Sophia’s POV
“Bloody hell! It was you?” I snarl at Ivan, my voice laced with disbelief and anger.
A few times, I thought about the possibility of him being behind me getting kidnapped, but I waved it off. The man might have humiliated me in public and looked scary, but that doesn't mean he was a bad person. I had told myself, ‘Multi-billionaire Russian doesn't equate to Russian mafia’ like I'd seen in movies. And I had been so wrong about that.
For a while, he stared at me in silence. His expression was blank as usual. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable under his gaze, I felt a little bit too self-conscious.
I probably look miserable, in my dirty, rumpled, and smelly suit trousers and cream-beige camisole. Handcuffs binding my wrists. I had been using my suit jacket as a pillow for the past two weeks. Let's just say I look pretty pathetic.
Alright, let's be calm, I need to try a different approach. I am pretty sure lashing at him will take me nowhere.
“What do you want with me? Why am I here?” I asked calmly, or at least I tried to. I was still furious about my situation, it wasn't exactly easy trying to act like I was calm or not unnerved by this cat-and-mouse game. This was all kinds of messed up.
He just watches me, the same blank expression. This was beginning to test my patience. What was Ivan Kozlov playing at?
Fighting the urge to scream and curse at him, “Listen, I don't know the issue or business dealings you have with my father. I am honestly not part of it, I know nothing of it. Just let me go, okay?”
He walked closer to the narrow bed, lifting my chin. “What is Tom Smith up to? What was he trying to do by sending you to meet with me instead of him?”
I blinked up at him, puzzled, “I have no idea what you mean Mr. Kozlov, I-I don't understand.”
“Don't play dumb with me, do I look like a joke to you?” he tightened his grip on my chin, causing me to squirm in pain. “Why would Tom Smith send me his only child? No bodyguards, no prior information, and no safety precautions. It was a piece of cake kidnapping you.”
Letting out a small laugh, “I'm sorry, wha– is that disappointment I hear? Don't tell me you are disappointed by the fact that I was an easy target.”
He looked at me like I suddenly grew an extra head, “Do you think this is a joke? I don't want to believe you are as clueless as you're trying to portray.” His voice was laced with irritation.
Alright, trying to have an honest and mature conversation isn't working. This arsehole really thinks I'm up to no good, I need to use my head and think fast. Maybe I should try showing him that I'm vulnerable and harmless. If I could be convincing enough he would see that I really mean no harm, right?
“I have no ulterior motives, I don't know anything about your business with my father. Actually, I am cold and starving,” I say softly, giving him my best puppy dog eyes while I put on a little pout.
“You sent a proper meal to me for the first time in two weeks and I appreciate that. But it didn't do much to help and this room is so cold, especially at night, there's no blanket to keep me warm.”
No response.
“I am sure you don't want me to get ill or die here. I need to eat better, and get a better room, cause one of these days I might die from starvation or cold.”
He only looked bored and unbothered by what I was saying and not at all affected. “You’re not dead yet, that's all that matters, I don't need you to be comfortable or healthy to carry out what I want with you. The weaker you are, the less of a hassle you will be.”
“Please,” I dropped my gaze from his. I'm not giving up, he has to give in somehow.
It stretched for an excessive amount of time. Alright, Ivan fucking Kozlov is as cruel and ruthless as he looks. Well, that shouldn't be surprising, he's a mafia boss after all underneath the facade of an “oil tycoon”.
Moving his hand from my chin, he gently placed it on my head and I went still. It felt weird, and I tried not to breathe. I don't know why I'm reacting this way but it was like an instinct.
Ivan wasn't one to be gentle, that I should know by now, so him gently placing his hand on my head, scares me a little.
Alright, maybe more than a little.
“You didn't answer my question,” he said, eerily calm.
“I-I already told you e-everything, I d-don't know what else I should tell you or what you expect me to say,” I could feel myself shaking with fear and something else…
“I really don’t know anything about my father's business dealings with you. He tells me nothing. He had no idea I was coming to meet you. I came on my own accord.”
He took my hair in his fist and grabbed it really hard using it to yank my head up, I thought my neck was going to break. It hurt really bad, the searing pain bringing tears to my eyes.
A cold metal object pressed against my neck, it stung a little bit. Fuck, he has a dagger pressed closely on my neck.
“Please,” I said tearfully, my bottom lips trembling. “Please, you're hurting me, I'll tell you everything, please.”
His grip tightened, boring his eyes into me.
“Please, I promise.” I have no idea what I was going to tell, cause all I've done was tell him the truth, yet…
His eyes flicked to my lips.
“Start talking. Now,” he said coldly, still holding my hair painfully, while pressing the dagger to my neck. I am sure it would leave a mark.
My eyes locked with his, and my stomach tied in knots. Ivan truly was majestic, he is so ruggedly handsome, anyone could see that. He really is like a Greek god, very fit, his shoulders wide and strong underneath the white button-down shirt, which was unbuttoned at the first three buttons. Exposing his impressive tattooed pecs.
Whoa. Get a grip girl, this guy can actually kill you right now. He may be attractive, but he's dangerous. And we don't do dangerous, ever.
“Mr Kozlov, I've been telling you the truth,” I said softly, hoping he'd see my sincerity. “I was in Moscow for a business event when your email came in, I was supposed to forward your email to my father but I found your email intriguing.”
I swallowed thickly. “I was the one who replied to your email, my dad never got your email. He surely doesn't know I met with you. I did this to prove myself to my father, I wanted him to know I was capable enough to be involved in the business empire.”
Ivan scoffed.
“See? Even you don't take me seriously, what makes you think my dad takes me seriously?”
Okay, he definitely looked like he believed me. Just a little bit though.
His grip on my hair loosened, but the dagger was still on my neck. “You mean to tell me that you're here because you are a stupid and reckless child?”
This bloody bastard. How rude! I'm not a child. I don't tell him that though. Now is not the time.
“Can you please tell me why you kidnapped me? What is my purpose here?”
“What makes you think I'll tell you?” He asked.
“Okay, but can you please change my room? And I'm really hungry,”
He just stared at me.
“Please,” I said quietly.
Still staring at me, his expression inscrutable, removing the dagger he had against my neck. He turned around and left.
I sagged back, disappointment nearly crushing me.
Then, I heard his cold voice, muffled by the door but clear enough.
“Otvedite yeye v moyu sosednyuyu komnatu i skazhite Mile, chtoby ona prigotovila yey prilichnuyu yedu.” [Take her to my adjoined room, and tell Mila to get her a decent meal]