Chapter 4: I Get Tied!
I was facing the bed with my back to him, so I saw him reach around me and pick up one of the coils of rope. A moment later I felt his hands bring my wrists together and then the touch of the rope around them. My heart nearly stopped. This was IT! The roped tightened down and my wrists came together. Then there was more of it wrapping around them.
I must have been breathing hard. When most of the rope was around my wrists, he wrapped the last of it around the other ropes. When he pulled on that, I felt the main windings tighten down. Then he was tying the knots.
His hands left the ropes and I sensed him step back. I guessed he was waiting to see my reaction. What else could I do but test the bonds? I tried to pull my hands apart and failed (of course). Then I tried to twist my wrists around to reach the knots he had tied. But the ropes were tight enough so my wrists wouldn’t turn. My finger felt around for the knots but could not reach them.
Wanting to see what it looked like, I move to the side of the bed and turned so I could see myself in the mirror on the closet door. The ropes looked so beautiful on my wrists! So nice and tight, yet not painfully so.
I turned back to him and managed to get out, “You did a good job.”
“I’m not finished.”
My heart skipped a beat at those wonderful words. I waited to see what would come next, overflowing with nervous excitement.
Next was a surprise to me. I had expected maybe he would tie my feet together but he didn’t. Instead he picked up another piece of rope, turned me around and began tying my arms together, with rope just above my elbows. He looped the rope around them and gently pulled them closer and closer together until they were touching. I am slender and rather flexible, so they came together easily. I almost trembled with each winding of fresh rope around my arms. Then came the last of the rope around those windings and the knotting. Immediately I turned to see myself in the mirror.
It was beautiful! Better than I had ever thought it would be. My arms were solidly locked together from wrists to elbows by that white rope. A little twisting and I knew that there was absolutely no way I could get the ropes off.
“Sit on the bed,” he told me. No, he commanded me. It was not a polite request I could have refused. It was an order. I obeyed instantly. As I sat there, I watched him wrapping rope around my ankles. I know I was breathing fast but couldn’t help it. It was just so exciting!
Again the last of the rope went around the main part. I later learned that was called a cinch rope and it tightened all the others down, allowing him to control the tightness of the whole thing. I watched as he knotted the end of the rope, not once but three times. And he jerked the knots very tightly. I suspected that, even if I could reach them, I would find it very hard to work them free. Maybe impossible.
Again he surprised me. I thought he was done but he reached for another piece of rope and began tying my legs just above my knees. The same as with my ankles, that rope was cinched down tight enough so I wouldn’t be able to wiggle it loose.
When he stood back this time, I went through the expected attempts to get the ropes off. I found that with my elbows so tightly tied behind me, I couldn’t do much of anything with my hands. If I bent my elbows and strained, I could move my bound hands half way around my waist but that was all. I then tried to pull my arms apart, but the ropes would not move at all. I even tried to force the ropes off my legs and failed again. I was tied and actually helpless! For the first time in my life, truly helpless!
It was wonderful. At the same time, frightening. Those ropes brought home to my mind that I was totally in the power of a man I really didn’t know at all. It was frightening and good and I didn’t know what other words to use to describe the feeling.
Without being told to, I put my legs up on the bed and rolled to the center of the king-sized mattress. There I found myself rolling around, twisting my body, totally exploring the limits of my mobility. I remember thrusting out my breasts at him, and lifting my ass up during my struggles. And they really were struggles. I tried my hardest to work my way free of those ropes. It was not that I wanted to be untied; it was that I had to prove to myself that the helplessness was real.
After many minutes, I was lying there, exhausted from what had, at times, been violent struggles. I guess I put on quite a show for him. Maybe that was intentional, or maybe the show was just for my own pleasure.
As I rested, I became aware of a heat down between my legs. My pussy, to use the term most of the boys used for it, was hot! Struggling against the ropes had sexually excited me to a degree I had never felt before. It was both wonderful and a bit frightening. I hadn’t really expected to react that way. I had suspected that there as a strong sexual aspect to my desire to be tied up, but this proved it beyond all doubt. I was horny as hell!
A girl with lesser resolve strength might have succumbed to the need and begged him to ravish her right there and then. But I didn’t. In fact, I wondered if he was aware of how sexually turned on I was. And was he tempted to do anything about it?
“You like this don’t you?” he asked casually.
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.
“It is turning you on, isn’t it?”
I didn’t have to nod. He knew.
“Damn, I wish you were my wife.”
That surprised me, but upon reflection it seemed in line with his prior statement that his wife wouldn’t let him tie her up. Stupid woman!
“I’m sorry,” I said. And meant it.
The idea of my being his wife affected me deeply. I looked at him and saw him as a male animal for the first time. Before that, he was always just another adult. But now, with that idea of being his… mate, made my female emotions kicked in. I looked at him as a potential sexual partner. Couldn’t help myself.
He wasn’t bad looking at all. Not really. Of course, he was different from the boys in high school and that I dated. He was mature. He wasn’t worried about zits and passing Algebra and always being horny. His brown hair was cut short which gave him an almost military look. And he had a nice smile. I had seen him naked when I peeked through his bedroom window but had been more interested then in watching what he was doing to that blonde. But I did recall that he didn’t have any fat on him. In fact, you could almost call him a “hard body.” Or maybe a “hunk.” Yeah, that was a good term for him.
Maybe it was the struggling against the ropes and the wonderful helpless feeling, but I was horny and hot and the idea of Tom as a sex partner was very attractive. That was, of course, an idea I squished flat as soon as it danced into mind. I didn’t want to have sex with any man yet. Not even a really good looking stud who really knew how to tie a girl up.
“Let’s make a little game out of this,” he said. His smile really made him handsome. My teenager mind wondered what it would be like to be married to this man. To wake up next to him every morning, and… Well, you know what husbands and wives do. That thing. But what he said next cast that thought out of my mind.
“I’m going to add one more piece of rope and then I’ll leave you alone for a while. That will be for you to try to escape from the ropes.”
I swallowed hard. Damn, this guy was reading my mind!
“However, if you fail…” He let the sentence trail on before adding, “you will be punished.”
I must have looked frightened because he quickly added, “Nothing too painful, just something to make you try harder next time.”
The idea of punishment, whatever that would be, was pushed aside by his saying “next time.” That meant this would not be the only time for this! That almost made me laugh with delight.
“How much time shall we give you for your attempted escape?”
Some nasty part of my mind took over and I blurted out with, “All day.”
“Let’s be more practical about this. This time, I’ll give you one hour. I’ll leave you alone for that time. When I return, if you haven’t gotten all the ropes off your body, I will punish you.”
The way he smiled when he said, “punish you,” took a lot of the threat out of the words.
I don’t know why I answered that the way I did, but apparently he liked what I said. It was a simple, “Yes, sir.” Which, of course, gave him permission to leave me alone and, more importantly, to punish me. I was pretty sure I would not be able to get the ropes off, so what form that punishment would take was important. Images of medieval tortures flashed through my mind. But I didn’t have the feeling that he was the type to really hurt a girl. I hoped.
He picked up another piece of the rope and told me to turn onto my stomach. What he intended to do was obviously to me looking back, but then I was only a novice and when he tied the rope between my wrists and ankles, I was surprised. My legs folded and my feet approached my hands. Like I said, I’m flexible so it was easy for him to pull my feet right up to my hands. I spread my fingers and felt my ankles pressed against the palms of my hands. One minute later he was finished knotting the rope and I was in my first hogtie.
I had thought I felt helpless before, but lying there with my body folded up like a tightly wrapped Christmas package, was a whole another level.
“Have fun,” he told me. A moment later I heard the door close.