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Chapter 2: The Arms of My Dom

I walk directly back to the office, followed by James. Safely behind the locked door, I fall into the arms of my Dom and he kisses me tenderly. James takes my hands in his.

“Your hands are shaking. You’re so pale. What’s wrong Grace? What happened in there? Why are you upset?”

“It was… the man I spoke to.”

“You mean the guy dressed up for Halloween? I knew there was something strange about that guy. What happened? Did he touch you inappropriately?”

“No. It’s not that.”

“Was it that weird proposal? I saw him get down on one knee. It’s not the first time that’s happened at the club. You’re so pretty you get a proposal of one kind or another every night of the week.”

“No. He said things about my life he shouldn’t have known… Personal things.”

“What kinds of things Grace?”

“He knew my sister Eloise had died.”

“That is strange. Didn’t you tell me your sister had a large group of friends? Perhaps he was acquainted with one of them.”

“But he said other things. Weird things. He wants me to be some kind of… Witch Queen.”

“Yeah, I overheard that part. That was a little odd to hear, even at Obsessions. I didn’t pick up on the fact that he’s delusional when I met him. I should’ve vetted him more carefully. I’m sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable, Grace.”

“He said we went to the same Sunday school as kids, though I don’t remember him. He said…”


“He was possessed.”


“By the Devil.”

“Ugh. Not that again!”

“He mentioned my Pastor’s name.”

“Pastor Orman?”

“Yes. He said Pastor Orman performed an exorcism on him as a child.”

“Every time I hear you talk about that Pastor, I get more and more annoyed. I’d like to give that man a piece of my mind for upsetting you so much when you were a little girl.”

“I’m sorry for causing such a problem in your club.”

“Grace, you didn’t cause any problem. And it’s not you who should be apologizing, it’s me. I made a big mistake letting that nut job and those two crazy women into the club tonight. I’m so sorry he upset you. But you know by now what he’s saying is complete bullshit. He’s not “possessed” and there is no “Devil”. We’ve discussed this at length, Grace. You were brainwashed into believing all that nonsense as a child. They were trying to scare you into believing in Jesus and make you feel guilty and afraid. And it worked.”

“I know, I know. I feel foolish to be so afraid. I know it’s ridiculous. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s entirely my fault. It was an error of judgment on my part to let them into the club.”

“He… knew things about me… personal things about my childhood. He knew that my Mother taught Sunday school when I was a kid… He even knew my name… He said…”


“I was going to be the… Mother of the Anti-Christ.”

“That’s ridiculous. What a load of horseshit! They’re just words, Grace. They mean nothing.”

“I know.”

“Let me go have a talk with him. I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m not going to invite them back. I can’t have anyone making you feel uncomfortable or afraid in my club.”

“Please don’t hurt him James. Like you said, he’s just… delusional. He’s a pretty harmless guy, I think.”

“Oh, I won’t hurt Grace. I am pissed off, but I just want to have a talk with him, that’s all. I’ll tell him he is no longer welcome here. Please excuse me for a moment.”

James kisses my cheek and leaves his office to go speak with Lucius Barrington. I hear the key turn in his office doorknob and I am safely locked inside his office. I sit down on the couch, feeling much safer. It’s foolish of me to cause such a fuss over the strange man’s words, but he rattled my nerves. My heart finally slows to a normal rhythm and I pat my forehead with a tissue. I still feel nervous and can’t get the image of the horns out of my mind. I try to relax, telling myself that James will simply tell the man to play his devilish games with someone else and that would be the end of it. A moment later, James unlocks the door and comes back into the office, holding a mug. I stand up to greet him.

“I’m sorry Grace. By the time I got through the crowd to the main room, I saw the guy leave with those two weird women. If he ever comes back in here again, I’ll have a talk with him. Or if you’d prefer, I’ll bar him from entry.”

“That’s OK James. Let him come if he wants. I just overreacted to what he said. The whole thing seems silly to me now.”

