the desire to help was great. If I can help, then I am helping myself by not being used by Kieran to get his revenge on Kael.
The two hated Each other and the last thing I want is for someone to hate me cause I am close to his foe.
I would help Kael and also gather all the tips I will need to escape from this.
But a thought kept finding its way back into my head.
What if I fail in this? I would only be giving Karl another reason to hate and kill me.
Just then an idea flashed in my head.
“The pack’s archive.”