Chapter 7
"So you know something? I guessed right, this dumbass is not just any person, he is not just a CEO"
He quickly left the door when he felt that kaizer was coming back.
While Kaizer was doing a secret action, so was Snow.
The next day, Snow entered the police station and used winter's name to enter the police force and become a police officer in winter's persona.
"What are you doing?" Cherline asked here when she saw him staring at the Police general.
"What do you care?" He didn't like the answer and left the office to start the investigation on the new case that Cherline was handling.
"Knock Knock!"
"Knock Knock!"
"It's annoying" Snow whispered when no one opened the gate for her.
When Cherline noticed that Snow was cowering, she took over his position until the gate was opened in a dream.
"You girl, are you deaf?" Snow immediately asked the assistant who frowned There's nothing. Don't think about what he said. He's not good at speaking," Cherline interjected and glared at Snow, who obviously didn't care.
When they entered the house, Snow immediately looked around the house.
"You say you were robbed? And the thief let you in at night? He also left behind a pack of drugs?" Cherline asked the couple.
"Sit down, maybe because of his haste to escape, he dropped the drug"
Cherline was about to speak when Snow got ahead of her.
"Did it fall by accident? Or did it fall because of hurrying to hide it" he heard from the lady's husband whose eyes were now becoming mischievous.
"what!" The old man shouted angrily.
Snow just looked at it blankly before standing up and speaking.
"The eyes are restless when a person is hiding something, usually the fists are clenched and the breath used is heavy. Besides, the person when you ask and the answer is broken, there is no doubt that he is the suspect and maybe your reaction now is a sign that he has reflected. the ones you did, right?"
The lady looked at her husband confused while Cherline frowned.
"what the hell are you talking about! You're not a mudo you Child!" the old man shouted at Snow who grinned.
"You use illegal drugs and you hide them from your husband, so every night he wakes up and uses drugs, once his wife woke up, you rushed to put them away and pretended that a thief had entered because of the disturbance in the neighborhood and that's why you killed your wife" the old man was shocked and scared when he looked at his wife whose eyes were staring at him that's not true honey!"
The case was solved quickly So Snow immediately went out to make other plans.
He was walking in the hallway when suddenly a car stopped in front of him.
He was looking at the door and waiting for the person to come out
Until the door opened and Ethan slowly came out with a look of shock on his face Snow frowned when she met Ethan.
"W-winter? am I squinting?"
When Snow couldn't speak immediately, Ethan immediately approached her and held her hands.
"it's true! You're alive! You're back!" Winter's eyes widened when Ethan suddenly hugged her.
He was about to push it, remembering that it was also close to winter.
"T-keep calm! Yes, I'm alive, but you're going to kill me with the Hug"
Ethan happily released from the hug and looked at Snow's face with a smile.
"Where did you go? Did you come back now? Snow forced a smile before answering.
"It's a long story, but can we talk somewhere else? We're in the hallway, right? Uh! Right! Get in now we have a lot to talk about" he helped Snow get into the car then he turned around and got into the Driver's seat
He can't believe that winter is back, he doesn't know that the real winter has been in a coma for almost two years.
They went to a Cafe and talked.
"Is that why you came back now?"
"Oum, what about you? What's up with Chantal?" Suddenly, Ethan bent down and faked a smile before looking at Snow again.
"There's still no news, it's just that he disappeared and Jayson also disappeared suddenly.
Snow thought for a moment and smiled secretly.
"I can help you..."
"I am a police officer and I have solved many cases about Mysteries such as the disappearance of Chantal and Jayson"
"How so?"
"I will help you on one condition"
Ethan frowned.
"What condition is that?"
"Help me track kaizer"
Ethan was even more confused.
"Follow? What do you mean by that?"
"Just do what I told you to say when we get the evidence"
"How can I help you if I don't give you a reason? A clue?"
"Kaizer is not just an ordinary CEO I believe he's hiding something"
"Are you going to do that? You just came back from the win"
"I know Ethan, But don't get me wrong ever since I came back, it seems like something is really wrong with Kaizer, I noticed before that I was really stupid before, but not this time"
"Ok deal, but how can you help me? Can you really find Chantal?"
"Trust me" Snow said waking up to which Ethan nodded.
After their conversation, they left the cafe shop when suddenly someone grabbed Snow's hand
When they thought that there was no life, kaizer's face appeared to them.
"Kaiser?" Snow said in shock.
Kaizer looked at it for a moment before looking at Ethan with his glaring eyes.
"W-do you look at him like that kaizer?"
"Nevermind let's go home"
He pulled Snow away as Ethan grabbed one of her hands causing them to stop walking.
"What's your problem?" Ethan.
"It's none of your business Mr. Scott. Would you mind if you let go of my wife's hand?" Kaizer replied mockingly.
"Tsk. See you Win"
"Oum See my" kaizer interrupted and pulled Snow away.
It's been a year since all that happened
How are they in the Philippines?