“It’s not silly if it upset you, Grace.”

James hands me the mug.

“Here, I brought you a cup of herbal tea.”

“Thank you James. You’re such a kind man.”

I take a sip of the tea and put it down on the table.

“I was wondering if you’re not too busy, could you keep me company for a few minutes?”

I hold my hand over the scar on his cheek and look deeply into his eyes. It’s our little signal that I’m in the mood for an intimate encounter.

“Sure Grace. What would you like me to -”

I interrupt my Dom with a kiss from my tongue.

“Would you do the thing with me that we both like so much? Our favorite thing?” I ask.

“You mean… with the handcuffs?”

I nod.

“And the blindfold?


“But Grace, we’re at the office. It’s prohibited that we… that I…”

“Your club, your rules, right?”

“Well, yes. But -”

“James, I just need to do something to take my mind off of what happened with the strange man. I’ve given you pleasure in your office before. Remember? On the day we first met?”

“How could I forget? That day was the happiest moment of my life, Grace.”

“What a romantic thing to say. You certainly know how to talk to women.”

I turn my back to James and place my wrists behind my back.

“I’m ready whenever you are, Officer Jefferson.”

I look over my shoulder and bite my lower lip. James smiles and walks over to his office door, locking it from the inside. He retrieves a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs he keeps hidden in the bottom of his desk drawer and walks back to me with a gleam in his eye.

“Honey, would you mind taking off my cocktail dress, before you lock my wrists behind my back? I don’t want to get a stain on it, just in case.”

“I think that can be arranged…”

I raise my arms over my head and James peels my dress off. The only items left on my body are my collar, my high heels and my panties. James places his hands lightly on my breasts. We kiss. I want to be the perfect submissive for him. Even if James did have a suggestion on how I could better fulfill his needs, he would keep it to himself. He’s too much of a gentleman to ever say a critical word to me. I know he loves me from the bottom of his heart. James is such a good Dom to me.

James stretches the soft furry black blindfold over my eyes and I am in complete darkness, a place I’ve become accustomed to, a special place where only pleasure exists. I feel him move my arms gently around my back and hear the matching fur-lined handcuffs click comfortably over my wrists. As I wait patiently, I listen to the quiet soothing sounds of James loosening his belt buckle, unzipping and removing his pants and stepping out of his shoes. I hear him move the coffee table back and place a cushion on the floor in front of the couch. He takes me by the arm, leads me to the couch and helps lower me to the floor with my knees on the cushion. He sits down in front of me and I lean forward between his legs to rub my cheek against the sides of his manhood. I fantasize that I’m his devoted kitten as I brush the skin of my cheeks, eyelids and lips over the length of his erect thick penis. Like a pet, I begin to nuzzle and lick upon his penis with love and affection. I want nothing more than to give my Dom this pleasure. I’m happy and comfortable in my role as my Dom’s obedient submissive. I’m proud to be with such a kind, virile and good-hearted man. I will do anything for James. Anything.

I slide my lips down to below the base of his shaft and find the soft smooth vulnerable area of his scrotum and suckle it into my mouth. James keeps the area completely shaved and there is a clean fresh smell to his skin. I love taking him into my mouth and feeling the tender sac against my tongue. I know my Dom likes being kissed in this special spot. I make it a habit to kiss him there every chance I get. I especially enjoy sucking upon him late at night or early in the morning before he wakes up.

Another reason my church friends would think I’m an unclean woman is that I enjoy swallowing a man’s semen. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve performed fellatio upon my Dom. I suppose I am addicted to it now. I like the feel of it as it pools into the back of my mouth and slides down my throat. I like the sweet and salty taste and creamy thick texture of it, like melted chocolate against my tongue. I need to feel my Dom’s penis thrusting between my lips at least once a day. I am unhappy unless I can taste the creamy white fluid on my lips or see it stream out against my bare breasts. I can’t live without his semen now. I need to see it, taste it and feel it seep into the pores of my skin.

