Jared's POV
Uncertainty gnawed at me as I contemplated whether Stacey would agree to this unusual arrangement. The prospect of revealing all the intricate details of my impending marriage was daunting. I decided it was best to keep the conversation with Stacey simple and straightforward. She needed to know that I had no intention of severing our relationship because of the company's demands.
To be perfectly honest, our relationship was almost too good to be true. We had never experienced those fierce arguments or heated disagreements that often test a couple's bond. Stacey had a remarkable way of managing our relationship with grace and poise. She never lost her temper with me, even when circumstances pushed me to the brink. It was as if she were immune to my flaws.
There had been moments when I failed to meet Stacey's expectations, like the time she waited for me at a boutique until it closed. The clothes she desired were sold to another customer because my flight had been delayed while I was out of the country. Despite my lapse, Stacey never reproached me; instead, she displayed remarkable understanding and empathy. Her unwavering support made me feel incredibly fortunate, and I couldn't help but cherish every moment with her. I couldn't help but fall deeper in love with her.
Stacey possessed a rare quality—she was not the clingy type. Whenever I expressed hesitation or reluctance, she never pressured me into anything. She allowed me the space to make my own choices. Our relationship flowed smoothly, and I couldn't have been happier.
As I contemplated the impending conversation with Stacey about my marriage to another woman, I hoped she would be open to understanding my predicament. Stacey had always shown herself to be an exceptionally understanding person, as far as I knew. It was perplexing to me that my mother, Claire, and sister, Ingrid, couldn't see the qualities I so admired in her.
For four years, they had remained silent about my relationship with Stacey. So, when they suddenly informed me that I was expected to marry Colleen and end my relationship with Stacey, I was taken aback. While I hadn't contemplated marrying Colleen, I had looked forward to a future with Stacey as my wife.
I made my way to the Poppy Hotel, our usual meeting place. Although I had initially considered booking a villa for both of us, I couldn't help but second-guess my decision, and I ended up staying at the hotel. Maybe I had arrived too early because I waited for Stacey for over an hour, growing increasingly anxious as time passed. The sound of the door opening finally broke the silence.
As Stacey walked in, her radiant smile greeted me, and my heart ached at the thought of the path we were about to embark upon. She approached me, her smile unwavering, and settled onto my lap, sealing our reunion with a kiss. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that we were heading for a parting of ways.
"I missed you, honey," Stacey murmured, her words saturated with affection. It struck me as somewhat ironic, given that we had seen each other just a couple of days ago. Yet, in our relationship, time seemed to possess a fluid quality. There were instances when we would only meet once a week due to my business commitments or Stacey's own busy schedule.
"I missed you too," I replied, wanting to reassure her. "What took you so long?" I asked, my concern genuine.
Stacey smiled playfully. "Now, I'm sure that you missed me," she teased, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. Our fervent embrace only subsided when the need for air became undeniable.
"What's on your mind? I can tell something is bothering you," Stacey observed, her intuition remarkably sharp. Guilt coursed through me as I acknowledged her unease.
I stared at her, trying to summon the courage to convey the painful truth. I didn't want to break her heart, but I knew it was a necessary conversation. I refused to be the kind of man who would exploit a woman's feelings or tarnish her reputation by continuing our relationship.
Stacey, with her unwavering gaze fixed on me, waited patiently for my response. With a heavy heart, I finally dropped the bomb, uttering the words I had long been dreading. "Let's break up," I said, the weight of my decision evident in my voice.
Stacey's eyes widened as she struggled to process the shocking revelation. After a few moments, she managed to find her voice. "Let's break up?" Her question hung in the air, her disbelief palpable. I nodded, unable to utter a word.
"Why? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you in any way?" Stacey fired a barrage of questions, her desperation growing by the second.
I shook my head in response to each of her inquiries, unable to speak the truth about why I was ending our relationship. The truth would be too painful for her to bear.
"Why, then? Why are you breaking up with me?" Stacey implored, tears streaming down her cheeks. The sight of her pain cut deep into my soul.
"Mom and Ingrid have arranged a marriage for me," I confessed, my voice heavy with sorrow.
"But you don't love her; you love me, right? Why did you agree to marry her?" Stacey cried, her anguish now apparent for all to see.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't bring myself to say no to them," I replied, my own eyes betraying the turmoil within.
"Is she wealthy? Will she help with your company? Will marrying her expand your business?" Stacey continued her questioning, each word laced with desperation.
"No, she's an ordinary person without any notable background," I admitted, though I couldn't bring myself to tell Stacey that Colleen was incomparable to her. I didn't want to give her false hope, nor did I want to encourage her. My primary concern was sparing her from further heartache and embarrassment. I knew the gravity of my decision, and it weighed heavily on me.
"I'm sorry, Stacey," I murmured. She was crying, and I couldn't bear to witness her pain any longer. I rose from my seat and left the hotel, leaving her behind to grapple with her sorrow.
As I walked away, a profound sense of worthlessness enveloped me. I couldn't defend the woman I loved, and I despised myself for my apparent greed. I had allowed the company's demands to dictate the course of my life, and I knew I would carry this guilt and self-loathing with me for a long time. My hope was that Stacey would find success and happiness in all her future endeavors, even if it meant that I would forever remain a regrettable chapter in her life.