"Ms! Nathan is awake" I looked at Akhira when she said she left the house carrying my son.
"Ahhh my baby woke up this morning" I took Akhira.
"Moma" she is 2 years old and already knows how to walk. She can pronounce basic words.
"Why baby? He just laughed.
How cute.
I smiled bitterly when I saw his father on his face.
He's like a child version of Ethan, so how can I forget that person if every day I see our son who looks just like him It's time for you to take your medicine" yes, by the way.
We entered the house and let Nathan play in the living room with Akhira while I was in the kitchen taking medicine.
I just held my breath while thinking how long will I be like this.
"Ms. do you really have no intention of returning to the Philippines?"
"Finally I told you already that not yet"
"But Ms. it can't always be like this, you are sick and you need to introduce Nathan to your family, we have been here in Thailand for almost three years"
"A little more time Akhira" with that he left the crib in the kitchen I don't want to talk about my illness especially my family.
Jayson hasn't been able to visit here for almost a month, he says he's busy.
"Finally there is someone outside the gate, please look" I shouted inside the house when I heard someone ringing the doorbell at the gate.
"yes out" I just played with my son while waiting for Akhira to come back.
I smile when my son chuckles he's really cute!
"Ms wants to talk to you" I looked at the door As I saw Akhira with a guy wearing a black suit.
"Take Nathan who is not tall enough" I just nodded at her then I ended up on the sofa.
"Take your seat Mr."
"Are you Chantal Scott?"
I hesitate to nod.
"Then someone is giving"
"I don't have the right to say who but whatever is in the letter you should follow, I'm going Mrs Scott"
It's not a crib. I just looked and stared at a letter.
Who is it from?
Couldn't Ethan have found me?
"Meet me at ****** 5:00pm" I hesitated to go But I'm curious.
I looked at the wall clock and it's already 4:20pm
Come what may.
"Ms Nmn, where are you going?"
"Finally, keep a secret watch over Si Nathan! Be ready for me if something happens to my son"
I am already at the place where we will meet that person
I turned around to see a woman sitting at a table who raised her hand.
He was wearing a hat and a long black coat I immediately came to him and sat in front of his chair.
"Who are you?" I asked.
He slowly looked up which surprised me Is this real?.
"As usual, there is no difference in their reactions," he said with a smile.
"I'm not dead yet nor a ghost"
"H-how? Someone saved my life but that's not what I came here for"
"Is that really you winter?"
"What if I say no? Would you believe it?"
"Nahhh kidding, haha, you immediately believed me, I'm here to tell you that your father is sick and he's been in the hospital for a long time"
"W-what happened?"
"He was diagnosed with bone cancer, aren't you going to visit him?"
I just realized that my tears were falling.
"It's not too late Chantal, you can't hide from the past for the rest of your life, there are many people waiting for you so come back"
I look at her eyes.
"Are you doing this?"
"Nothing special, I just wanna help you and your family as well, they miss you Chantal you have to go back, Especially Ethan, He needs you"
"It's been said that you're here because of Ethan, you don't plan to help me in the first place, you're doing it because of Ethan, right?"
"No chantal, I'm sincere in helping you, I haven't felt anything for Ethan for a long time, Whatever we have now is just a friend, a lot has happened in almost three years, I lost my child, A friend betrayed me, I was set up in a job that almost killed me, rejected by my own mother above all else.....Cheating by my husband. "
Too much has happened in his life but how is he able to continue despite being a victim.
"I'll be back"
He smiled before placing his calling card on the table.
"Call me if you need me, i have to go I still have a lot of work to do" i just nod.
I floated home.
Should I really go back?
"son can we visit your brother?" Snow stopped chewing when her mother spoke "Okay, after we eat" his mother was happy and eager to eat.
"Didn't you even talk before?"
"talked to you"
"Remember your past first, son"
"But ma,....Don't let anyone know all of this, not even the kaizer"
"Yes I know, I won't ask why because I know you have a reason"
When they finished eating they immediately went out,
Snow used winter's car that had been parked in the garage for a long time.
As they walked the road, his mother couldn't understand the mixed emotions, especially when they entered the hospital.
"Are you ok?" Snow asked her mother who just nodded.
"Ma'am winter!" He was greeted by the personal nurse he had hired for his brother He signaled for him to go out first, which he immediately followed.
"Snow is still unconscious" he said weakly as they both stared at the body of the real winter lying down with many tubes attached to the body to support its life.
For an inexplicable reason, his mother suddenly began to cry while slowly approaching the body of the real winter.
He felt the pain in his heart while staring at his unconscious son lying on the hospital bed. son huhuhu!" Snow just looked away because she couldn't watch her mother cry while hugging Winter's body.
'winter I know you will be happy if I brought her here so please wake up' thought Snow.
Their mother was just crying and she almost didn't want to let go of winter's body, she only stopped for a moment when she saw her necklace.
To Be Continued...