I suckle passionately upon his scrotum until I know he can’t hold back any longer. He tangles his fingers into my long blonde hair and makes a fist, and then I know to take the full length of his penis into my mouth right away before he shoots his semen all over the couch. I obediently rest my head on his thigh at a particular angle, allowing him to slide his penis all the way into the deepest part of my throat. He freely thrusts himself in and out of my mouth until he eventually explodes. The semen streams out and accumulates at the back of my mouth. I swallow and it slides easily down my throat.

I know James feels accepted on a deep level when I swallow his sperm. He needs it more than most men, due to the painful divorce he went through and the scar on his face. Until he met me, he’d been rejected by women his entire life. I think his scar makes him look handsome and I love giving oral sex to him. It makes us feel so close to each other when I give him pleasure in this way. And my Dom is an unselfish lover. When I’m in the mood to be ravaged, he’s not shy to pleasure me with his fingers and mouth, until I too explode in a spray of sweet, sticky nectar all over his body and bed.

The oral sex takes my mind off of the strange encounter with Lucius Barrington, for the moment. After I suck out and swallow the last drops of his semen, James takes me into his arms on the couch. He removes my blindfold and we stare into each other’s eyes.

“I love you Grace…” he says.

“I love you too, honey…” I reply.

“I feel so close to you every time you...”

“I know you do.”

James dabs the sides of my lips and cheek with a tissue. After tossing it out, he puts his hands over my breasts and fondles me.

“Do you feel any better now?”

“A little. The guy really bothered me I guess.”

“Well, you won’t have any more troubles with him, not while I’m around.”

“Thank you, James.”

After our intense sexual encounter, I feel sleepy. I excuse myself and drive directly home to wait for James to close down the bar. I try to stay awake, but fall asleep in our bed.

I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. I feel like I have bugs crawling all over my legs. James is holding my arms on the mattress and I’m thrashing about in the bed like a madwoman. After I calm down from my nightmare, James asks what my bad dream was about. I know I should always be truthful with him, but on this occasion I keep the dream to myself.

“I don’t remember honey. I’m sorry I woke you. Let’s go back to sleep…”

I feel him cuddle up behind me and he takes my breasts in his hands. James drifts back to sleep but I’m wide awake, thinking about the dream…

I am in some kind of dark sanctuary. The room is full of hooded people. I’m frightened. The demon I met at the club was on some kind of altar looking up at me. Illuminated by a beam of light from above, I am hanging naked from a white cross. My arms are stretched out, my palms are nailed to the sides and my feet are nailed together to the bottom of the cross. For some reason, in the dream there is no blood and I feel no pain.

I’m not sure why it is me hanging upon the cross. I remember how Pastor Orman repeatedly told the congregation how Jesus died for our sins. In his sermons, he described in gruesome detail over and over how Jesus was nailed to a cross and crucified for us. There were pictures of the crucifixion mounted all over the walls of the church, even in Sunday school class. To feel closer to Jesus, we drank the blood and ate the body of Christ on Communion Sunday, several times a year. I was taught to pray to Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. I always felt guilty of the painful manner in which he died for me. For me…

The hooded people gather around me, pick up the cross and lay it down upon the altar. The demon disrobes. With the followers watching, the demon kisses me once with his snake-like tongue, enters my vagina, thrusts his stubby thick penis into me over and over and ejaculates.

“My Queen,” the demon says.

Suddenly, hundreds of long reddish-black centipedes begin crawling out of my womb and down my legs. That’s when I woke up, screaming.

When I wake the next morning James is not in bed with me. I look for those nasty bugs on my body, but then remember my nightmare. Even though I know it was just a bad dream, I still feel like I have those horrible things crawling on my skin with their black prickly little legs and venomous sharp pinchers. I decide to take a little break from Obsessions this weekend, until I forget about the strange encounter with the demon. I keep trying to recall the childhood scene Lucius Barrington described at Sunday school, but still can’t remember it. How could he have known my Mother was the Sunday school teacher if it didn’t happen? The question continues to bother me.

My sweet Dom brings a tray of buttered toast and coffee to bed. I’m so fortunate to be in a relationship with him. He is not your typical Dom. After talking to some of the submissives at the club, several have told me their Doms can be rather dismissive and cruel; treating them more as sexual objects and servants than as women they supposedly love and cherish. James treats me more like a princess than a love slave. I know I should be the one bringing him breakfast in bed, but on the mornings when he gets up before me he beats me to it. He insists I don’t call him “My Lord”, “Sire” or “Master”, no matter how much I’d like to address him in a more respectful manner. James prefers to have an equal partnership with me. We share all the household chores and cooking. We share a credit card to use for shopping and I can come and go as I please. It feels like we’re married, yet we have a more passionate bond than could ever be achieved in a traditional relationship. There is a strong feeling of trust between us.

“Good morning, Grace. How did you sleep?”

“Terrible. Thanks for making breakfast.”

“You had a bad dream last night. You seemed really upset.”

“Well… it was just a dream.”

“I still feel terrible about last night. It was my entire fault, Grace. I should never have let that man into the club.”

I give James a kiss.

“James, please don’t blame yourself. The whole incident seems silly now. Let’s just forget about the whole thing, OK?”

“OK… Are you hungry, Grace? Would you like me to…”

I nod my head yes. The only part of our contract we consistently uphold is in the way we take our meals. When James puts a pillow down on the floor beside the bed, I know he wants to feed me. I slip out from beneath the sheets and kneel on the pillow, while he sits on the edge of the bed with the breakfast tray within reach. He opens his robe and spreads his knees apart so I can move my upper body close to his inner thighs. While looking up at my Dom, I reach out to hold his soft scrotum in my palms. The rounded smooth sac feels heavy and warm in my hands and I give them a gentle squeeze. I watch James as he chews and swallows the first two bites of toast. Only then do I part my lips to be fed. He holds the toast out to me and I slowly eat the remainder from his hand. He carefully lifts the hot coffee to my lips so I can sip from the mug. We gaze at each other during the meal, never breaking eye contact.

To anyone outside of my chosen lifestyle, it may sound humiliating to be hand-fed on your knees in front of a man. But taking food from my Dom’s hand in this manner is a powerfully sensual experience for me. I rely on him for my sustenance while we’re together and no food or drink passes through my lips unless he places it there. I know it may sound strange, but being fed by my Dom strengthens the emotional bond between us and is quite arousing for both of us. I feel the moisture grow between my thighs when I lick the butter off of his fingertips. His penis grows hard as he offers me the last piece of toast from his loving hand.

As my Dom fondles my breasts and I rub my hands up and down his long lovely penis, I remember how often my Mother warned me against such behavior. Growing up, she told me to never allow a man to touch my breasts and never ever, under any circumstances, touch or kiss a man on his private area. Mom repeated her warning to me so often I developed a fear, but also a fascination about a man’s penis. When my adventurous sister Eloise secretly shared her experiences with me, my fascination developed into a full blown obsession about all things sexual. The only outlet I had for my pent-up desires was a steamy erotic novel about a slave girl named Cassandra, held captive in a dungeon by her cruel Master. I kept the paperback book hidden under my mattress and only brought it out late at night when I was sure my parents were asleep. I lived the first 25 years of my life ashamed and afraid of my sexual feelings. But now, at age 27, thankfully, the act of intimacy with my Dom comes as naturally to me as breathing. I waited a very long time to start enjoying my life as a sensuous and feminine woman and I vowed to myself to never feel ashamed or afraid again.

Our morning meal puts me in the mood to give fellatio to my Dom. I take the head of his stiff penis in my mouth and begin dutifully sucking on it, tracing the curve of his rim with my tongue and tasting the salty flavor of his skin. After running my lips up and down the length of his penis, my Dom lifts me to my feet and lays me gently down on the bed beside him. I know James feels especially tender toward me this morning, due to my upsetting encounter in the club last night. When he takes the little black bag out of the dresser, I know what he wants to do.

He removes the silk rope from the bag and spreads my knees apart. He ties my ankles firmly to the back of my legs. My Dom knows how much I like to be tied up, the tighter the better. Despite the ligature marks, I like to feel the ropes constricting my skin. Once my legs are bound, he loops each end of the rope to the bedposts behind me and ties it to the metal, lifting my pelvis off the mattress. My thighs spread apart even wider and the wet lips of my vagina peel completely open for my Dom. James takes a sleek bullet-shaped vibrator out of the bag, turns it on and it begins to buzz softly. He places the tip lightly over my clitoris and kisses me with his tongue. The pleasure I feel is overwhelming. He gives me the vibrator and positions my hand over my clitoris. I continue to stimulate myself while James leans over me, burying his lips and tongue deeply into the folds of my womb. He kisses and licks and sucks upon my innermost flesh with the passion of a hungry, caged beast. While pleasuring me with his mouth, he spreads his index and middle fingers in a wide V-shape and enters my vagina, pushing firmly upwards with his palm. I flip the speed up a notch, open my mouth, shut my eyes and lean my head back. I feel the ropes pressing into my skin, my Dom’s tongue licking inside the folds of my sex, his fingers pressing upward and sliding in and out, the vibrator…

It takes me over the edge and I moan out, contracting the muscles of my pelvis. I press out and it happens again, this tremendous response. I feel an explosion inside as the nectar sprays out of me, soaking my lover’s chest and dripping onto the bed sheets. After another burst of fluid, my years of sexual repression are released once again. I’m breathing deeply and perspiring. James releases me from the lovely ropes. I trace the ligature marks with my fingertips.

“Feel better now, Ms. Madsen?” James asks.

“Much better. Thank you, Mr. Jefferson. But the sheets…”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll throw them in the laundry.”

“I’m always so embarrassed…”

“Don’t be, Grace. It’s beautiful, each time. I can’t believe the amount that comes out. To be honest, I’m envious.”

I laugh, even though he’s made this joke before. We get out of bed and change the sheets together.

I lost complete control with James on the very first time we were together intimately, before I got married. I thought at first it was urine surging out of me and I felt terribly humiliated, except the fluid was clear, without the acidic smell. The secretion came from a hidden well deep within me. When I’m especially aroused, it happens. I’ve never had this response with anyone else other than my Dom.

We finish cleaning up. I watch James get dressed for the day. I put on my standard housewife uniform: panties and nothing else. I feel depressed for some reason.

After James finishes dressing for the day he takes me into his arms.

“Do you have time for breakfast?” I ask.

“Unfortunately no,” he says. “I’ve got to pick up some supplies for the club, run some errands. What are you going to do today?”

“Oh, catch up on some my projects for work I suppose.”

“What are you working on now?”

“Oh, the usual. Just some website designs.”

“Really? Which ones?”

“It’s too boring to talk about.”

“Why don’t you take a break from your job, Grace? I make so much money at Obsessions you never have to work another day in your life. You can go to yoga classes at the gym or just come with me every day and help me at the club. We could go out for lunch together. I miss being apart from you during the day.”

“I miss you too but with all the changes in my life recently, my job keeps me grounded.”

“I understand.”

We kiss tenderly. It is good between us, just like I always imagined it would be.

“Are you coming to the club later?” James asks.

“I’m not sure.”

“Are you still nervous about that weird guy from last night? You’ll never see him in the club again, I promise you.”

“No. I just have to meet Mr. Wilkin later to discuss something. I think it might have something to do with the last design I submitted. Maybe he has a problem with it. I don’t know. If I can make it to Obsessions later I’ll call you. OK?”

“OK. I love you Grace.”

“I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.”

James kisses me goodbye at the door.

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